Red Kahina Profile picture
Mar 22 92 tweets 17 min read
Max Blumenthal partnered with Cory Morningstar to declare War on the Left :
"The Left is the Enemy. The Arm of Capital._ -- Cory Morningstar

Here's how the built the foundation for this coming out:…
here's a brief explanation of their latest gambit:

more soon on
Ok from the declaration of war on the left from Bromenthal and Morningstar, this is CLASSIC (and incessant) Blumenthal:

MB asks CM to explain the state of emergency declared in Canada. She can't explain it, no politics, but she rattles off some (conveniently terroristic) acts
of the regime. In a childish way. Deliberately childish, fragmented, vague and apolitical, so that nobody listening can get any notion of how it enacted and more importantly how it's resisted and fought. Then CM says "the emergencies act is supposed to be if there's a war. this
was just a festival, there was dancing..."
And throughout her eyewitness narrative, there will only be these apolitical details, families showering, lots of love. As far as CM is concerned there was actually no political direct action at all. Nothing effective was done. It's a
notorious propaganda techinique, she is portraying an organized political protest as a kind of mindless village fair that was attacked by cossacks. She said nobody at the event had seen the organizers or had any programme. So then its just a terroristic narrative throwing at
listeners vivid descriptions, unsynthesized, of the police repression. A cinematic montage. CM is simply acting as the pr for that repression. Ok so she says, it's supposed to be for war, but this was a festival (not actually a political direct action and a strike): this
cues MB, who delivers no holds barred blast of ruling class propaganda: "You can see these images of the protest, it was like a dance party at night, there really was no violence, the worst thing I heard about was some of the truckers were honking their air horns after 8pm
and it was annoying the residents of downtown Ottawa including no shortage of lockdown leftists who have been complaining on twitter about it. But you know, it wasn't exactly January 6th."
It's an extraordinary little performance this vid. Morningstar is sighting a lot, performing the loss for words confused distressed vox pop, like an interview you might see of someone stopped on the street after running from a flood. There's NO POLITICS, observed or contributed.
*sighing. Then Max follows up just checking off the cues, "lockdown left complaining on twitter" "January 6th."
So there was this kind of quick aerosol spray of superficial signals of "reportage": some film of the crowd, a clip from a phonecam of police trying to close a
restaurant, the whole purpose of which and its main effect is to portray the events as unknowable and kind of empty. There is no political org or movement here. People eating and showering. This is the cia's fave orientalist style of reporting from say Maidan, Again Diebert
comes to mind. And crapmonger's self narration at OWS (also feeding people, helping them shower, helping them charge phones, and lots of love blah blah). Ok: then these two agree that Avaaz will get a share of The Left trademark they together as magistrates have created to
enclose and expropriate this bit of the intellectual emotional cognitive political historical commons. They're proceeding like Spielberg with Jurassic now. We OWN this. And we are granting a license of Avaaz: which MB says "funded by Open Society and [is] George Soros, it
basically is an arm of the liberal establishment of the West." CM: "Yah" [note the shitzek 3 sig monty now] MB: "I do feel a similar, a sort of anger among sectors of the US left and in the West now opposing this agenda, which is so nakedly in your face after Canada, warning that
and I know you were out there well before I was, and many other people were and when I first started speaking out against the mandates, and warning that this is the basis of a new biomedical security state and that we're galloping towards a kind of takeover of corporate, we were
witnessing a corporate coup -- " CM: "yeah" -- "I felt the same sort of opposition and people turn on me that I did when I started exposing the white helmets." Which he absolutely did not do. au contraire. and CM knows it also. but she's degaussing.
Ok continuing transcript of the Blumenthal Morningstar declaration of war on the Left:
So max admits "other people" were out there about the white helmets before him, he doesn't of course confess to displacing and doing damage control but plagiarizing and turning upside down and
stuffing full of thevery propaganda the original reporting he's stealing, Vanessa Beeley's, disproved. And CM doesn't feel any obligation to point this out, maybe just from opportunistic log rolling, but I of course have another hunch. MB says then truthfully enough that
the Greta psyop was obvious as a psyop from the get go -- that's a fact -- but then praises CM for "getting to the bottom of it" (CM put out 100s of pages of facts making the case for the conspiracy between Thunberg's mother and some other people, but then later denied
this dossier indicated conspiracy, leaving us to wonder what exactly its for, because a compilation of facts found on the web) and then Max makes an excuse for himself saying from his platform -- mini mainstream -- had he taken aim at the Greta psyop he'd have been called
a sexist child abuser (he doesn't mention #oppornpixie but he's evoking these tactics of spox and icon selection as human shields, and deliberate NOT explaining its function and protags), then he notes that the whole Thunberg op "was all about exploiting a new profit center
for a very desperate global capitalist class [sic sic sic sic sic], and that profit center is renewables, electric batteries, that sort of whole world. I think that's what we would call the 4th industrial revolution. That's what ties all this together." CM: "Yeah. That's what
capitalism is. That's what fascism is, the decay of capitalism." [sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic} "That's what we're seeing now. So you're seeing this desperate attempt to insulate the ruling class, to protect them, and this massive rollout of emerging markets."
This last sentence, which is gibberish, but with a lot of innuendo, actually comes from my output (I explained how various specific means of gov backstops insulate the ruling class from financial risk, and here they're making bullshit salad out of the phrases used. "Emerging
markets" is a phrase CM repeats constantly, in this way to try to make it magic. I'm not sure why this, perhaps just to make unintelligible the critique of imperialism's neoliberal phase from pov of BRICS&3W and the plunder accelerating now, much of it carried out from Beijing.
Emerging markets are not something that can be rolled out. Markets refer to the national boundary physical and juridical, to call them emerging is to say the financialization and the economic activity is developing toward or past some threshold of importance for investors,
Anyway this is one of the magic phrases hypnotically repeated by CM, I don't really have a good guess why. Then she continues "these are the STDs. Did I say stds? they should be called that. The SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals." Another thing constantly repeated, never
discussed, but insinuated as a signal of the Globalists. (they're window dressing, pr, a list of excuses for
different aggressions in the ruling class programme). And as we will see, they serve in the storytelling as the protcols of the Learned Elders of The Left. Ok continued:
I'm coming to the crux of it all, the big climax the fascist parade in language, the Marie Antoinette Resurrected moment, and it's actually kind of shocking and makes me furious. But she's been at this for a year now, but I had to take a little break. Anyway get your airplane
sickness bag.

