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Mar 18 110 tweets 19 min read
#bkdk #bakudeku

Izuku adored the lowerclassmen.

They were respectful. Hardworking. Nice. They rarely caused any trouble. It was nice not being the first years anymore, and he was excited when new students started walking into school.


But was it wrong that he
absolutely positively disliked a small percentage of them? They didn't offend him or anything, no not at all. In fact they were very polite, occasionally greeting him when they encountered each other in the hallway.

However, they didn't need to offend him to get on his bad side.
"Bakugou-senpai, I made lunch for you."

"Bakugou-senpai, I'm having a bit of trouble with math. I was wondering if we could set a time and date to hold a tutor session?"

"Bakugou-senpai, you have something caught in your hair."
Izuku grit his teeth, watching some lowerclassmen crowd around Katsuki. One even had the gall to shove Izuku aside just to get to him, though it may have been unintentional, he didn't give two shits about that.

They were like a swarm of bees surrounding a beehive, and Izuku was
this damn close to being the bee spray that kills them all.


Izuku had never once hated the word 'senpai' until now. He doesn't tell the first years that he'd rather be referred to as 'Midoriya' and not 'Midoriya-senpai.'. It would be strange, but each
'senpai' that left their mouths had him wanting to claw at the walls or maybe their faces, their pick.

And Katsuki fucking Bakugou. What happened to the guy that didn't hide how much he disliked a person? What happened to the guy with the hostility? Well sure
Aizawa firmly told him to try his hardest to make the lowerclassmen feel welcomed, but if he could see how uncomfortable Katsuki was, he'd wish he never told him to.

The viridian haired male knew Katsuki was undeniably handsome, but he didn't expect a swarm of
fangirls to surround him so fast. It hasn't even been up to a week since the start of their semester.

But Izuku can take it.

It'll only be a matter of time before the unduly attention dies down.

He hopes.

"A-and that bitch had the audacity, the nerve to rub her fucking boobs all over your arm. She's lucky I didn't rip them off her chest."

Hands run themselves through the mess he called his hair and it somewhat soothed him. The death grip he had on his shirt
relaxed a tad bit but his frown didn't let up.

"Yeah that shit was uncomfortable."the blond agreed continuing his hair strokes. Izuku lifted his head from his chest, still evidently upset.

"Then why didn't you elbow her? Send her flying straight into the wall?"
"Is /the/ Izuku Midoriya suggesting and promoting violence?"

"Only when it comes to you."

"That is strangely flattering yet scary at the same time."

"I'm just sick and tired of /them/ hanging all over you. I should be the only one doing that."

The frown turned into a pout.
"And you are. In private."

Yep. In private. Away from prying eyes. That's how he and Katsuki have been since they started dating two months ago. It was a really messy confession, not romantic in the slightest since it was accidental. But hey, here they were basking in each
others warmth and presence, and that's what really mattered.

"I mean, I'd happily do all that coupley shit in public with you, but we know how you get with attention."

Izuku's death grip on his shirt returned as he pratically stuffed his face in his chest and he groaned into it
"Though, seeing you get so possessive is lowkey hot.". He rested his chin on the top of his head and wrapped his arms tighter around him.

"Of course it is."


That was his third pencil.

"Damn, who knew Bakugou of all people would get so much-
-attention?"Kaminari side comments as the fourth first year came skipping into class to drop off a bento box wrapped in a heart patterned cloth.

"It's 'cause he hasn't had a nasty outburst yet."Sero joined in the commentary.

"Mr Aizawa did firmly tell him to try to keep his-
-hostility in check so as to not scare away the lowerclassmen."Momo said, pulling out the notebooks that would be needed for today's lesson.

"Fuck him."Katsuki grumbled, setting the bento box with the three others on the floor.

Yes, fuck him. Izuku was always against
disrespecting a teacher, but not today. He brushed aside the broken pieces of pencil and pulled out another one from his pencil case.

"Also, Midoriya-kun, I noticed that this is the third pencil you've broken in the span of thirty minutes-
-.Is everything okay?"

An automatic smile sets itself on Izuku's face and he nods, flipping open a new page with uneeded aggression. "Yes I am, Iida-kun. Just a muscle spasm s'all."

That was a half-assed excuse and he knows it, but he's much more concerned about how to dispose
four bento boxes without leaving any traces.

"Oi.". Fingers appeared in his vision, snapping him out of his lethal glaring and he blinked. Izuku's viridian irises land on his boyfriend. He had his chair pushed back so that he was a lot closer to his desk and one arm was rested
comfortably on it. "You good?"he lowered his voice down to a whisper.

"Yep. Never better-you're not planning on eating that are you?"he pointed a disgusted finger at the boxes.

Katsuki gives it a brief glance. "Ha fuck no. Probably tastes like shit anyway."

Izuku nodded, more
than glad that Katsuki was just as disgusted as he was.

"But you're sure you're good?"

"I am, Kacchan. Promise. What about you? I know how hard this is for you."

Kaminari whooped his hands in the air, having successfully thrown a ball of crumpled paper into the bin.
"I'm pissed but hey, all I have to do is ignore them. Can't wait for the fucktards to get used to U.A and its surroundings so I can tell them to fuck off."

"I can't wait too."

Izuku feels Katsuki's hand grab his knee from under the table and give it a short reassuring squeeze.
It was enough to calm his poorly disguised annoyance. He smiled and Katsuki readily returned it with a toothy grin of his own.

"None of these bastards compare to you, understand? Their shitty gifts, the attention, them assaulting my arm with their fucking tits mean nothing to
-me when I have a nerd like you whom I can call my boyfriend."

Izuku nodded, reaching under his table to gingerly place his hand atop the hand on his knee.


Katsuki...he's right. Though he didn't directly say it, he shouldn't let them affect him. Everything they're
doing to win over his heart was nothing but a waste of time since he wasn't the slightest bit interested. He already has Katsuki's heart and no matter how much they try to shower him in gifts and cheesy compliments, it wasn't going to change a thing.

"Thanks, Kacchan."
This is the part where he was supposed to kiss his forehead or do anything he considers affectionate/romantic but in a populated class like this, he couldn't.

Yeah. He's going to be fine.



Fuck, that was his last pencil.
Pt 2

Izuku did say he was going to be fine.

But no. He was far from going to be.

From gifts, they were going to love letters, from love letters they were slipping into gym gamma whenever they had a hero exercise there, and they always came up with the flimsy excuse that
'they wanted to take down notes and key points while watching their upperclassmen in action.'.


Fucking lies.

They were here to make 'goo goo' eyes at Katsuki. Yeah, Izuku knew that Katsuki had an amazing body, but keep your thirsty prying eyes away from him.
"Deku-kun, chill out with the Katsudon. Geez."

Izuku looked down. Sure enough his entire side of the table was a mess of rice, pork and eggs and his chopsticks were partly broken.

"Sorry."he sheepishly apologised, reaching for the pile of serviettes and he cleaned up the mess.
"Is everything okay, Midoriya?"Todoroki asked. He slurped another mouthful of soba and made the smallest sound of content.

"Yes."he lied. A pause. "No."he admitted. "Everything is /not/ okay."

Uraraka slightly perked up in interest, food long abandoned. "What's wrong?"
"Those fucking first years is what's wrong."

Todoroki took a dramatic recoil while Uraraka's mouth hung open. Izuku wasn't going to apologise for his out of character language. Pent up feelings have been released and he wasn't stopping until everything was out.
"I'm so sick and tired of seeing them act like brainless love sick zombies around Kacchan. Take a fucking hint for fucks sake. How many eyerolls or irritated frowns does it take for you to know that he isn't in-te-res-ted. No matter how much you try, he isn't going to give you a-
-pinch of his attention. But no. They're persistent and it hurts my eyes to see them try so hard. And it's not like Kacchan can unkindly tell them to get the fuck out of his sight, not when 'Mr Aizawa'-"he said in a mocking tone that had Todoroki choking on his soba. "-wants him-
-to make them feel welcomed and comfortable since he's soooooo popular thanks to the sludge villain incident, the sports festival and the kidnapping incident. But who cares if they feel like they don't belong? Not me. Not him. Do you care?"

"Uh..."Uraraka was at loss of words.
Todoroki chugged down his cup of water.

"Of course you don't."he answered for her. "I want to be fine, but I can't sit by and let them crush hard for Kacchan. What do you suggest I do because I'm this close to taking an irrational solution."

By the time he was done, his
entire face was red, his breathing had become heavy and uneven, and his chopsticks were long gone. Their entire table was dead silent save for the buzzing noise that surrounded them.

Uraraka let her eyes focus on the rising and falling of his chest, then she brushed away the
broken pieces of chopsticks then rubbed her hand on Todoroki's wheezing form.

"That was.....unanticipated."

Izuku seemed to have finally calmed down if the gasp and the utter look of surprise on his face was an indicator.

"Oh shit. I wasn't supposed to say all that."
"And yet, you did. But let me get this straight, from what I could grasp, you and Bakugou-kun are together and seeing the first years fawn over him is making you jealous and maybe a tad bit possessive.". She leaned back on her seat and dropped her hand when she felt Todoroki had
calmed down from his millionth near death experience. "And guessing from how I'm just finding this out /now/, you and Bakugou-kun are secretly dating, yes or yes?"

Izuku bowed his head, and nodded sheepishly to both 'yesses'.

"How long?"

"Two months but we were going to -
-tell you guys I swear, we-correction /I/ wasn't ready to make it public."

"Well-". Todoroki paused to cough and Uraraka was back to rubbing soothing circles on his back. "-unless Bakugou is willing to get in trouble with Mr Aizawa, you have to let them know someway that Bakugou
is no longer single."

And then, a lightbulb went off.


"Kacchan, tell them that you're taken."

Katsuki looks up from the stack of notebooks laying on his desk and squints at Izuku in confusion.


He shuts the door and saunters
up to him. "I said-". He planted his palm on the surface of his desk and leaned his weight on his arm. "Tell them you're taken."

Katsuki stares at Izuku and then, he snorts.

"They'd need more than words for them to believe that, freckles."Katsuki told
him, setting his pencil aside. He turned along with his swivel chair and rested his arm on his desk.

"It never hurt to try?"

"True. True, but if they don't believe me, then what?"

Izuku had never actually thought that far ahead. There was no plan B. Just a plan A and a smidgen
of hope that it works.

He shrugged.

Katsuki sighed and got up abruptly. He grabbed his two hands."Izuku-"

Oh shit. He's using his first name.

"-I'm not pressuring you, that's far from it, but don't you think it's time we let the world know how much of a badass couple we are?"
Izuku pursed his lips but didn't reply.

"I know you can't deal with attention and shit, I understand how that feels sometimes but eventually attention dies down and people go back to minding their business."

"I know but-". Izuku couldn't find the right words to convey his
thoughts. He would've gone for the classic 'I'm not ready' which he truly isn't, but he's sure Katsuki has gotten tired of hearing the same thing over and over and over again.

Katsuki clicked his tongue as he softly rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. "You don't
have to say it. I know.". One tug and Izuku was falling into Katsuki's arms, cheek pressed against his chest. "But, I'll do it. I'll tell them I have an annoying lil fucker already."

"Hey!"Izuku huffed offended, though he smiled nevertheless. "Thank you."

"Dumbass."he snorted,
jaw resting atop his head. "No problem."
PT 3

"I'm taken."

The incessant chatter had halted. About five pair of eyes stared at him. Katsuki tightly held the strap of his bag, waiting for any sort of reaction from them.

"Really?"bitch 1 asked stopping her painfully cringy twirling of her striking blue hair. Yes,
Katsuki hadn't bothered to learn their names which is why he dubbed them as the five bitches. Bitch one was the most annoying of the five which is why she was number one.

"Really, and my partner doesn't appreciate how you ba-". Aizawa. Aizawa. Aizawa. "-guys are getting too-

Another silence.

This wasn't going to work. He can already feel it.

"This 'partner'-". Bitch 2 rose her middle and pointer finger to indicate quotation marks. "-sounds fake."


"Hina is right."Bitch 4 said. "If the supposed partner has a problem with it, they-
-should approach us themselves."

Katsuki knew that they weren't going to believe him, but there's no way in hell that that he'd allow them to call Izuku fake. 'I don't believe you' and 'fake' were synonymous in this context but somehow 'fake' was much much much more worse.
"Besides, who in this school can score a guy like you? I mean, /I/ haven't seen anyone who's up to your level."

Izuku fucking Midoriya is.

His fingers curled and uncurled, smoke already emanating from his palms. He didn't focus on any other sound but the sound of their voices
throwing one comment or the other about the second years and listing the ones they knew, comparing their features to his which made no fucking sense in his opinion.

God, he hates these lowerclassmen.

"And on the small chance that Bakugou-senpai isn't straight, none of the-
-boys in his year seem attractive enough to stand in his presence."bitch 1 remarks.

"What about Todoroki-senpai?"

"Todoroki-senpai is an exception, but he gives off that not 'interested in anyone' vibe."

"And we can't even consider Midoriya-senpai. He's a bit on the plain-

And like that, Katsuki's restraints went poof.


Katsuki's eyes snapped to his left before he could even verbally take out his anger on the five girls standing around him.

"Oh Midoriya-senpai! Hi!"bitch 1 said, plastering a smile
like she hadn't just called him plain a few seconds ago.

"Hello."he said, his own smile as fake as the politeness in his tone and that's as much acknowledgement as he gave her because his attention instantly shifted to Katsuki.

However, the blond tchd, shoving his twitching
fingers into his pockets.

"Let's go to class, nerd."

Sounds of dissapointment came from the five bitches and number one had the audacity to cling onto his arm as a futile way of holding him back.

"But we haven't finished talking."

"Yeah!"the others chorused.

"Well, Kacchan-
-doesn't want to talk anymore as you can see, so please kindly let go of him."

Bitch one narrowed her turquoise eyes.

Izuku glared right back which surprised her into letting go, and he beams at her.

"Thank you.". He looks at Katsuki. "C'mon, Kacchan."

The volatile boy lets
out a few curses and complies, following the freckled boy.

"Kacchan."Izuku whispered when they were out of both their earshot and line of sight. "What happened?"

"They called you plain."he hissed. "Not to mention fake. I'm pretty sure if you hadn't swooped
in on time, all five of them would be in tears, especially that blue haired one."

Yeah out of the five of them, Izuku disliked her the most. It's a shame really. Her baby blue waist length hair and her delicate facial structure was bound to attract a lot of people, but her nasty
personality cancelled everything out.

Izuku's eyebrows knitted in preplexity. "I don't get it. That's why you're upset?"

"Of course it is, Deku!". Eyes stared in their direction. "I knew your dumb plan wasn't going to work.". His voice lowered. "I knew it wasn't going to be-
-believable, but I definitely wasn't expecting them to call you fake, and then to add to it, they had the fucking guts to call you plain. You! Plain-"

"Kacchan."Izuku whispered shouted, doing the 'shushing' gesture.

"How can you be plain? Someone fucking tell me
what exactly it is that makes you plain?!". Izuku pulled him into the males toilet since it looked like he wasn't going to pipe down. Hopefully no one walks in on them.

"Is it the hair? Green, messy soft.". He ruffles his viridian locks. "Those big ass expressive eyes??
The goddamn freckles on your criminally adorable round cheeks?!". He pinches his cheeks softly prompting something that was a mix between a whine and a laugh. The blond's eyes grow softer and his posture relaxes. "Because none of them are even close to being plain."

"Kacchan, I
don't care what they say about me. It's okay."

"Well I fucking do care, you dumbass." A flick at his forehead has Izuku whining in pain. "No one calls you plain when I can't even fucking point out a single plain thing about you."

His hands had grabbed both sides of his face.
Izuku let those vermilion pools engulf him like a stick of wood catching fire. Katsuki wasn't usually the type to verbally be romantic, but when he is, it gets Izuku feeling all kinds of soft. 

"You're fucking perfect."he breathed leaning down to meet Izuku's lips in a kiss
but the door hitting Katsuki's back as it opened had the viridian haired boy jumping out of Katsuki's hold and Katsuki deploying some quick fancy footwork to get as far away as possible from the door. 

"Uh...."the second year said,

eyes flickering to Izuku who acted like he was
struggling to zip up his pants and to Katsuki who had a torrent of very colourful words escaping his lips.


So the plan was a bust. 

