“He is a good person and like many across the world, he suffers from mental illness,” the suspect’s father, said. “The bigger picture is not that he has mental illness, but the number of times that he’s been within the judicial system and how the system has failed.”
How much longer must this go on before we put aside politics and put in place a proper psychiatric and addiction care system?
Today, we spend billions on fire departments putting out encampment fires & reviving addicts who overdose — only for them to go right back to smoking fentanyl and setting fires
It's a perfect marriage of liberal & conservative nightmares
In 2018, Newsom green-lit SF's disastrous "supervised drug consumption site" which has turned much of downtown SF into a massive open drug scene controlled by violent drug dealers which recently resulted in the death of a 16 year-old girl
Like a lot of Californians, I have a full and happy life. My wife and I own a home in the Berkeley Hills from which we enjoy watching the fog roll underneath the Golden Gate bridge, and blanket the bay. Our children are healthy and happy.
We enjoy a safe and comfortable living as researchers and writers, seemingly far from the chaos and suffering in California’s downtowns.
But over the last few years, the rising chaos and suffering have increasingly troubled me.
People think Germany's a climate leader but it produces 6x more emissions per unit of electricity than France
People say nuclear is too expensive but nuclear-heavy France spends 59% as much for electricity as Germany, which will have spent $580B on renewables by 2025
There is a high up-front cost to building new nuclear plants, and when workers don't have experience building them, they are more expensive.
But costs come down significantly over time as workers gain experience building them
And what's the cost of Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Nuclear keeps nations safe.
It provides highly reliable zero-pollution power, and has thus saved 2M lives to date.
And nuclear allows nations to stockpile fuel on-site, liberating them having to depend on foreign nations for their survival, as Europe today must on Russia.