CM: "Another thing we can bring into this," she says, and its clear, this is a prepared, "Another interesting thing about how we can [sigh] apply this narrative this framing around working class as white supremists" -- notes from meeting into the script there oops
-- "again that did not apply to those people really good people in Ottawa it makes me sick that people say that, but it's funny that, for example Klaus Schwab that video that you just showed, people don't seem to have that much of an issue with it, if that was a country, i've
been on our government website, that's foreign interference, it's not a state but it's an entity interfering with our, with our government, but what if that I don't know what if Klaus Schwab was Chinese, what if he was Russian, all the red scare red scare people, what would
they think? What if he was middle eastern? I think it's really strange how we can have these elites, sort of white globalist faces, whether its greta thunberg or klaus schwab and everyone's you know really sort of identifies with that and embraces that but no one now wants
to identify with the working class."

Well yes I didn't make this up. nobody goes to Chumleys anymore it's too crowded said a fancy preppy I once new. So this is the culmination of the super creepy reportage on the vid, where Cory Morningstar, ethnographic explorer, goes to
Ottawa to the convoy, this enormous convoy supported by the majority of Canadians, and she sees: people eating, showering and dancing. And then she comes back and says: there was nobody there. ('s right dr livingston I presume) She was the FIRST MAN to
penetrate the interior of the dark content of the trucker convoy.

I'm not not picking, she has form with this, for a year on aesthetic resistance...there's a segment scolding black american communities for insufficient resistance to jabs that would burn your brain.
it seems nobody is working class.

And you picked up the larouchie protocols materials, delivered zizek style, Iagoesquely -- what if Klaus Schwab were Oriental? Mightn't he be? -- continues:

CM "no one [sic] identifies with the working class. no one wants to be the working
class" -- see how she is kind of forcing the reader to misconstrue the term working class just in order to receive the language as meaningful. Of course, this is a reworked Hitler rant. we are talking the race, the volk, the aryan worker. "it's like the laptop class,
"and there's this contempt" -- that's again a borrowing from me, in criticism of her, which she is trying to repurpose, because she has just brazenly and ostenatiously exhibited this contempt, " and I've written about this for a long time, the left, the self-identified left,
I think the left is now just a fucking vacuum." So having reduced the entire working class of canada and the world to lesser animals, eating, showering, dancing, not even driving, certainly not engaging in a political praxis, she can plant her flag in the Terra Nullis. SHe just
class cleansed the whole earth, expropriated all political thought and action as her own, and declared the liberation movement of humanity to be an idea without people. Now she will trademark it and license it. To destroy it, and its producers. The left is a fucking vaccum.
the false extemporaneous style in the video gets more and more grating as she goes on, but it does work a bit to disguise how blatant this all is. When you see it typed out as I am doing, no one could possibly mistake it. Certainly after declaring no one (who is anyone)
"identifies as working class" or "wants to be working class" (that's worthy of zizek, that condensed equivocation). Ok "The left is a fucking vacuum. That's it for the left. They betrayed the working class. They stand for nothing. What are they good for." who is she talking
about now? ...seee? The left. Canel Diaz. Nicolas Maduro. The people of Donetsk and Lughansk. Or Schwab? Xi? Or Harvey Weinstein? "What are they good for. They're not anti-war. They're not anti-imperialists. They're not for bodily autonomy. My body my choice is gone, I mean what
good are they for? All they are is now an arm of capital. That's it. They lobby for windmills and technology that ruins the earth that destroys the earth that destroys life." Channelling Zizek, no chinese restaurants yet but, Channelling Heidegger, Channeling Goebbels..."
"They lobby for pharmaceutical that destroys you know in this way we're seeing a lot of vaccine injuries, and this whole white supremist idea that we know what's best for Africa, you know, Colonialism, that mentality, is being propped up again, this whole green fourth industrial
revolution" if you listen you will hear the sound of Hitler himself in this rant against The Enemy, you know who, oh I can't say specifically, but imagine they were Chinese???? Ok continues: "complete imperial like a rebooting of colonialim and imperialism and The Left is
pushing and pushing it, there's no talk about what the energy is used for, there's no uhm opposition to the military, no focus on the military, no focus on industrial uhm you know the industrial economy," i'm not making this up, "versus you know there is just so much being
lost here, I mean i think the left is you know the left is a complete write off. And it only serves now, it's the enemy. the collaborator. And I will always stand. And you were talking about being hated." This is a famous Hitler moment. cue violins. "The good thing about it. I
don't care who hates me. I really couldn't care less. And that is a gift, because then you can write."

About, for example, the fauna jumping from trucks to eat shit shower and dance, pre verbals, who cannot know their right foot from their left.
Nietzsche posture: I am dynamite.
this diabolical partership here
the whole point is Max Blumenthal himself is this fake left, this person who posed as Left, as he could do in our US context where he has nobody to answer to, you can just declare yourself the Leading Left Intello, and he ostentatiously
committed all these crimes while dressed up as Left, so that Morningstar now can accuse others, who have always opposed him, or at least opposed his crimes even if taken in by him, accuse these _others_ actual leftists of his crimes, and destroy them/us, and erase the year 1789
What that podcast is Max Blumenthaltaking the bloody murder weapon he used to kill palsol and cut off the heads of Syrian pows, and giving it to Cory Morningstar to plant it in the drawer of the dying Michael Parenti's nightstand.
So Hitler said: Our German workers have two souls. One is German, the other is Marxian. We must arouse the German soul. We must root out the taint of Marxism. Marxism and Germanism, like German and Jew, are antipodes.

