Starting with hearing from some of our sponsors including @AlecGarnett and @EmilyForCO - she is talking about HB22-1295 “this particular stakeholder process has been going on for years, and concludes decades of process”
Rep Geitner asks about the definition of a ‘community based Preschool Provider’
“A community provider that is not in school districts” says @EmilyForCO
@Bill_Jaeger Anna Joe Haynes & George Davis up next.
“ can this be real? Finally here we are - giving us a chance to establish so much for children and families.” Says Anna Joe Haynes. #EarlyChildhoodEducation
Amber Bilby is next - home child care provider, and talks about CCAP and yet, community providers aren’t supported - but HB22-1295 will make changes that are substantial beneficial for community providers. #EarlyChildhoodEducation#earlychildcare#copolitics
Diana Herrera - provider tells Committee members that parents have to visit child care providers - when they are pregnant. And even then, there is no guarantee they will find childcare.
Pamela Harris is next! #EarlyChildhoodEducation#copolitics speaks about the whole process of gathering this data from providers - each county has different eligibility for childcare and different reimbursement rates. Each county pays based on daily attendance #HB221295
“We don’t have an early childhood system” - and “this legislation offers the opportunity to streamline programs and providers” says another testifier. #EarlyChildhoodEducation
Our friends at @DeltaDentalCO are testifying on behalf of HB221295 at #coleg#copolitics - on behalf of a father, and being a community member. COVID has maximized the issues in accessing child care they say! 👏🏾👌🏼🙌🏿
Testifier - answers the questions about what it was like to be on the ECLC.
There were over 600 applications - ended with 56 members.
This was a part of lg process to gather feedback on issues in the #EarlyChildhoodEducation sector
Missed this persons name, who is testifying but they have a weather news voice, I can’t explain it, this is a compliment. Sounds so familiar.
Rep Geitner has a lot of questions. What is really cool is the answers are mostly in what’s called SB63 report on the website for the Office of Early Childhood. #copolitics#EarlyChildhoodEducation#coleg
We would like to review priority bills affecting early childhood development & health with you all in this thread as it pertains to the 11th Annual #SpeakUpForKids
The first priority bill we heard about was HB22-1295: Department Early Childhood And Universal Preschool Program. Melissa Mares from @ColoradoKidsOrg shared a presentation on why this is needed. Feel free to also go to
We heard from Rayna Hartlage @chprogress on our second priority bill for the 11th Annual #SpeakUpForKids.HB22-1289:Health Benefits For Colorado Children And Pregnant Persons, would drastically change Coloradans lives.Feel free to visit for more information
The new EC depart will make the #EarlyChildhood system easier for families, advocates and providers in the state. “This legislation will have a positive ripple effect’” says @GovofCO
“We are delivering for Coloradan families” says @AlecGarnett as he speaks about his 3 children and how we need more education providers HB22-1279 serves these families! #copolitics#coleg