British instructors train Ukrainian military to operate NLAW tank killers (Jan 25th 2022)

"The studies began on Jan. 25 at the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ 184th Training Center in Lviv Oblast, under guidance of British personnel, part of Operation ORBITAL"… ImageImage
2015- 2021: JMTG-U in Yavoriv:

“The training here improves the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s capability, readiness & lethality”

“Together, this training group is helping to forge a new kind of NATO-compatible professional fighting force in Ukraine,”…
Early Days (2015)

"US has taken over costs of joint operations
It is important for them that soldiers who fought in Eastern Ukraine participate in the exercises
80 % of the soldiers now here at Yavoriv have served on the front lines in Donetsk & Luhansk"… ImageImageImage
Centuria-Azov -Lyiv Presence

Far-Right Group Made Its Home in Ukraine’s Major Western Military Training Hub (September 21, 2021)…

PDF (93 Pages of Photographic Evidence)…
2021 - Yavoriv Training

"Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine, visited Yavoriv training fields, the Centre for Simulation of Combat Operations, and talked to servicemen of the partner countries.. in particular, foreign military instructors"… ImageImage
2020 Article

Since 2014, the US has provided Ukraine with 1.6 billion $ worth of military aid, or 33% of Ukraine’s military budget this year.

Yavoriv exercise range near Lviv where U.S. instructors train Ukrainian soldiers was modernised using US funds… Image
April 3, 2012 Video

173rd Airborne Sky Soldiers jump into Ukraine

Staff Sgt. Travis Surber, paratrooper with 173rd Brigade Combat Team's Battle Company parachutes out of a C-130 Hercules Transport Aircraft into the Ukraine sky.

27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (2018)

Taking a ride on the wild side of a BTR-80 during an amphibious training event conducted by the 2-80th Air Assault Brigade (Ukrainian) overseen by mentors of the 27th IBCT…
Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine (JMTGU)

"Task Force Gator works with Armed Forces of Ukraine partners at the Combat Training Center - Yavoriv to develop and implement systems to improve combat training and increase training center capacity" ImageImage
Rapid Trident Videos & Images

1. US Advisors observe Ukrainian platoon attack…

2. Ukrainian soldiers conduct urban operations…

3. Task Force Illini Javelin training team… ImageImageImage
US, NATO,Ukraine enhance interoperability (2021)

Brig. Gen. Vladyslav Klochkov:

“This exercise is an important step toward Ukraine's European integration. It will improve the level of interoperability between Armed Forces of Ukraine, US & NATO partners”… Image
In Ukraine, the US Trains an Army in the West to Fight in the East (October 2017)

"For more than two years, some 300 American soldiers have been quietly helping train an enormous partner military in western Ukraine"… Image
LANDCOM-Ukraine Letter of Cooperation (2018)… ImageImage
Google Search Images (Last Year)

"yavoriv lviv military instructors" Image
100 + British troops are training Ukrainian forces

Most of them are located in the town of Yavorov

Team of SAS veterans joining Ukraine's bloody fight…

Among them are snipers, and anti-aircraft/anti-tank missiles experts…
Former MI6 Chief John Sawers warns

1. "Putin’s fiddling with nuclear levels means we must not to cross the line & engage Russia directly”

2. Danger of backing Putin into a corner

“We need to be incredibly careful, we must leave Putin a way out of this” Image
Putin's Trap or NATO's Trap?

In the video linked above, John Sawers talks of rat traps.

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi also talks of traps:

"Putin is trying to bait the trap so that we go in, and that's the beginning – could be the beginning of World War III"
"We are not going in," she said, according to NBC Los Angeles. "Putin is not going to provoke the world, NATO, and the rest of us into World War III."…
Update on Lviv Yavoriv Attack

35 people died and another 134 were injured in the shelling of the Yavoriv test site…
Scott Ritter, former US Navy intelligence officer. in a Bad Mood

"We trained Nazis"

"The first troops trained by US and British soldiers were the neo-Nazi Azov battalion"
The Azov Regiment is armed with grenade launchers from the United States - according to "BellingCat"…
Many "Volunteers" were at the Yavoriv base as well as NATO Instructors

Updates on the #Yavoriv attack are coming in, mainly about Portuguese, French and Brazilian mercenaries who died there



Thiago Rossi, ex soldier, one of some Brazilians who survived and left


He was lightly wounded and headed back on a bus to Poland

Maybe one of the Warsaw group who went, Italians and French

According to @FlightsSlow

"There were two attacks. One in Yavoriv training ground and one in the junction just outside taking out those that escaped the first"
Swedish & Norwegians

Swedish foreign warrior on Sunday's attack: -A burning hell

Foreign fighter Jesper Söder (31) tells VG that he evacuated at least one Norwegian after the bomb attack on a military base near the border with Poland on Sunday morning.…
Söder was ordered to gather everyone & evacuate by bus

"I gathered all Norwegians, Swedes, Danes & Finns. As many as I could.we received information that Russian troops would enter. That's why I said, 'We have an hour. Then they will strike again and completely destroy the base"
Interview with Soder (Swedish)…

and film of aftermath…
American mercenary group going by the name:

"Forward Observations Group -FOG-

Some may have been killed in the attack Image
One of the American mercenaries took a photo after the Russian cruise missile attack on the Yavoriv site in the Lviv region on the morning of 03/13/22.

The photo was published by the New York Times

Videos of Aftermath of Russian airstrike on Yavoriv military base in Ukraine



However much NATO training is given, however much military experience these mercenaries have, there is not much they can do if they are asleep in their barracks when cruise missiles start exploding.…
unroll Yavoriv attack @threadreaderapp

Images via @Reuters ImageImageImageImage
Updates #Yavoriv interview with alleged "boogaloo boi" talking about the strikes and dead British and US mercenaries

images via @dumbandawful ImageImageImageImage
3 or more British ex-special forces troops may have been killed in the Russian airstrike on Yavoriv.

"they died instantly in the cruise missile blasts which killed “many scores more” than has previously reported - possibly well over 100 dead"…
some background information from Pat Kesteron (LA?) who was at Yaroviv training centre previously

He posted the account and images on Instagram… ImageImageImageImage
2 more images from Patrick Kesterson

His linkedin profile confirms he was at Yavoriv in 2018… ImageImageImage
Mortars at Yavoriv CTC , June 16, 2017

"Ukrainian soldiers assigned to the 1st Airmobile Battalion, 79th Air Assault Brigade, adjust a mortar’s trajectory during a live-fire exercise at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center near Yavoriv"… Image
Operation Atlantic Resolve

US Army continues to build up Ukrainian forces, training center ( June 2017)

The objective of the reform is "to have all key functions of defense forces transitioned to NATO standards before 2020" according to the Ukraine MOD"… Image
US Soldiers deploy in support of Atlantic Resolve

(Nov. 16, 2017)

53rd Transportation Battalion (Movement Control)… ImageImage
Operation Atlantic Resolve Document now deleted from DoD website…

but available here:…

15 mentions of Ukraine in the Document Image
Clockwise from top left
173rd Airborne Brigade paratroopers arrive in Ukraine to train National Guard of Ukraine
Paratrooper briefs Ukrainian troops
Maj. Gen. William Gayler, center, deputy commander of U.S. Army Europe, briefed during live-fire exercise.… Image
US PsyOps at Yavoriv Training Centre

Major Stuart Gallagher

(Special Operations Forces Planner)

“Reversing Trends for U.S. Army Psychological Operations & Civil Affairs Forces Deploying to Joint Multinational Readiness Center" (and JMTG - Ukraine)… ImageImageImage
Videos and Images Image
Polish, UK, Ukraine Security Alliance (Jan 2022)…


UK had already provided to Ukraine — defensive weapons, training of 22,000 Ukrainian servicemen, and £88 mn of aid

The Ukraine "Foreign Legion" Volunteers

via Luka Ivan Jukic @lijukic

Mainly US, UK. Image
US paratroops train Ukrainian forces to take on Russian-backed militants

Ukrainian soldiers form up before ceremony marking beginning of joint U.S. & Ukrainian exercise Fearless Guardian in Yavoriv (April 2015)…

Note building behind 2 Ukrainian soldiers ImageImageImage
The building at Yaroviv that was bombed

(Man pointing is Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine with soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade)… ImageImage
UK NLAW Trainers (Jan 25, 2022) Image
Photo 7 days before the attack (March 13th 2022)

On March 6, #Zelensky 's councilor @Podolyak_M
took a selfie in the #Yavoriv training center with the foreign fighters behind him via @fratotolo2 Image
Heavy Losses (US Forward Observations Group)

via @LeGwened9 and @JacquesFrre2 Image
US Forward Observations Group (FOG) Image
Revealed – Austrians also fighting in the Ukraine war

The German retired soldier Peter:

"I was a member of the International Legion
There were around 800 to 1,000 foreign soldiers in my area
At least 100 soldiers were lying there & none of them got out"… ImageImageImageImage
Comment by Birgitsse

Console and PC games tricked the youth into thinking war was fun. That it is always clear who and where the enemy is and that you can always proceed tactically. You always have enough equipment and supplies.... Image
Russia had 'insiders' among foreign fighters on Ukraine base where 3 Brits feared killed

an 'insider' purporting to be a foreign recruit for Ukraine was working for Russian spy agencies before an airstrike killed scores more than previously reported… ImageImage
A Russian Map of alleged US and NATO military installations in Ukraine, most of which have now been occupied or destroyed by Russian Forces

More details:…

and… Image
I'm sorry but I don't believe the lies being propagated about the attack on Yaroviv, amplified by western media, covered up by NATO and the countries from which the volunteers were drwan to their deaths .… Image
One of the few accurate reports by @franks_chung

‘Unfair fight’: Foreign legion volunteers flee Ukraine after Russian missile strike on training base…
Russians hit my training base last night, through the eyes of US Army veteran, Hieu:

“Some were professional soldiers & still competent, Others are drunks, people with the most marginal military experience & people who really should not have come at all”… ImageImageImage
Adding the Rolling Stone Report h/t @murchiston

from MARCH 12, 2022…
The Ukraine-based CIA program operated for years, according to former officials

The last thing the CIA wanted was a direct confrontation with the Russians that could explode into a wider they say…
CIA "Tactical Specialists"

"Accompanying the more strategic-minded, veteran paramilitaries sent by the agency were tactical specialists, like snipers, who also worked for the CIA Special Activities Center" Image
Because of the sensitivities of the mission, the CIA sent mature, experienced operatives

“One miscalculation, one overzealous paramilitary guy & we’ve got ourselves a problem”..said the former official

CIA sniper stalked then killed his ex-girlfriend…
By 2015, as part of this anti-Russia effort, CIA Ground Branch paramilitaries travelled to the front in eastern Ukraine

"The US is training an insurgency,” said a former CIA official…
a former CIA official added that the program has taught the Ukrainians how “to kill Russians.”

“All that stuff that happened to us in Afghanistan,” said the former senior intelligence official, “they can expect to see that in spades with these guys.”… Image
Russia warned the US that it had the might to put the US in its place

Putin claimed the invasion of Ukraine was necessary because the US was using Ukraine to threaten Russia, who had to defend against the "genocide" of Russian-speaking people by Ukraine…
Clearly referring to Russia's new weapons systems…
For example, "Zircon"…


Russian experts say the missile has “no analogues” in the West. “In fact, its launch will be known only after the target has been hit.”…
2. Poseidon

Poseidon is a completely new category of weapon.

A weapon which cannot be nullified with anti-missile defenses. In future nuclear tensions, if we live through this one, it will be a strong factor.…

Discussed here:… Image
Poseidon (2)

Christopher Ford, International Security & Non-Proliferation former assistant secretary of state said:

"It can inundate U.S. coastal cities with radioactive tsunamis."

Russia's nuclear torpedo is not a 'paper tiger,' after all…
Poseidon (3)

Pentagon Confirms Russia Has a Submarine Nuke Delivery Drone (2016)

Reports from Russia indicate the bomb could be armed with a "salted bomb", or one that "salts the Earth" with the dangerous isotope Cobalt-60.… Image
Poseidon (4)

The release, thought to have been an embarrassing mistake, stated it would be ready by 2019, with tests to in 2019-2020. This "mistake" may have been intentional to fool foreign intelligence agencies into believing the program was not as far along as it really was. Image
Poseidon (5)

Britain unprepared for Russia's deadly new torpedoes, former Royal Navy head warns

"hyper-sonic missile capability, nuclear long-range torpedoes are not easily-counterable measures with any of the capabilities we have at the moment"…
Next in the list is Avangard (hypersonic glide vehicle)

On 27 December 2019, the first missile regiment armed with the Avangard HGV officially entered combat duty…
Next is "Petrel" 9M730 Burevestnik

"a "sub-sonic nuclear-powered cruise missile system which has global reach and would allow attack from unexpected directions"…

Putin vows to perfect mystery rocket after engine blast (2019)…
Detailed analysis of the new weapons systems:

1. Russia’s New Nuclear Weapon Delivery Systems…

2. Hypersonic Boost-Glide Weapons…

4. Russian New & Experimental Nuclear-Capable Missiles: A Short Primer… Image
Reaction of US & NATO:

5. Hypersonic Weapons: Background & Issues…

6. Hypersonic Missiles, a Technological Challenge for NATO…

7. Russia’s Exotic Nuclear Weapons and Implications for the US & NATO… Image
"Nuclear Doctrine"

8. Russia’s Nuclear Weapons:

Doctrine, Forces, and Modernization…

9. Understanding Hypersonic Weapons:
Managing the Allure and the Risks… Image
The Big Question:

Would Putin use nuclear weapons?

Some say not likely:… Image
Others disagree, including Fiona Hill, quite an expert on such issues, as can be seen from her bio:…

‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes… ImageImageImage
After Putin's warning, Russian TV lists nuclear targets in U.S.

“For now, we’re not threatening anyone, but if such a deployment takes place, our response will be instant,”… ImageImage
Finally. let's not forget "TEH INTERNET" ;)

Undersea Cables: How Russia Targets the West’s Soft Underbelly (2015)…

The threat to world’s communications backbone… ImageImageImageImage
The Threat and Vulnerabilities of Submarine Cables in Information Security and Telecommunication (2018)…

Could an Attack on Undersea Cables Take Down the Internet?…
How Russian Spy Submarines Can Interfere With Undersea Internet Cables (2020)

"The West’s dependency on undersea internet cables is a strategic vulnerability
Russia doesn’t rely on the cables as much and it has spy submarines designed to operate on them"…
A giant doom laden thread which evolved from the Yavoriv missile attack, US Military Training, Foreign "Volunteers", Secret CIA insurgency projects, Russia's Novel Weapons Systems, Undersea Cables, the end of Twitter and a Nuclear Winter... Image
Finishing on a cheerful note

unroll the nightmare scenario @threadreaderapp Image

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Jul 9

The final finishing touches have now been added

Heritage Foundation Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19


PDF version

With Credits to DRASTIC & @daoyu15 & @netpoette

h/t @gdemaneuf @JamieMetzl……

The Conclusion Image
More Credits where Credits are due, to:


Read 12 tweets
Jul 5
Are you interested in Traub's life & experiments?

1. He had a long, rich history & expertise in creating stealth biological weapons that evade tests, confuse diagnosis, & torment the afflicted with slow, chronic diseases, neurological problems & cancers…
2. Biological Agents

"He specialized in developing incapacitating biological agents and mastered the art of this new class of germ weapons that were nearly incurable and caused devious effects on the afflicted"…
3. Immune Tolerance

"Stealth biological weapons that attack the core of your being, that do not show up in diagnostic tests nor show any abnormal blood work that doctors use to diagnose, & without the level of inflammation that doctors can see in scans"…
Read 20 tweets
Jun 18

Welcome to our new "uncensored" worldwide Map of BSL 3 & 4 Laboratories!

Soon to include epiwatch data & search functions to detect new epidemics in real time!

#DRASTIC Work in Progress!…
2. Our basic lab map has finally been launched

Specifically it is being posted publicly so that people can contribute to improving it

Remember, we are DECENTRALISED & AUTONOMOUS, unlike the well funded competition (£110,000)!

We are in this together!…
3. The "Other Map"

Count the dots

Koblenz and @FilippaLentzos

have done a great job with their well funded project

while ours was built collaboratively with no funding by people using old laptops ;)……
Read 12 tweets
May 4
1. Heinz Felfe was head of the Soviet counter-intelligence Department & ran a long running project called "Panoptikum" to uncover a high level "mole" within the West German Intelligence Service...

In the end, the target of "Panoptikum" would turn out to be Heinz Felfe himself! Image
2. His Memoirs (in German)

Heinz Felfe published his memoir in 1986 under the title "In the Service of the enemy: Ten years as Moscow's man in the Federal Intelligence Service"…
3. Arrested in 1961, Exchanged in 1969

He gave the Soviets identities of 94 West German overseas "field officers", including the agency chief in Bangkok.

Here photographed at the moment of his exchange at a border checkpoint between West & East Germany in 1969 Image
Read 8 tweets
Mar 22
Disinformation from @jhas5

Don't take my word for it!

DYOR with Google Search 2022-2024


Cats ✅
Ferrets ✅
hACE2 mice ✅
Syrian Golden hamsters ✅
(many at WIBP next to WIV)
Macaques ❓



Cats have 9 lives

1. "SARS-CoV-2 transmission between cats is efficient and can be sustained,”

Efficient Direct & Limited Environmental Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Lineage B.1.22 in Domestic Cats…
2. "Genetic study supported the hypothesis of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from the owner to the cat, and then from the cat to the veterinarian"

Suspected Cat-to-Human Transmission of SARS-CoV-2, Thailand, July–September 2021…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 20
1, What we proposed in 2021

"During initial stages of a forensic investigation of Wuhan Labs, all 4 evaluation tools including Grunow & Finke's epidemiological assessment criteria would be useful adjuncts to the investigation framework of Pilch et al."…

2. Later in 2021

"The Radosavljevic–Belojevic method for outbreak scoring & differentiation shows that official assumptions of its natural origin is questionable & highlights the probability that the pathogen was "accidentally" introduced to humans"

3. Let's Go back to Stalingrad ;)

There were disputes about Tularemia in 2001

Tularemia, Biological Warfare & the Battle for Stalingrad (1942–1943)

Click on PDF

and in 2005

Alibek, Tularaemia and The Battle of Stalingrad……

Read 19 tweets

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