Russia has deployed almost all of its combat power that had been staged on the border with Ukraine, the @DeptofDefense said on Monday, as the war approaches its third week.
A senior US defence official told reporters that "[Russian President Vladimir] Putin has committed nearly 100 per cent of his combat power in Ukraine".
The US has been tracking the deployment of Russian troops to the border since December and estimated a force of more than 150,000 had been stationed to the east of Ukraine and about 30,000 had been sent to Belarus.
But despite a high number of casualties reported on the Russian side, the US is not seeing indications Mr Putin will send in additional troops.
“We have not seen new indications that they [Russians] are preparing to move additional battalion tactical groups from elsewhere the country to shore up what they put in the Ukraine,” the official said.
The Pentagon estimates Russia has launched more than 625 missiles of different ranges inside Ukraine, including surface-to-air and cruise missiles.
The official noted an increase in the bombardment of civilian targets, including infrastructure and residential areas in the country.
He said this is “all the more evidence of the reckless nature” of Russia's aggression, but did not confirm whether the strikes were believed to be deliberate or “simply the result of imprecision".
Despite the heavier bombardment, the movement of Russian forces appears to have stalled outside the Ukrainian capital.
“There is fighting in Kyiv, they continue to bombard it. But we still believe that the main advance is still stalled outside the city,” the official said. He pointed to stiff resistance by the Ukrainians, reiterating that the country's airspace remains contested.
Asked about a Wall Street Journal report claiming Russia is recruiting fighters from Syria to help in Ukraine, the US defence official said it’s “accurate”.
“We find that noteworthy that [Mr Putin] believes he needs to rely on foreign fighters to supplement what is a very significant commitment of combat power inside Ukraine as it is.”
The US official said US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin has authorised sending 500 additional troops to Europe to support Nato operations.
The US is also dispatching a KC-135 refuelling aircraft to Greece and air operations support teams to Poland and Romania.
Glöm inte bort att en rysk nationalsport är ”#maskirovka”, en maskerad, något som drar till sig uppmärksamhet men som inte huvudmålet.
Det ryska anfallskriget mot Ukraina har beskrivits som ett misslyckande. Det pekas på långa fordonskolonner som står stilla, nedskjutna ryska stridsflygplan och ”eliminering” av ryska generaler.
Men det finns inga skäl att andas ut som @OAJonsson påpekat flera gånger.
1. Rysk krigskonst har påtagliga österländska inslag. Sun Zu:s ande svävar över officershögskolorna. Beakta särskilt strategemet: ”När du är stark, framstå som svag”. Vi applicerar vår rationalitet på det vi ser och drar slutsatser. Det kan vara precis tvärtom.
Cold Response 2022 (CR 22) is a Norwegian military exercise, in which Norway has invited
NATO allies and partner nations to participate. The most visible part of exercise CR 22 will
take place between 10 March and 10 April 2022.
As of today, a total of 28 nations and 35,000 soldiers are signed up for Cold Response. These numbers are likely to change as we get closer to the exercise.
The 35,000 participants consist of:
• 14,000 land forces
• 13,000 naval forces
• 8,000 air forces and staff
As Russia has deployed the new 3M22 Tsirkon anti-ship hypersonic missile in the Barents Sea, NATO has decided to send two of its most potent naval weapons to the Norwegian-led Exercise Cold Response, the aircraft carriers "HMS Prince of Wales" and the "USS Harry S Truman".
Låt oss börja med begreppsförvirringen. RK, Försvarsberedningen och de flesta av myndigheterna talar om ”försörjningsberedskap”. Ingen vet riktigt vad som avses. Ordet är å ena sidan självförklarande å andra sidan missvisande.
Försörjning handlar över lag om att se till att varor och energi utvinns, förädlas och transporteras till konsumenter. Ordet beredskap antyder att det även skall fungera i kris och krig.
Ryska påsken i mars 2013 var att betrakta som ”strategisk kommunikation”, alltså en aktivitet som i sig inte skulle genomföras utan i stället syftade till att sända ett budskap.…
Ryssland har ett större geostrategiskt motiv nämligen att få upp oljepriset och att öka försäljningen av olja till Kina. Även Iran säljer olja till Kina och önskar få upp priset och öka sin andel gentemot Saudi.