I call this thread🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨From a forum titled 'Sex with vaccinated women' in which #freedumb antivaxxers convince me to stop using #ThisIsWhyIDrink & start using #ThisIsWhyImSingle by saying even more outlandish sh!t than usual #RamRanchResisitance HONK IF YOU'RE HORNY
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨The conversation has taken an unlikely turn to discuss 'values.' One #freedumb antivaxxer notes he wishes he was born in the 40s, when ya know, he would have trusted vaccines more.... #RamRanchResisitance HONK IF YOU'RE HORNY #FluTruxKlan
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨A woman (allegedly) has joined the conversation! But it didn't take long for a dipsh!t #freedumb homophobe to say some vile shit... Also, if you don't like it don't do it, but don't harp on BDSM culture.
AND THEN someone quotes Socrates🤣 #RamRanchResisitance
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨 Tell me you can't get laid without telling me you can't get laid...
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨Scientist #1 says condoms work(d!ick masks?) but abstinence is best (Stay home, say safe?) & finishes with biowarfare-why he's not getting laid. Scientist #2 equates vaxxed to AIDS patients?! Scientist #3 explains ovaries & balls for layman.. #RamRanchResisitance
But I love the dude underneath who doesn't even question this crazy sh!t & just corrects the spelling!
I may never have sex again...cause I'm afraid of catching stupidity...
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨 Scientist #1 appears to be very confused about vaccines & HIV & science & logic & health & the reason why a woman won't sleep with him.
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨HONKIE DATING TIPS: Try not to sound like a weirdo for only dating unvaxxed, date women under 70, attend law-breaking churches, work harder.
PRO TIP: Rebel news posted a dating site for 'purebloods.'
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨This is seriously sick. Even more sick is these folks will try to convince you THEY are the normal ones. Nothing normal about violence against women (violence period)... nothing hilarious about it either.
🚨HORNY HONKIES🚨I'm so confused how these #freedumb folks can draw an offensive parallel between mandates & the holocaust, but ignore the blatantly obvious conceptual similarities of facemasks & condoms.
freecanada .win is a Canadian forum styled like 4/8chan. The content posted is similar alt-right extremist rhetoric. Posted by Canadians. Registered (host: XenForo) in 2019, the vile platform used by many #Freedumbconvoy supporters/participants is relatively unknown #OttawaConvoy
I've shared posts by freecanada .win users-#HornyHonkies threads- showcasing the misogynistic, sexist & patriarchal ideologies held by these #freedomfakers. I'm always disgusted by what I read, but right now (Pride Month, Indigenous Month, Roe v Wade, Canada Day) it's nuts
#OttawaConvoy & #freedomfaker posts regarding #Indigenous peoples make me sick. The snippets are particularly offensive. Being patriotic doesn't mean ignoring your nation's history-good or bad. Based on what I've witnessed, a vast majority of this 'movement' are bigots #FreeDumb
Back by popular demand (I don't actually know if that's true)🚨HORNY HONKIES 2🚨This thread dates back to before they came honking to Ottawa-#HornyHonkies: The first Honk.
It began with a question- only looking for anecdotal evidence from the 'boys': #RamRanchResistance#Freedumb
🚨HORNY HONKIES 2🚨First 'boy' to weigh in suggests waiting a few years. Something tells me that won't be a problem...
Also, find women who are 'woken up.' That's a relief!! This group doesn't strike me as the type to pursue women who are awake. #RamRanchResistance#HornyHonkies
🚨HORNY HONKIES 2🚨Our OP Honkie doubts he has many years left on this Earth-then why so picky? Take a risk-ask out a vaxxed woman & get rejected! YOLO!