If he had to admit, he kind of saw that coming, and up 'til now, he hasn't thought of another way to let them know that Katsuki
is indeed a taken man.

Well....technically he has, but that was plan Z, and technically again he does have a plan B, but that was more of telling them his sexual orientation.
And he does tell Katsuki to do just that which he did, and it turned out semi successful in the sense that they had backed away, all of them but the blue haired girl. Do you know what she tells Katsuki when he tells to them?

"Now you're just making up excuses. First
the fake partner now this?"

Izuku had never once in his life felt the stronge violent urge to send someone rocketing to Mars with one 'Detroit smash.'. It was so so tempting to prove her wrong, to just grab Katsuki by the collar and pull him into a kiss just to get a satisfying
reaction from her. Plan Z was literally knocking on his door, asking to be let in, and Izuku wasn't going to. The restraint he had tied around him was strong, but was it strong enough to watch as she slowly became the only one hanging around Katsuki?


At least that's what
he thought
Pt 4


That was her name.

Izuku was unfortunate enough to hear her name from one of her friends.

Well 'Aoi', how does it feel to move from the list of people Izuku dislikes to the list of people he hates...with a burning passion?
Izuku wasn't one to hate someone, but there was first time for everything. Aoi had unfortunately slipped into the 'Izuku hates you' list when he heard her call Katsuki 'Katsu-chan' instead of 'Bakugou-senpai.'.

Izuku wasn't dumb. He knew that the nickname originated from
'Kacchan'. It wasn't clever, it was unoriginal and it pissed Izuku off, and it was getting harder to ignore Plan Z, the last plan he was going to turn to when C-Y fails him but how can something fail him when it doesn't exist?
It hadn't even been up to two weeks since this shit started.

Aizawa was yet to give him the go ahead to be as rude as he wants to the first years 'til his heart's content.

But thank heavens for someone like Katsuki. Despite looking like he was close to
ripping his hair off his scalp, he still showered Izuku in affection and Izuku readily reciprocated said affection. He really wished he could help him out though because he was affected by it the most.


Ohhhhhhh my Goddddddd.


"Have you seen Katsu-". Izuku's eyes twitched. "-chan?"

"Nope. Haven't seen him at all."And even if he did, he wasn't going to tell you, bitch.

"Oh."she looked a tad bit dissapointed. Izuku didn't care. "I heard Katsu-chan likes spicy food so I whipped up a little
something for him.". She showed him the bento box. "So when you see him, give it to him and say it's from 'Aoi'."

What happened to 'please'?? Was she really giving him an order??

"Of course."he said with a forced smile, taking the box from her hands.
Izuku ended up throwing the bento box into the atmosphere, and whoever it lands on, he sincerely apologises in advance.


"Mr Aizawa."

It was lunch time and half of the class had already headed straight to the cafeteria. Some hadn't even waited for their first
year turned second year teacher to dismiss the class.

"Bakugou."he arranged piles of quiz papers into a neat stack and pushed it to one side of his desk.

"That blue haired bitch,she's damn annoying."

"Maybe to you."he said. The sleeping bag that lay abandoned on the floor was
picked up by him and he began to climb into it.

"She'd be annoying to anyone who's in my shoes. She won't fucking piss off no matter how many times I've made it evident that I want nothing to do with her."

"Have you told her to leave you alone?"he asked and Katsuki's face
twisted in incredulity.

"Of course I have."he said, feeling his fingers twitch with a need to blow something up so he went for keeping them in his pockets. "But you see the problem-". More of his classmates left the class. It was basically empty except for Tsuyu and Tokoyami who
for some reason still hung around. "-I'm being polite because you fucking want me to."He had to stop himself from jabbing an accusatory finger at him lest he wanted to lose said finger.

"And being polite, especially to an annoying brat doesn't do shit because they
won't listen. That's why you need to be rude, it's the only way it'll finally get into her thick ass skull that she should leave me the fuck alone."

Aizawa seemed like he wanted to talk but Katsuki wasn't giving him a chance

"And I don't give a fuck if she feels welcomed or not
-I'm going to do what I should have done as soon as this shit started."

Huffing, he turned on his heels and walked out.
Izuku couldn't say that he was losing his sanity. That was a bit of an overexaggeration, but he was feeling something akin to it. He has broken his chopsticks five times already and Todoroki looked like he wasn't willing to get up and pick another one for him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."and truly he was because witnessing your friend look like he was ready to stab someone in the eye with broken pieces of chopsticks was disturbing.

"Midoriya, isn't this whole situation making you overly angry?" Todoroki asked.

"I guess?"
"You guess?"Uraraka said. "You're literally the same person who almost went batshit crazy when you heard her call him 'Katsu-chan.' And Bakugou-kun did tell her he was gay, didn't he? And she didn't believe him, did she? You see, when it comes to people like her, you have to-
-put her in her place."

Todoroki hummed in agreement.

"True."Izuku said, staring at his food which had turned cold. "But I don't know how."

"Plan Z, Deku-kun."

Izuku frantically shook his head.

"It's the only other way. I know that this is a somewhat big step, but it's not-
-that huge of a deal. Believe me. But, if you aren't ready, I perfectly understand."

The corner of his lips moved ever so slightly "Thanks, Uraraka-sa-"


Izuku was turning his head in the direction he heard that familiar annoying nickname.

And there she was,
strutting up to his boyfriend. This was the first time she had ever approached him during lunch.

He was too far to hear what she was saying to him but the loud overexagerrated groan from Katsuki, he heard it loud and clear.

Katsuki was telling her something. Blond eyebrows were
knitted together, fingers tapped the table impatiently, and his head was cocked to the side. For some reason, from Izuku's perspective, it looked like Katsuki wasn't 'entertaining' her bullshit.

Did Aizawa finally give him permission?
From Ashido's, Kirishima's, Kaminari's and Sero's reactions, he was able to confirm that he was saying some pretty harsh words to her.

And yet, she still laughed. Even went as far as throwing her head back.

Katsuki was talking again, mild confusion mixing
in with the annoyed look on his face. She was talking too, casually placing her hand on his shoulder, and even after he harshly shrugs it off, she still places it there.

Alright what the fuck?

Katsuki shrugs it off again, and she places it back again.

Izuku was already up on
his feet and he ignored the confused 'Deku-kun?'as he walked in quick long strides to Katsuki's table. What he was going to do, he had no idea. However he came to a halt. His eyes resembled two saucers, his breath was held in his throat and all he saw was red.

Sure, Izuku
could somewhat not really 'tolerate' he getting too close to Katsuki but this was far from being 'tolerable' and possibly a justifiable reason to commit murder.

He started walking again. Nothing was on his mind, nothing except getting her off his boyfriend's fucking lap.
"O-oi!"Katsuki was beyond startled seeing as it had taken him a while to process that he had someone sitting on him. "Get off."

But she didn't look like she was willing to comply, batting her eyelashes in some kind of horrible attempt in seducing him. She even added a lip bite.
Oh she's gotten bolder now, huh?

Izuku could feel it. The last of his restraints snapping in two.

Digits curled around her collar, yanking her back and she fell off him with a defeaning shriek. Izuku immediately replaced her as he sits himself on Katsuki's lap.
The cafeteria went queit.

The tips of Katsuki's ears were red and he nervously looks around him only to see everyone's eyes on them. "D-Deku, what are you doi-"

Izuku's lips were on his. 

The cafeteria erupted in chaos.
Scarred hands slid up his chest only to wrap around his neck and he pulled him closer. 

Katsuki's eyes were blown wide in pleasant surprise, howbeit, his hands on their own accord grab him by his hips to readjust his position on his lap, and he kisses him
back hard.

A small sound of disbelief was somehow picked up amongst the noise. Izuku didn't hesitate to flip off the bitch lying on the floor, reveling in the pleased grunts coming from the ash blond boy as he lost himself in the feel of teeth nipping and tugging on his bottom

Though they couldn't go further since they were in public. 

Izuku pulls away first, gasping for air. Katsuki fell back on his seat,breathing heavily. He stared up at Izuku with a foreign wildness in his eyes and he blatantly ignored the cries of betrayal from his friends.
Turning to Aoi who glared at him through the tears in her eyes, Izuku for the first time genuinely smiles at her and says;

"Hi, I'm Kacchan's /real/ boyfriend. Have been for two months and counting."
The end!!!!!

• • •

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