Red Kahina Profile picture
Mar 21 89 tweets 16 min read
So after this thread and others discussing the apology for the Contras and all this other appalling shit, I got a dm from Morningstar saying hey what's with you "you're supposed to be my comrade." That's a Larouchie tell right there: elective proximity to her in my prior output
is brought forward as a commitment to bind me to validate, respect or collaborate in any evil lie, Nazi provocation or deception she produces. Larouchies create these chains of log rolling, that look just like professional opportunism, but then demand binding pseudo-solidarities
so ultimately we are all bound to treat Whitney Webb and Max Blumenthal as comrades and civilly not notice what they oh so obviously are up to.
"You're supposed to be my comrade," instead of a defense of the content that has been challenged. Same Sorkinist appeals for loyalty
The larouchie mimicry of language and vocabulary they used to insult as "tanky" used as a pejorative -- (assuring us you can find socialism appealing because it's endorsed by Einstein and Robeson who weren't tankies!) has become really obvious now. They say class all the time now
but only in this shitzekian erroneous way that seeks to induce the reader to redefine it, to acquiesce in its resignification.
"The Left Is The Real Enemy."
Now, if you challenge this thus: you mean the Sandinistas? last month they'd say yes, they were and remain
Productivist Genocidaires, as we learn from an American libertarian Contra terrorist:…

But THIS week, it's a month further into resignifying Left to be the latest euphemism for slave revolt and re-vived Nazi hate figure of _Degenerate Liberal Elites_.
The degenerate liberal elites. President Aristide arrives at the United Nations in NY in a, gasp, chauffered Lincoln Town Car. Daniel Ortega is out on a sailboat with Ted Turner smoking _Romeo y Julietas_. This kind of stuff used to be delivered in hyper-knowing voices, and the
tone, the voluble factoid spew of the Larouchie style, began to be sensed and a liability. Now this kind of material is delivered in little girl and baby voices, stuttering over big words, feigning spontaneity and timidity. "Kinda i was noticing the emperor is naked maybe." (Alex
Gutentag is extreme example.)
Morningstar opens this show with Blumenthal with a routine statement of basic blut & boden ideology: the Indigenous (by blood) stewards of the land (and of course with white people substantially already owners of the land, this leaves DOS the losers). About Ottawa: "So many
trades people, [when she walked into the lobby she says she found], people working from ships, people working from trucks, people working with insulation, plumbers, pipe fitters, I mean, _real_ working class, right?" She will not ask any of them what they think; there will be
no politics on this podcast. It's just this televisual superficial description, like Michael Diebert in Haiti. Ok continues, no break: "And when I went into the lobby, when I got there," -- notice the technique of narration here, the genre, the avoidance of substance by bloating
the first person shooter impressions, the unsynthesized, undigested impressions, "the first thing I noticed, was just, [pause, theatrical hesitancy] I mean, [hem haw, hesitancy, exaggerated], it sounds funny, no blunt stones, when I am going to sort of left, what's called left,
you know, things, everybody has you know like really nice clothes, and same boots, and very expensive things, and lots of v-v- virtue signalling and lots of signalling of wealth, there was none of that. And just so much love."
The cooked nature of this performance is VERY plain
and as you can see when the text without the distractions of the visuals and voice is just copied down verbatim, there is no mistaking what kind of hokey propaganda operation she just did. We have all seen this a thousand times from Larouchies and assorted fascists.
If you want to fact check this about the expensive clothes, virtue signaling, degeneracy in the left spaces she's been, Morningstar reports herself on the web attending Cochabamba in 2010. Nobody was in rags so I guess degenerate.

Personally I like nice clothes:)
The Bolsheviks and their tradition by the way have always had contempt for affected bohemian unkemptness&hippiedom. Dressing shabbily and in rags was always from the start something Communism aimed to relieve people of the reduction to, believeing there is such thing as dignity.
Anyway, the "scene" Morningstar dramatically paints, in a manner bloating the immediate eyewitnessing in such a way as to obscure the utter absence of political content, is no doubt nonsense. There were plentiful videos of the protestors, they were not lumpens, plenty of $1500
Canada Goose jackets, as people need up there!, and plenty of good boots, as people need in Canada! The whole story is pure propaganda, familiar and malign, with many stacked functions.
I'm just told by comrade that the platypus ops are on this same topic now. So confirms: this is a big psyop now.

So Cory Morningstar is an expert in a certain vein and tactic of PR, that she writes about. Like shitzek she both hunts in from NGOs and deploys it herself
There are some curious features of her praxis, as she works as a kind of accessory to Eternal Schwab in the expropriation and enclosure of human language.

An example is her misreading of the phrase "freedom as a service." At once her usage unearths it subtext and innuendo,
obviously placed there, but erases that it is subtext and innuendo and not primary signification. Building the DIsOrient. She at once notices these repeated phrases in reframing and pr like We Need Everyone. But she does this in a cottage industry style herself ("new asset class"
"global in scale" there are half a dozen phrases repeated and repeated in contexts which reveal she doesn't know what they mean or pretends not to. This is the way phrases are made magical cues. Victor Klemperer discusses this in LTI. But now the cues are made dynamic)
In the latest show with Blumenthal -- a partnership of which just the fact of it pretty much outs the whole operation, but one can imagine the rationalizations and lets say someone buys them -- the important phrases that appeared recently are repeated several times VERBATIM.
"The Left Is An Arm of Capital." "The Left is The Enemy." And shitzek like, she also recently read a passage of the most famous anticommunist novel, 1984, of the two-minute hate -- this is the extreme fascist defamation of humanity the gang is also selling from Le Bon via Desmet
-- where the same operation she is hoping herself to effect with "The Left Is An Arm of Capital." "The Left Is the Enemy." is exhibited as the enemy's tactic, and thus disavowed and boasted of at once. (Something Zizek pioneered and was a master of.) Morningstar is also
repeating the Zizek vilification of the left (his groundwork enabled hers, by patiently and relentless replacing Degenerate Liberal Elites with the term The Left so she need not argue for her deployment) in content "They Abandoned The Working Class." A way of affirming the
Orwellian and fascist expulsion of the working class from politics in toto, defining them as the mass of drives and emotions, without having to argue for it. This is Hitlerism 101 and Zizek was the main force of its revival since 1989-91 in left and "left" dissident cirles.
If you ask: WHY can't working classes ever produce a politics identified in orientation as right or left? The answer is un-made with the manipulative rhetoric of George Orwells' famous passage of pavlovianly roused rabble, object of ruling class fear and loathing time out of mind
So one stacked function, of huge importance: get the ruling class absolute ownership of the terms left, the left, and left wing. Look at the Left there, look at that scumbag! (pointing at your partner shill or some spook or booj lib) Then elaborate the stories about their boots
and this is why "BlackLivesMatter" and "Wokeness" appears again and again in the rants of Morningstar and her set as the figure and shorthand for _the actual enemy_ the essence of the enemy, the poison, the fraud, the evil that is Leftism
I confronted before an earlier stage of this rhetorical op…
So that stage was tailoring its rhetoric to repel and shatter opposition to the assaults on MENA and prior stage of the financial sector transformation. This stage has a broad approach and a narrow focus: to portray Xi and Putin as laudably right wing Communists who must
ruthlessly crush the reds of Donetsk and Lugansk, portrayed as The Left Enemy, an Arm of Capital, who will emerge somehow as the spoilers of some clown show of peace talks.
You have Blumenthal now being hoisted atop the masses who resist. And now he and Morningstar together put out this product which is saying the sky is falling so politics are a luxury you can't afford. Capital =The Left.
They can't actually articulate an objection to Nazism…

Here's the genealogy.
Liberal Platitude (Hedges): The Tea Party (prelude to Maga) is attracting masses because the Dem Party is neoliberal and abandoned labour. The Republicans will make scapegoats for this out of super exploited innocent immigrants,
Zizek's new quantum Fascism/Liberalism: The far right is attracting masses because Social Democrat parties are neoliberal and abandoned the true working class _to actually advance the interests of criminal immigrants and use them as a weapon against the indigenous volk._
Morningstar: The far right is a mirage, a defamatory caricature of the Right working class; this bogey was created by a satanic Left an agent Capital whose mission is to advance satanic modernity, stir the slave revolt of the diasporas (woke) against the Indigenous Steward Volk.
And Communism is the purest and most extreme form of this satanic project of left politics.

This is all in the protocols, tho contemporary exponents usually get it from some intermediary forms
It's the CONTENT of rightism, of counterrevolution, they want; Blut and Boden' the CPC's Authority.
they want the Party of Order. they want tribalism. they want to abolish personal liberties and rights, they want a society of rigid hierarchy and proprietor despotism,
and dehumanization, but all in ecofash primitivist rather than jetsons mode. That's why they say: The Left is The Enemy and An Arm of _Capital_ .
They're going to abolish Capital _from the right._ It being a relation in which the masses have Revolutionary Power.
What these larouchoids and duginists and the whole creepy landscape of this type are doing is aping the Left Bashing of Hitler and the Murdoch organization, and advancing it as if it were new exciting observations validated by our long RED tradition of criticism of anarchism and
social democracy and adventurism (and imposter provocateurs) etc etc.
I should say Nietzsche&Heidegger before Hitler, of course Nietzsche is the most influential, the kvetching about the slave revolt of uppitiness that is ID pol, (in Morningstar's case tis is constantly cynically swapped with advancing raciological ID pol, tho that's atypical)
is the same kiddie Nietzsche that right wing cranks and demagogues always deploy
Atypical among these larouchies; it is typical now among the successful psyops masters like Shitzek himself. Whereas Shitzek advances a white yerpeen idpol, aryanist and unreconstructed Hitlerism, Morningstar advances a broadly indigenous id pol like Nietzsche in certain moods
Background on this reactionary pseudo-populist anti-communism…
Again, this crap emerging from fake left now rebranding as neither right nor left, and declaring The Left is the Enemy, The Left is an Arm of Capital, and replying to _every_ interrogation regard the referent which evasion and varfing, is AS OLD AS THE HILLS, or at least
as old as political antisemitism. We find the ancestor, fairly indistinguishable, of this rhetoric in the intro to that now forgotten -- for its name not its content -- seminal volume Juifs, le rois d'epoque:

"J'appelle, comme le peuple, de ce nom méprisé de
tout trafiquant d'espèces, tout parasite improductif, vivant de la substance et du travail d'autrui. Juif,
usurier, trafiquant, sont pour moi synonymes.
Beaucoup m'ont fait un crime d'avoir cloué le nom
d'un peuple encore vivant, comme étiquette à une
profession infime....
Je réponds qu'il ne dépend pas du
bon plaisir de l'écrivain d'altérer la valeur d'une expression consacrée par l'usage, et que je n'ai pu
trouver, dans ma langue nationale, de , meilleur nom
que celui de juif , pour désigner ceux que j'ai voulu
"Marxism is The Enemy of Life
Marxism is white supremacist, european imperialism, hates furry animals
The Left is the Enemy
The Left is an arm of Capital
The toxins are the rootless
no offense, comrade.
Just calling Enemies of Life Marxism like we all do.
SO to reiterate, I want to stress the Shitzekian nature of these performances. And Morningstar is doing this repeatedly now. She begins saying the right and left is meaningless, and we have to go past it. And then instead of speaking substantively of anything, of politics, she
bashes the left endlessly. Politics never enter her discussion, WIth Blumenthal, of course, its perfect for him to do his routine of just talking about how he is the victim of his associates, never named, who are mean to him on twitter. No time remains, alas, to discuss the
convoys at all, or the reactions to them.

Now one of the more obvious and hamhanded techniques the Larouchies love is this the stolen sunday and poison cherry on top. Almost all their articles are links now, just summaries of two weeks of twitter news with hyperlinks and
basically rehearsing the public record, unsynthesized, just a bit pile of facts, then topping it with a heap of toxic bullshit.
This is how it works, the expropriation: Max Blumenthal until yesterday was a fake left, ostentatiously declaring himself leftist and speaking in the name of the left. CM never sounded left, she's an ecofash, never spoke of human liberation and flourishing but positioned as
ecofash, humanity is not self-justifying, presumptively Humanity is the Enemy [of nature, god, the cosmos] with the exception of some sacred rooted elites like fauna; anthropocentrism (humanism) is destroying god/nature; people consume _too much_, etc, Planet of the Humans.
Both of them, the Bernie Bro whom Hilary Clinton called "a mitzvah" (she meant to say a mensch no doubt) who produced propaganda cover to launch every Dem Party military aggression in his lifetme, and the mild mannered ecofash who said everyone who has promoted the jabs is a
monster deserving of an ignominious punishment _except_ whomever she is log rolling with at the moment, both are apologists for the counterrevolution in China and feel the working classes of China, and outside China, should be mor grateful to their Overlords. Make of this what
you will. So after about six months of prep, in harmony with the whole Larouchoid - Duginoid spectrum, the alt rights and the mainstream rights -- and of course the Azov movement abroad -- producing a crazed belligerent wave of anticommunist hysteria, to which Blumenthal and
Morningstar add their peculiar flavors which happen to be especially bloodthirsty (apologies for sadistic butchery of communists by the Nicaraguan Contras, from Morningstar -- the Bernie Bros don't go there -- cuz the peasants of Nicaragua transform into deracinated Europeans
when the magic MarxBook touches them, and from Blumenthal a grab bag of postures like a power point on fast forward as he runs through a few different covid ranger poses before turning coat to get on top of growing left clerk youth resistance.), so after this prep, they band
together, the covid hysteric and the Great Reset plandemic jeremiah, to make the straight up Nazi announcement without hedge and in unison: not just the communists but The Left is the Enemy. The Left is an Arm of Capital.
Which in some ways is not that far for either to go
politically at all: Max Blumenthal was a strong supporter of the far right takfiri contra paramilitaries in MENA on their mission to exterminate leftists throughout MENA and master, rob and subdue everyone insufficiently fascist or superfluous to fascists.
He aggressively worked to arm, fund, train, and launch their campaigns of butchery and apocalyptic destruction precisely by attacking the leftists who sought to report truth and organize against arming them. Morningstar has a different style but the proposal that Humanity Is The
Enemy is not very different from The Left Is The Enemy. Most of humanity being of course left. Left in politics signifying the direction of revolution against oppressors and exploiters, the direction of human liberation and flourishing.
Ok. So what is this declaration of war
by this odd partnership (Max Blumenthal in the past seemed to be helping himself to Morningstar's dossier on Avaaz, without attribution, and spinning it for US imperial apology, something he did in an obviously devious way to the actual journalistic reporting of Beeley on white
helmets) on the Left?
So: notice this is picking up yet again the standard and the project of counterrevolution in the guise of revolution: declaring "The year 1789 is hereby erased from history."
And: same Nazi gambit: "we support the working class. The Left is the Enemy"
Of course, the whole working class, on this earth, with negligible exceptions, is on the left. So they're asserting something here, pulling a shitzek -- and he learned the fundamentals of antirationalism and antiintellectualism from nazis and proto nazis -- which is simply
an expropriative claim they are making on behalf of their class against the masses. POLITICS per se, belong to _us_ the bourgeoisie. You the riff raff, the lumpens, are unworthy of politics. You can't be left for right, only WE can move you in those directions, which you can;t
even distinguish from one another. You just want a clean cage and a full dish. Bread and butter. (we all recognize these stances don't we). So the Bernie Bro will earn the consent of listeners to this _without having to state it or argue for it_ (because such an effort would
be absolutely doomed to failure and to ignominy):

So what we see, what everyone sees, is Bernie got this mass support by posing as a plausible victor for the presidency who promised to deliver a left agenda, a left movement. His VOTERS were attracted to him because THEY are
seeking a left direction in politics. THEY have a left agenda -- redistribution, labor strength, progressive taxation, civ lib, the dismantling of white supremacy, antiimperialism. They KNOW that Bernie's record is shoddy but they're picking from the available shelf and many
are duped by him, by the vestigial humanity and spontaneity he seems to possess -- his ability to speak extemoraneously, his long association with real progressive networks-- in the array of robotic frauds. SO it's all a fraud, as my followers know, but it's a simple fraud:
sheepdogging by posing as left.
So now Bernie Bro Blumenthal comes along to COMPLETE the fraud, to steal what Bernie himself left behind, something irreplacable, to complete the robbery, by carrying out an expropriation of the intellectual political social product on top of all
the money, the life hours, the creative labour, the ineffable potentials lose in the squandered opportunity for the masses to fuel and pursue class struggle collectively...Blumenthal swaggers back to the scene of the crime and steals the unifying signifier and truth the masses
produced, for his class, and declares it their property, with their exclusive right to exploit. He comes back with Morningstar and they ceremonially an they hope actually performatively, because this is spectacle power, grant a trademark for Left to their own class, and forbid
the masses, whom Bernie duped, the masses whom Bernie bombed, whom Russell Means butchered, to use this signifier or claim this politics.

MB & CM magistrates, award to the fraud, the imposter, the mimic, their own class, the ownership of politics they feigned and betrayed.
And then: they declare war on all those who do not obey their order.

The "logic" is comic sophistry, but as I mentioned, also that of the political antisemite's. It's akin to: "you all owe a debt to us MAGAS, because the Red Army liberated Europe, and we're the Reds now."
Please sub the substack where I'm going to elaborate on this new war on left politics, their perestroika, barrelling through 1789 now with a load of explosives toward magna carta...they have, as the Nazis did, Sparta in
Wanted to put this up, also -- written not long after the London riots protesting the murder of Mark Duggan -- for context, because unfortunately these fake dissidents are working towatd hegemony with their antihuman austerity fake poverty virtue signaling…
"Proclamation: Riff Raff Take Notice. You are forbidden to call yourself Communists. You are forbidden to call yourselves Leftists or to pursue any Left politics. Anyone trespassing against this decree will be summarily cancelled, one way or another."
Calls for "unity" tout court come always from people intent on division. Their unifying tactic is invariably a pillory or a pogrom of the scapegoat. It's a bit audacious that Blumenthal and Morningstar -- belonging to different ostensibly antagonistic political groupuscules --
are trying to place The Left -- virtually everyone except their own class and that of their masters -- in the place of both the traditional enemy of the Rooted/Race (so this is Morningstar's) and in the position of the scapegoat to be driven out of the left itself (Bromenthal)

• • •

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Mar 22
Depopulation has been a class _ interpower war tactic in the repertoire of overlords since the dawn of history.
In the middle ages its use is at a low ebb.
But it becomes a hugely important class war programme in the period of transition to capitalism: notably:
in the early modern period
european enclosures: depopulation of land to consolidate title-capital/make room for sheep
depopulation of the resulting overpopulated cities with insurrectionary proles to
settle lands, which
are subject to very agressive exterminist depopulation
these population strategies create the capitalist empires. the most actively deployed population management is the most successful, British empire. Goes on to do a lot of this. Ireland. India.
Spain's backwardness in depopulation tactics is a liability
This doesn't stop in the
Read 6 tweets
Mar 22
Max Blumenthal partnered with Cory Morningstar to declare War on the Left :
"The Left is the Enemy. The Arm of Capital._ -- Cory Morningstar

Here's how the built the foundation for this coming out:…
here's a brief explanation of their latest gambit:

more soon on
Ok from the declaration of war on the left from Bromenthal and Morningstar, this is CLASSIC (and incessant) Blumenthal:

MB asks CM to explain the state of emergency declared in Canada. She can't explain it, no politics, but she rattles off some (conveniently terroristic) acts
Read 56 tweets
Mar 21
I want to state this as clearly as possible:
Morningstar and that Larouchoid Duginoid formerly fake "left" now third position (they rebranded) network are purveying this slogan The Left Is The Real Enemy (and notice they're reunifying with their covid ranger splitters to do
this) as a follow up to their gnostic insanity Marx Is The Geist Of Satanic Modernity, as _preparation_ for the "decommunization" promised by Putin in Novorossiya. They're creating these slogans and narratemes to position Putin as a revenant Stalin menaced by commies defamed
as "lefts" "ultra Lefts" "Levellers". They're working on Epic Mythological Time, this de-historicization and de-temporalization so they can say look Stalin himself condemned these people in Donetsk! As they say look Adam Smith, Poliecon himself, said this about Karl Marx.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21
They don't want you to know left from right.

But they know.

I think about half the anglophony 'left' covid rangers have returned to their prior positioning against US Empire policy this next stage. But as rights. They're performing IR Wonkery, dutifully echoing generals &
ostentatiously, wonkily, contemptuous of Novorossiya, and impatient with anything but this parody of Kissingerian Realism a discourse designed to scoff at and allow extermination of these reds without yachts to seize.
MEANWHILE in the larouchie redbouts they are working on the propaganda for the promised ruthless decommunization of the breakaways, the culmination of rulings class policy to date 'gloves off.' THE MANTRA: _The Left is the Real Enemy._ Nothing _necessarily_ objectionable about
Read 7 tweets
Mar 20
Ha this is so funny really it's just absolute mask-off Goebbels:

What a pair of fascist creeps. It's advertised as about the convoy but actually no mention of it. Nothing, except Cory being there and what was worn. No politics. ZERO. Truckers nice right
Right wingers. Not rich well dressed leftists. She is 100% zizek. No discussion of thr convoy its achievements the problems the prospects, nothing. Just liek crabapple placing herself at pws. And the rest of the time just repeating key Goebbels incantations: leftism is a fraud,
The Left are rich, the Left are a mask of capital, the Left is the real enemy: it's right in time for Azov Redemption. Amazing. Max Blumrnthal is now thr King of the Larpuchies. Of course he debuted as the Larouchie changeling for Norman Finkelstein. "Israel distorts benevolent
Read 22 tweets
Mar 20
Costas Lapavistas probably does know -- even from the sponsors directly -- that the name of the new game is real assets, use values not abstract claims, and here he is putting an extract of the truth into the bullshit ball, to make it attractive:
"No crisis of financialised capitalism has been greater than the massive disturbance of 2007–9. That tremendous shock to the core of the world economy
has continued to reverberate up to the present, while accumulation has not found even a semblance of vigour...
...Finance still rules the roost, but has lost
much of the arrogant confidence of the 2000s. Similarly, economic policy still
aims at largely protecting the interests of financiers and lenders, but entire economies flounder between stagnation and low growth, real incomes ...
Read 5 tweets

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