Rob Roberts: Email only
Sarah Atherton: Email only
Simon Baynes: @baynes_simon
Simon Hart: @Simonhartmp
Stephen Crabb: Email only
Virginia Crosbie: Email only
The fee for a child registering as a British citizen currently stands at £1012 and the home office confirms that the cost of registration to be
only £372.
2/6 The remaining £640 is therefore money made above the delivery of the service. Therefore, this level of fees do not reflect the cost of registration. And subsequently, under this government’s watch,
3/6 people have been prevented from accessing the immigration system leading to exclusion and isolation for children who are denied citizenship due to these barriers in their way. Citizenship should be about cost,
‘It creates an arbitrary two-tier citizenship system that any civilised society should be ashamed of!
It demonises & criminalises Refugees and infringes their rights under the Refugee Convention.
Migration is a human right & no human is illegal.
It targets British people with Black and brown skin, British people from minority ethnic groups, and makes them vulnerable to losing their entire material lives.
But It doesn’t threaten white British citizens this way.
Some of the @LetsStopC9 team attended the very important #protest to bring the attention of the House of Lords to the racist #NABB. Many powerful speeches were shared and we have been inspired!
We will continue to raise awareness around the #NationalityAndBordersBill and encourage people to challenge it, and will uplift the voices of other organisations working to fight it