Russian Army columns North of Kyiv decaying into immobile blobs due to the mud season, poorly maintained Chinese truck tires and shear “follow the plan” Russian incompetence.
2/ all the columns’ heads are now out of fuel and battery power and they can’t move north, south or sideways... everything behind them is stuck because of the mud, and rapidly running out of fuel and vehicle battery charge too (assuming they haven’t already).
3/ Nor can any of those columns defend themselves, because they’re too densely packed. They’re just targets waiting for the Ukrainians to destroy them.
Only the Ukrainians had something better to do.
4/ Ukrainians opened the floodgates of reservoirs around those columns to flood them and turn the surrounding areas into impassable quagmires ~until July or August.
Several 1000s Russian vehicles will be irrecoverable losses. 100s of Russian soldiers might have drowned.
5/ This was not just a debacle, but an EPIC one.
About 1/5th (!!!!!!!!!!) of the Russian force in Ukraine is now flooded or trapped, and are definitely out of the war for good.
6/ To start with, the russians' logistics are just hosed. The Ukrainians destroyed or still have possession of (in their cities) all the railheads, save for Kherson and Berdyansk, since the first day of the war.
So Russian rail logistics are not possible into Ukraine.
7/ The Ukrainians have been slamming every fuel truck they can find with every method available to them, which is big trouble for the Russians as they:
- didn’t have many of those to begin with,
- brought only the ammunition & food for a three-day (!!!) operation.
8/ Russians ditched their original 3-day “special operation” plan and shifted to “set-piece” battles requiring significant preparation, bcs of poorly trained troops.
But they lack the force density to defend their rears, esp. the bridges over Ukraine’s many rivers & streams.
9/ Russian inability to suppress Ukrainian’s integrated Air Defense stems from pathetically poor planning of missile launches,
which MOSTLY EXPENDED pre-war inventory of
- Iskander & Kaliber launched cruise missiles
- 500km ranged Iskander ballistic missiles
for limited results
10/ It is also due to the (unknowable before combat) collapse of Russian emitter locating systems for hunting SAMs (surface-to-air missiles), intensely used by Soviets, and Support Jamming capability, also heavily used by Soviets.
11/ The 10th day of combat showed vast under-performance of radar threat warning receivers, defensive jammers & infrared missile warning systems on latest russian jets.
These deficiencies were visible before (since 2015) but their severity was difficult to assess before combat.
12/ This doesn’t stop Russian set-piece attacks, but it increases preparation time and upsets their timing so the set-piece attacks cannot be coordinated for mutual support. Each will be a one-off.
I.e., the Russian advance has been slowed down in a major way.
13/ This buys the Ukrainians time to do other things to defeat the Russians.
The most important thing the Ukrainians need is time.
They have to take it from the Russians with ground operations & airstrikes.
14/ For various reasons, I have the impression that Russians are now operating on a 3-day decision-reaction cycle.
If a major attack being planned is suddenly down to ONE KEY BRIDGE connecting its assembly area to supply bases in Russia.
15/ It takes 3 (!!!) days for Russians to send a ground combat battalion to defend that bridge.
That is more than enough time for Ukrainians to destroy the bridge.
Ukrainians are clearly operating inside the Russians’ Observe, Orient, Decide, Act [aka OODA loop].
16/ The Russians simply NO LONGER HAVE AIR SUPERIORITY they needed to stop Ukrainians mobile forces from counter attacking in the 1st three days of war.
There seem to be no rear area security forces behind lead Russian columns anywhere save close to Crimea in the south.
17/ But even there the lead Russian columns heading for Odessa just got annihilated in a kettle battle.
Mykolayiv was reported cleared of remaining Russian troops, with a large haul of captured Russian equipment trophied at Kubalkino AB near the city.
18/ Elsewhere in the Ru occupied Kherson & Berdyansk, we saw major public protests w/ flags & Ukrainian anthem being sung, ruining Ru planned propaganda spectacles.
The sieges of Mariupol & Volnovakha continue & Russians violating agreed ceasefires by moving ammo in ambulances.
19/ The 2nd Ru strategic echelon & Belarusians cannot come from the N & Russia doesn’t have either rails or truck park in the W or S to sustain anything trying to reach the out-of-supply forward columns bcd Ukraine owns the skies W of Dnipro.
20/ Ukrainian logistics have superior mobility during the Mud Season bcs their tires will not disintegrate in mud.
Vehicles are combat power in mechanized war.
There are safe rear areas for the Ukrainians in Ukraine while there none for Russians.
21/ Ukrainians t only losing vehicles to combat/capture, operational losses r repaired & returned.
All Russian operational losses wind up either permanent OR CAPTURED UKRAINIAN MECHANIZED POWER.
UA is winning war of mechanized ground vehicle attrition w/ Ru inside Ukraine.
Still, we are in an attrition phase, the outcome is still in doubt, and Ru still has an much bigger army.
The Jewish people know all too well the threat of being eradicated. Today, Ukraine is Israel. Ukrainians are falling victim to Russia’s evil war just as the Jews fell victim to Nazis who wanted to eradicate all Jews. -- @AndriyYermak
"The Russians can destroy us and our country, but they cannot unmake Ukraine. They do understand it – and try to blackmail Ukraine, Europe and the world with the specter of nuclear disaster as they pound powerplants with shells and bombs." - @AndriyYermak
"During Arab-Israeli war of 1948, the world rallied to Israel’s side. Jewish Americans delivered aid, weapons & PLANES to their Israeli brethren. This helped Jewish people & Israeli state survive. We implore Jewish communities across the world to come to our aid" - @AndriyYermak
"To be able to invade a country the size of Urkaine, Putin needs western money.
And each year he receives some $250bn in revenues from energy sales. The higher the oil and gas prices, the higher the revenue" - @EuroBriefing
"We [Germany] should reflect a moment on its own role in this war. We increased our reliance on Russian energy after Crimea annex.
At no point did we ever solve the problem of our energy dependence.
It is our continued flow of money that has paved the way for Putin’s war."
"the EU should consider an import ban of Russian energy, Germany would have to accept to shoulder that burden.
for as long as Germany imports Russian gas, oil & coal, it remains true that the most strategic alliance on the Eurasian continent is that between Germany and Russia."
So, we have disproportionately inadequate Western response to the putin's build-up around Ukraine, namely: - NO fighter jets and/or Patriot systems on the ground,
- YES panic and hysteria, Embassies evacuated etc.
Such a response plays right at putin's hand.
yes, this looks like this.
and this is not helping at all.
Now Western companies are stoping air connection to Ukraine. It is no less than a de-facto sanctioning the victim of potential aggression BY the Western commercial players.
Feels like the West already introduced sanctions against Ukraine.
let me be clear: anything short of "things which can effectively deter putin" = not enough to prevent big war.
"things which can effectively deter putin" are 1. fighter jets & 2. air defence.
articles in the press and White House warnings are fine art, nothing more.
if the White House is serious about defending Ukraine they must give us those two things. and ASAP.
we should have been given those long time ago, but the West was busy creating Ukraine image of the most corrupt country in the world
let's hope there is still time...
bcs if there is no time, Ukrainians' blood will be on the West's hands too. @WaschukCanUA explained in plain English why. Because of these mistakes and because of reluctance to fix those mistakes:…
#Khrzhanovsky's record of approaching the totalitarian past by re-creating it in the most visceral manner raises a disturbing question.
Is vividly bringing the aesthetics of #Nazi terror on the very ground where it had taken place an appropriate way to honor victims?
Karel Berkhoff — the Western world’s foremost expert on #BabynYar and the memorial’s former lead historian —resigned, he compared the project to a Shoah theme park.
Over several months Mr. Berkhoff was joined by a majority of the staff, a paralyzing turnover...
Тут буде невеличка гілка з декількома думками з приводу цього інтерв'ю Мінгареллі для ЄП.
Перш за все, я щасливий, що очільник Представництва ЄС в Украіні нарешті звернув увагу на те, про що я говорю уже довго — і не просто звернув, а навіть вголос про це заговорив.
Я більше року тому почав говорити, що довга і важка боротьба, яка, з подачі кислотно-налаштованих на роздмухування зради пасажирів, НЕ ВИГЛЯДАЄ виграшною, — здатна загострити в украінців комплекс вивченоі безпорадності.
І в результаті, украінці
— або заб'ються в куточок і нічого не будуть робити, терпеливо переносячи удари долі "бо ми ж ні на що не здатні, бачте он навіть тисячі людських жертв нічого не змінили в цій краіні, то ліпше не висовуватися і сидіти тихо, АБИ НЕ ГІРШЕ".