Putin never respects ceasefires, and why should he in Ukraine? The only forces capable of stopping him have already told him that they will not intervene. NATO, US, and NATO nations love to preemptively take things off the table. Putin thanks them.
Normal instinct is to offer concessions and promises to reassure your enemy and avoid escalation. But a dictator like Putin reads it the opposite, that you are too weak to stop him or you would, and therefore he can escalate. This has been the pattern for years.
Putin was always terrified of NATO, and has worked to undermine it and cause divisions. But the longer his slaughter in Ukraine goes on, and NATO nations stand by and watch, the more Putin believes it is a paper tiger and the more dangerous he becomes.
Without clear skies, there can be no guaranteeing corridors to evacuate refugees from Putin's bombardment of civilians, no food or medicine airlifts to encircled populations of millions of Ukrainians soon or already lacking water and electricity.
Putin has been pumping poison into their heads for 20 years, every channel & outlet. For perspective, it took Trump, Facebook, and one cable news station a few months to turn a third of Americans against democracy.
The longer it goes on, the harder it is to get out. It's like being in a cult. The moment you admit you are being lied to, you have to accept that you've been lied to, and lying, and gone along with it for a very long time. Your mind and ego resist.
It was over 10 years ago when we estimated it would take around 6 weeks of unregulated media in Russia to get rid of Putin. It would take longer now, real deprogramming. Showing people the truth isn't enough if they simply won't believe their own eyes.
My Ukraine thread tonight is a little different, because I want to ask some pointed questions about the slow US response and actions that are so far much weaker than the Biden White House's bold promises. Several elements don't add up & the truth is required. 1/8
RU foreign minister Lavrov says Russia is still at the table with the US to revive Obama's Iran deal. Regardless of your opinion of the deal, Russia shouldn't be anywhere near a table with the US or anyone else. Isolation means isolation. wsj.com/articles/iran-… 2/8
Maintaining contacts like this tells Putin that there is a way out, that he has leverage & authority. Of course Russia wants to connect the Iran deal to lifting sanctions levied for Putin's invasion of Ukraine. This shows they are working and that more are needed. 3/8
We are witnessing, literally watching live, Putin commit genocide on an industrial scale in Ukraine while the most powerful military alliance in history stands aside. It's impossible not to be emotional, but let us also be rational and focus our rage on the facts. 1/13
Putin once again told Macron to go to hell, no surprise. NATO/EU has already told Putin they won't touch his forces, so why should he listen? Russia is lifting target limitations and the death toll is rising every hour and lack of water & electricity is critical. 2/13
No treaty forbids NATO nations from fighting to defend in Ukraine. It's a choice based on the risk of Putin going nuclear, many say. That arming Ukrainians is an acceptable risk of WWIII & the citizenship of the pilot or soldier changes Putin's nuclear calculus, or NATO's. 3/13
Putin's war on Ukraine has entered its next phase, one of destruction and slaughter of civilians. It is also a part of Putin's World War, a war on the civilized world of international law, democracy, and any threat to his power, which he declared long ago. 1/13
The free world's denial of this war and decades of appeasement allowed Putin to threaten and conquer abroad while turning Russia into a police state. The price to stop him has gone up every time he has advanced unchallenged. Ukrainians are paying that price in blood. 2/13
If Putin is not stopped now, not prevented from destroying Ukraine and committing genocide against its people, there will be a next time and it will be in NATO, with an unprecedented nuclear threat. Do not let Putin escalate again in a time and place of his choosing. 3/13
Glad Biden started w Ukraine and his words were fine, if brief considering the stakes. It’s his actions that have lagged, both in targeting the oligarchs and supporting Ukraine. Ukraine doesn’t have time and Putin is escalating by the hour.
My worry is that Putin doesn’t believe Biden. After a summit and a couple of calls, Putin clearly doesn’t think Biden is a serious threat. He thought the same about Europe, and is being proved wrong. I hope Biden does it too, but it remains to be seen.
Putin declared war on the US and the world order it represents long ago. Ukraine is the military target of that war now, but election interference, hacking, disinformation, etc are still warfare. US sacrifice & commitment are necessary and Biden should communicate that.
This plea coincides with Russian escalation against civilians in Ukraine. Putin already started the war and he will keep escalating until he is stopped. "Close the sky" & ensure Russian commanders know their lives are at stake for following Putin's orders.
Biden and Europe must do more. Russia must be completely cut off. Diplomatically, economically. From ordinary Russians to the military to the intelligence services to the oligarchs and their corrupt connections, they must all see Putin as toxic to their interests.
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences … We cannot avoid this period; we are in it now." Churchill, Nov 12 1936