If there are no challenges, there won't be victory
Whatever challenge you might be facing, God knows you have the capacity to face it.
1. Seek wise Counsel
- To overcome challenges, you need to b rightly advised. 1Chronicles 15:12-13
There is a need to consult God to find out what the word of the Lord says about the challenge you are facing. Proverbs 11:14, 15:22, 24:6, 13:10, 2Chronicles 8:18
We don't have answers to every problem so we should always seek wise counsel from people.
2. Unbroken Focus
Nehemiah 6:13, Hebrews 12:12
If you don't give the devil the opportunity, he will never succeed in distracting you.
When you suffer injustice, leave the justice to God.
2Samuel 5:1-4
Never look for opportunity to get even, just trust God to give you breakthrough that will overpower the injustice.
3. Prayers
Luke 18:1-7, Philippians 4:7
When you pray about the problem, it's like you're offloading it.
There is nothing prayer can not do. Prayer will always bring solution to naughty challenges.
4. Obedience
2Kings 5:10-14, Isaiah 1:19
Sometimes, complex challenges have simple solution.
Things will become simple when obedience is involved.
5. Patience.
James 1:3-4
When we are patient, solutions that will be perfect for the situation always come. Philippians 2:4-10
Only if you can be patient and gentle, difficult things will be solved with ease.
6. Praises.
2Chronicles 20:19-23
Praise can also be a weapon in our hand. Psalm 149:9
One advantage of praise is that it can never go wrong. It always bring God into the situation.
No matter what the challenges are, God wants you to always win.
Whatever way you need God to show up, may He show up and guide you in Jesus name.
Areas to experience victory in your life. 1. Victory over sin 2. Living above self 3. Victory over sickness
How victorious Christian living manifests.
1. Through your desires.
- For God's presence: Psalm 24:4, Colossians 3:1-2, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:19-21
- The farther you move away from sin, the closer you move and seek the presence of God.
- A growing desire for God's presence
is an expression of your love for Him.
- Our pronounced desires will decide if we are standing or falling in God. James 1:15
2. Joy.
- Romans 14:17. Not influenced by situation or circumstance but innate and expressed through the Holy Spirit. 1John 1:1-4
- Joy is so important
Victory in the life of a child of God is not to be an event, it should be progressive and consistent.
- It is very possible to win all the time.
- God gives good things and blessings not evil.
Evidence of Victorious Christian living.
1. Living above sin. Proverbs 6:1-11
- Reckon your body as dead to sin Romans 6:11-12
- Sin must not have dominion over you Roman 6:14
- Romans 7:13-25, 8:1-5
A victorious Christian fixes his mind on Spiritual things. Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 4:14-16, 12:1
- Learn to lay aside every weight of sin.
Luke 4:13.
2. Living above self.
- When you please God and yield to Him, he makes things happen on your behalf
Text: 2Cor. 10:5-6
Title: Ingredients for victorious Christian living #GWS @dapoojojohn
Prayer is very essential in the life of a man who wants to enjoy victory. With prayers, you can lock & open heavens.
We can wage our war by the help of the Holy Spirit. He is our strategist
FAITH: The Christian journey I a journey of faith. Hebrews 6:11-12, 1. Faith is the confidence and assurance you when believing that God will do something to you even when she it doesn't look like it.
Hebrews 11:6. Faith is very essential in pleasing God.
Luk 17:6
You can accomplish much with your little Faith. Matthew 8:26
As long as Jesus I on the boat with you, it can never sink. Matthew 6:29-33; 16:8
This year, launch out in faith for the mighty miracle you are expectant of.
- Triumph is simply jubilant victory
- Exodus 15:20, Judges 11:34. Do not rejoice when your enemy falls Prov 24:18, Obadiah 1;11-14
- When things are out of our control, God is still in control. 2Corinthians 2:12, 7:7
-When we are out of God's place, God still has our back because of his love for us. 2Corinthians 2:14, Genesis 31:1-9, Romans 8:38, 1Samuel 25:20-24
- Where ever we are, God can use us. 2kings 5:8, Luke 4:27, Act 3:6, 1Samuel 17:12, Philippians 1:12-18.
We are all ambassadors of Christ. 2Corinthians 5:20
- No matter the opposition, we will prevail. Psalm 37:37, Hebrew 10:12, 10:35-36, 2Corinthians 11:26
-To enjoy triumphant life you must be free from sin. Luke 23:43. Sin can hinder progress and sin destroys life Romans 6:12-14,8:1-2
- When you give your life to Christ the law of the spirit of life will control you and the law of sin and death will be dead in your life. Judges 16:19-21
- To be triumph build up your spiritual strength: To build up your strength you must be rooted scripturally
1Peter 2:2, in every situation you must have a word for your life.
You must be prayerful 1Thess. 5:17, 2Cor. 10:4-5. Pray without ceasing. Be filled with the spirit Eph. 5:1. You must be sound in doctrine. Mat 7:28,22:33, Luke 18:1. As a man is so is his strength