Join me as I share 12 years of experience of building friendships (and losing some!) through groups with other autistic people, both online and in person.
You will learn about different types of friendship groups and get tips for making them work well.
You'll also learn some of the things that could go wrong and how to minimise misery if things don't work out between you and others.
Autistic friendship groups work best if we obliterate certain allistic conventions for events.
Learn how to optimally autify online and offline get-togethers.
Feel free to come with questions, and if I have experience with the topic, I will share it.
Including non-autistic people: Yes? No? And if so, what are helpful rules?
How do we include autistic children?
What if I don't get along with someone in the group?
Can I exclude people I don't like?
What's the easiest, most stress-free type of group?
What if I heroically start a group and within the first day I realise I can't cope at all? Or nobody comes to a thing I organise? Or people complain? Aaaargh, will I ever have friends? 😭
I don't wanna go out, but I want friends. Even if it's not in person, I am afraid that friends will exhaust me. With all these complicated considerations, how do I avoid getting defeated before I even start?
(These are some of the questions you may have.)
Advance tip:
DO NOT allow any non-autistic social skills coach or psychologist or anything of the sort to join your friendship group or provide relationship guidance, or to come and 'observe'.
Don't even let an actual autistic psychologist be the group's psychologist.
What if you're a non-autistic parent and you want to get something going that can include your autistic child?
(We've done this! Our joint events group has worked fine in spite of the occasional meltdown.)
I think I have to come back AND EMPHASISE IT AGAIN in the light of cringeworthy things I've seen at a distance in the entertainment media:
Autistic friendship groups are not group therapy! They don't exist for working through a social skills curriculum!
Many people who have responded to this thread had symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome since childhood.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is thought of as a rare disease, but it's not really that rare. It's just rarely diagnosed, and you can see why: they think you're faking or imagining.
There is an actual Coalition Against Paediatric Pain.
Your child may have chronic pain and not tell you because they thought everyone feels like that, and they just have to push through.
Your child may have chronic fatigue and they told you they were tired several times when you had things for them to do, but you said, "You can't be tired already, the day has just started."
Your child may know they are different from other children and constantly be trying to figure out why instructions that work for others don't work for them, but you chose to hide their diagnosis from them instead of equipping them with understanding.
A year or so ago a person diagnosed with BPD told me what it was like, and I was shocked and filled with compassion at the immensity of the experience.
Then, months later, having forgotten about that a bit, I heard someone with temporal lobe epilepsy describe it and I was similarly shocked.
If you can't understand how being 26 years old and spending 25 years deprived of communication whilst treated as someone who is intellectually disabled and unmotivated is torturous, then maybe you need to learn a bit more about empathy first.
This treatment is NOT suitable for someone who is intellectually disabled, nor is it suitable for a nonspeaker who isn't.
As we move to #BanABA, it's becoming clear that we need to educate ourselves and each other about what ABA actually is and what practitioners believe, otherwise people (even autistic people) may be confused about why it's abusive.
This morning one of my autistic friends told me that he attends an autism centre where people are very nice to him, and where they do PBS (a form of ABA) on the nonspeaking residents. They don't do PBS on him, he says.
How can they be abusing anyone if they're such nice people, he asks?
Religious history provides a number of useful metaphors for what I want to say. These metaphors do not require you to accept the religion, they're more like hooks or mnemonic aids, so I'll be using them outside of their original context.
"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins."