''Below the nuclear threshold, for any form of conflict, we do not have the technological military capability to defeat Pakistan or avoid a military embarrassment by China''
This is Pakistani propaganda and 100% false as I explain in👇thread
Either Panag has forgotten the basics of tac, operational art or he is severely compromised. Since Pravin Shawney says same it's probably the second
Here is a detailed thread on how India can defeat Pak. Notice use of terrain, tactics, dispositions
Wars are not fought, won on the @ThePrintIndia but on ground. One of the most basic element of Indian military thinking is sound appreciation of terrain. Our op environment is not the same as Russia vs Ukraine. It is entirely different
Russia also made some serious mistakes
1. They did not get air dominance in the early stages because they held back use of air power. They did not strike radars, missiles, lgs dumps. They did not eliminate the Ukrainian Air Force as they should have
2. They launched SHBO strikes on multiple airfields with
understrength teams. They did not reinforce them
3. Worst of all they launched multiple axis of attacks instead of just one main axis - Donetz - Kherson - Melitopol. These were 200 - 500 km thrusts. India will not make more than a 70 - 100 km thrust at most
4. They also
glaring tactical errors in the movement of convoys bunching them together, infantry not dismounting to sanitise flanks of advance, bad command and control. And frankly so stomach for contact and fighting
Gen Panag should know that we are the opposite. Our army seeks contact
closes in and destroys the enemy. We are a 100% volunteer professional battle hardened army constantly in operations. We will not make such rookie errors. We will not get drawn into urban warfare
Panag claims our logistics will fail. How ? He bases this entirely on Russian
army experience. Sir, surely you know that logistics over a 400 km line of communication and a 70 km line of communication esp in desert are two entirely different things. You say Russian troops went without food for 48 hrs. It won't happen but if it does, it's no big deal
Next Panag talks about ''stand off weapons''. I agree they are important and I strongly believe that we should increase long range fires and also change our concepts of utilisation for them. But saying that Pak has an advantage over us is delusional and dishonest
Lets come to China
People forget that our objective against China will be to hold our own, make tactical gains in some places via shallow offensives. We are not marching into Lhasa
Main points
1. China cannot deploy large numbers against us because mountain passes allow
only a brigade or two to come through at one time. You can hold 3-4 divisions (60,000) enemy troops with just 1, 2 brigades (4000) at a pass. But we have matched China man to man !
2. Panag says China can launch a massive strike against us. Sure, but they cannot decapitate
us. Our forces are well spread out and dug out. Their initial missile strikes will cause attrition but we will retaliate by missiles, arty and IAF and hammer their lines of communication which are 1000 - 2000 km long
Panag has deliberately missed this very important point
about China's logistics vulnerability. They are very stretched out already as they are far away from their Han heartland. We are not.
Plus our Navy will come into play too
Here is another thread that on how we can handle China. Do read
Three critcial questions on tactical aspect of #ModiSecurityBreach that must be asked - thread
1. There is always a plan B in every operation, action of security forces. Plan B here was obv movement by road if heptr was not possible. Such road would have been recconitored
in advance, all ambush points, choke points, kill zones,other danger would have been assessed in great detail. Buildings with line of sight to route would have been assessed, sanitised. Snipers placed if needed. So a route would have been prepared IN ADVANCE by #PunjabPolice
Route would be checked for booby traps especially on bridges and flyovers. Mines too. This would be ready and available BEFORE PM aircraft landed in Bhisiana Air Force Base
Question 1 - Why did it take 20 mins for PP to give clearance for this route when Plan B then ?
#ModiSecurityBreach has grave consequences that no one is analysing - thread 👇
1. Like an armoured vehicle is safe only when mobile so is a VVIP convoy. Mobility, speed ensure that no one can pinpoint location and target the convoy by sniper, Rocket Launcher etc. PM convoy
was held stationary in a kill zone (no lateral movement possible on flyover) for 20 mins. Even 30 seconds is enough to launch a devastating attack with ATGMs and RLs
Or they could have laid demolition charges on bridge before hand and detonated it when convoy was stopped
in pre selected location in kill zone.
This was a potentially catastrophic situation that is just shocking. Worst nightmare for any competent protection agency like SPG
2. When INT agencies, diplomats across the world analyse this they will see that govt of India's writ
He was my Chief. As his अंतिम संस्कार happens today, I would like to set the record straight on a few things
1. Scrutiny - No Army Chief was scrutinised and criticised as much as he was. Day in and out, by media and veterans and some serving. Not PN Thapar, JN Chaudhri or
Deepak Kapoor, but it was Bipin Rawat who was scrutinised and criticised. Why ? Partly because its the SM age and criticism is easy and infact expected. Partly because he was a Bharatiya like VK Singh. Lets face it, we are a mentally colonised people. If someone speaks in
Hindi we look down upon them. Only servants speak Hindi you see. Partly because wokism is growing dangerously in our society and its cool to criticise anyone who stands up for soldiers
Some veterans criticised him also because of decisions like cantt roads and CSD. Me too
Modi has maneuvered us into a very difficult position. Demonitisation was a great, gutsy move that gave hardship but was accepted because Modi had "Street Cred". Was seen as strong &fair. It went through very smoothly
But his Street Cred has evaporated now
His weakness from Dec 2019 has shown voters that he cannot back up his own policies despite 303 seats - CAA on hold for example despite being law of land
But there is a bigger problem. He is no longer seen as fair
in दुख and सुख. There is nothing to bind us together if our festivals go. The breakdown happens both at family,society level
3. The above stops us from defending ourselves when we are inevitably attacked by Abrahmic religions who want to conquer India for Mohhamed or Jesus
4. This is how Pagans were wiped out. We survived 1200 years of invasions but we won't be able to survive now. What does this mean for each of us individually?
5. Some may decide that conversion will save the family. But you don't realise that you will end up as 3rd class
Much needed and high time. Alongwith that we should have a serious and open minded look at many colonial vestiges
1. Nam Namak Nishan - As someone pointed out to me recently (I hadn't thought of it) the Namak especially was British salary being paid to a mercenary army
of natives to protect the British empire. It signifies a debt to the British empire and not to the Dharti or Rashtra (civilisation)
The Indian Army does not have a आदर्श वाक्य / motto like all its Corps, Regiments do
Perhaps we shud have one. धर्मों रक्षित धर्मः is ideal
Dharma is fundamental to Indian Army. Western Command has the धर्म चक्र ,Gen Parnaik ex GOC n C NC often used the term "Sword of Dharma". Its in Regiment's, Corps' mottos. ASC - सेवा असामाकम धर्मः , Madras Regt - सधर्म निधानम श्रेष्ठ