People think Germany's a climate leader but it produces 6x more emissions per unit of electricity than France
People say nuclear is too expensive but nuclear-heavy France spends 59% as much for electricity as Germany, which will have spent $580B on renewables by 2025
There is a high up-front cost to building new nuclear plants, and when workers don't have experience building them, they are more expensive.
But costs come down significantly over time as workers gain experience building them
And what's the cost of Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Nuclear keeps nations safe.
It provides highly reliable zero-pollution power, and has thus saved 2M lives to date.
And nuclear allows nations to stockpile fuel on-site, liberating them having to depend on foreign nations for their survival, as Europe today must on Russia.
In truth, over-dependence by Europe on Russian energy exports threatens all of us
High energy's prices could trigger a global recession, which is why politicians are reluctant to stop buying Russian oil
Biden could limit oil exports — but it would strengthen Putin's hand more
I had an otherwise taciturn South Korean nuclear engineer practically shout at me over hot soup in a restaurant, "Before nuclear power, we were slaves!"
Good Europeans forgot what it was like to be serfs and slaves & thus the renewables-God/nuclear-Devil colonized their brains
Putin's feet were on the ground while Europe's head was in the clouds
There are people out there talking about how more renewables could have prevented Putin's invasion. That's ridiculous. Only more nuclear and natural gas could have.
The West needs to pull its head out of its ass or the green Rousseauians are going to get us all killed
P.S. $580B is from Bloomberg but old. If people have a newer better estimate please reply to this tweet and I'll correct
People think, "But we used to not have smart phones, Uber, or Instagram, so therefore solar, EVs, and batteries will replace the grid!"
No, no, no. That's idiotic, 50 year-old propaganda
Just look at how slowly wind and solar have scaled compared to less capital-intensive techs
People say nuclear is expensive and renewables are cheap, but nuclear-heavy, renewables-light France spends 59% per unit of electricity as anti-nuclear, renewables-heavy Germany
France has a low-cost & low-carbon system that is low in renewables & high in nuclear
Germany has a high-cost & high-carbon system that is high in renewables & low in nuclear
The cost of managing nuclear waste is built into the cost of electricity provided by nuclear plants
The cost of managing the waste from solar panels and wind turbines is externalized onto taxpayers
The reason my tweets showing the raw data and basic facts on nuclear and renewables go viral is because 90% of journalists are naked propagandists for renewables and haters of nuclear
Just look at the misinformation regarding Ukraine's nuclear
There is an environmental backlash underway worldwide against the ecological impacts of industrial wind turbines & solar projects, but few are covering it.
This excellent overview of the resistance movement by @pwrhungry@Quillette is a rare exception
The same people who hyped Russiagate ignored warnings by the head of NATO & Hillary Clinton that Russia was financing activists to block nat gas production
The result was Putin's stranglehold over Europe's energy supplies, more coal-burning, & the worst energy crisis in 50 years
Not everybody ignored the warnings.
Investigative journalist @lhfang@theintercept wrote about Hillary Clinton's claim of “phony environmental groups” that are “funded by the Russians to stand against” fracking back in 2016
One of the biggest promotors of the Russiagate conspiracy theory was @maddow, who appears to have entirely ignored the 2014 warnings by the head of NATO and Clinton, even though her 2019 book, "Blowout," covered Russia, fracking, and Clinton, at length
People are claiming a nuclear reactor in Ukraine is on fire, that radiation levels around the plant are elevated, and that it could be worse than Chernobyl, BUT NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE & SHOULD BE CONSIDERED MISINFO
Calif. Gov. @gavinnewsom says he’s proposing a new system to help with mentally ill homeless people, but he’s not: all he’s proposing to do is throw more money at the same broken system
If he gets his way, Gavin will make the problem worse — as he has done for over 20 years
Over the last year, my colleagues & I have made the case for a new, statewide system, Cal-Psych, to take over psych/addiction care from the counties
Newsom is co-opting the language of Cal-Psych but rejecting the state takeover of care from the counties
People think Europe depends on Russia for energy because it lacks its own, but 15 years ago Europe exported more natural gas than Russia does today. Now, Russia exports 3x more gas than Europe produces. Why? Because climate activists, partly funded by Russia, blocked fracking.
In 2014, NATO's secretary general revealed Russia was funding climate activists, saying, “Russia... engaged actively with so-called nongovernmental organizations working against shale gas to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas"
President Biden tonight claimed his legislation would lower energy costs by subsidizing renewables, but that’s obviously wrong: renewables make electricity expensive everywhere
Worse, Biden is proposing to double down on the same policies that empowered Putin to invade Ukraine
Renewables make electricity expensive bc they are inherently unreliable & require 100% back-up power
Renewables made California electricity prices rise 7x more than the rest of the US
And renewables made Germany’s electricity the most expensive, and Russia-dependent, in Europe
Biden said his legislation would “cut energy costs for families an ave. of $500/year by combating climate change” w/ “tax credits to weatherize your home & business to be energy-efficient. Double America's clean energy production in solar, wind… Lower price of electric vehicles”