For the 4th installment in our #ReFi@gitcoin grant series, we are stoked to be featuring @earthistdao!
Earthist is a network of hemp farmers & more who are regenerating soil, making awesome products, and building a decentralized hemp seed bank.
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As @earthistdao notes at, Hemp is an incredibly versatile plant with thousands of applications. It can be used to make rope, paper, clothing, building materials, soil amendments, and make them *carbon-negative.*
That's because hemp's versatility is supported by its ability to grow quickly, even with minimal chemicals, and build up a LOT of biomass, i.e. carbon. It sequesters carbon many times faster than even healthy forests, and is a true leader in removing carbon from the atmosphere.
That makes hemp a key player in the regenerative economy #ReFi is building, and @earthistdao is on the front-line of unlocking its synergy with #web3. Right now, their GR-13 grant is funding their decentralized seed bank project, and they have more #crypto integrations planned.
#Hemp and #crypto are similar in that they can both be highly innovative approaches to regenerative economics. We agree with @earthistdao that combining them is an awesome strategy!
We're back! With the semifinal installment for @gitcoin GR-13, we'll be featuring 4 projects that are all developing eco-credits.
These kinds of innovative tokens are the key layer Return is building on to make automated offsetting a reality.
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First up is @neptunechainio! This protocol is tokenizing the removal of deadly pollutants like nitrogen and phosphorus from water, playing a key role in remediating aquatic ecosystems:
Next up is @THEecoToken! They are working on tokenizing a wide range of environmental credits, ranging from methane emission reductions to manure lagoon treatment: