1/ A Legacy Lost: The Biden Administration is fumbling its biggest opportunity into its biggest liability. On afternoon cable news, Sec. @ENERGY@JenGranholm said we have to rapidly EXPAND oil and gas production to increase supply as we turn off the taps to Putin.
2/ To imbed new fossil infrastructure in 2022 is totally backasswards. Where is the vision? To aid Europe start by implementing @billmckibben#HeatPumps4Peace. To keep drivers’ heads from popping off here at home, give everyone a few gas coupons alongside a significant EV subsidy
3/ There are more creative ways to go about this than to let the geopolitical crisis of the decade become the runway to End Times.
What an agonizingly backwards + disastrous foreign policy proposal from the cool pol I met at the airport in the 90s: @JohnKerry & I bonded over snowarding + the need for urgent #ClimateAction. A QUARTER OF A CENTURY LATER, he’s peddling the “gas as transition” narrative 🧵
This is the same lie pushed by @exxonmobil@Chevron@bp_plc et al. to justify their continued existence during a #ClimateCrisis that demands immediate transition away from ALL fossil fuels. Building a vast and dirty fossil fuel system to power emerging economies is sheer madness.
Emerging economies in Africa + Asia are already the most sensitive to climate impacts. Is this another example of brutal colonialism whose aim is to subjugate and crush? Or simply base greed by the fossil majors who stand to gain billions? A new (but old) Corporate Colonialism?