So MB/CM think they're ahead: Our workers have Indigenous
souls. They're uncomplicated local fauna who don't know right from left and don't like nice clothes. Leftists are trying to infiltrate their souls with rebellion and greed. We must arouse the Indigenous soul, root out and protect them from the taint of internationalism/Leftism
Morningstar starts the Hitler rant identifying the enemy as leftist...then she hands the baton to Blumenthal, who continues it but now the enemy is "Marxists":
Cory Morningstar, virtually quoting Hitler: "I was always stand with the working class, with the peasantry, with the indigenous people with those fighting, who are impoverished and oppressed [so long as none adopt a revolutionary left politics] by our common enemy, the ruling
class. Like I can't believe that people [leftists, e .g. the sandinistas, chavistas, front de gauche, farc, npa etc] are siding with the oppressor over our brothers and sisters. It makes me want to ball my eyes out." it's really hitler at the factory. "I mean its disappointing
but I've also been writing about it for such a long time and the psychology behind it, I mean this wokeness. I mean people [sic, she means full people, not working class] are more interested in their sort of branding of who they are on social media, then they care about the
people. do anyway its a time to sort of recognize that and get past that and accept that for what it is." she is actually forbidding the workers of world from her self appointed dynamite magazine to produce revolutionary left politics. "Recognize that the left has become an arm
of capital. and they're the collaborator. the enemy."

You see she is doing just what Hitler proposes. She things she is waging war for the Indigenous soul of the masses to uproot the Marxist soul, the red blood and the heart on the left of Che.

CM: ok the mantra "the left has
become an arm of capital. they're the collaborator. the enemy. now we have to organize and get past that." no details. no politics that can be mentioned in public.
MB: "But more insidious than the right that's an arm of capital because they feign anticapitalism [CM nods] they
wear it on their sleeve, they belong to an alphabet soup of socialist organizations whose members could fit in i dont know a laundromat, they claim to be often anti imperialist, that's part of their branding, but this is the ultimate mask-off moment, [CM nodding] where they
demonized the truckers strike as a bunch of what they call petty bourgeois owner-operators, you know they use Marxist, crude Marxist theory to paper over [CM nodding] what their real intentions are, which is for a brutal police crack down and a security state repression of a
protest against an agenda they support. And what they support is masking 2 year olds endlessly, banning people from society and public places for refusing to take an MRNA injection, possibly every five or six months as we see in France, fully vaccinated keep being unvaccinated
MB contd "we see that in Israel to, they stand for soul and livelihood destroying lockdowns, that have led to more deaths than they prevented [sic], they stand for keeping children indefinitely out of school" -- please notice the rhetoric just CM and the gutentag "articles" of
endless links, this listicle flurry of outrages, "and against the government's obligation to educate poor children, they've stood consistently for those and they stand for placing the unvaccinated in camps. Noam Chomsky called for that and found a lot of support on the left for
those comments. And that is what actually took place in places like Australia and there was no opposition from the official or organized left to that. They stand for all those things but they don't want to say it, and they certainly don't want to debate those issues in the open."
so for 45 mintes these two have been talking listing the crimes of the ruling class they claim to oppose as the crimes of the Left, declaring workers are incapable of politics at all, and this is why they say nothing, not a word, about working class politics, resistance,
or the convoy they named their show for. Its 45 minutes planting Max Blumenthals bloody head chopping knives in the luggage of the actual working class and their organic and servant intellectuals who ARE ALL LEFT. Ok continuing, Max: and this is irony explosion: "So they paper
it over making everything about a left right binary, or a cultural binary, or they try to make it about racism, and of course they don't go to the ground like you did" -- ugh the ground, the safari to the savannah of eat, shower, dance -- "Cory Morningstar, they don't go and
actually interact with the people" -- it really is the dark continent she visited, these people apparently have no comms, these canadians driving 18 wheelers -- "stay with them, live with them, talk to them, and see what they're really about, or as I've done in the US, and
you get an entirely different picture. What i saw at the defeat the mandates rally in washington just walking through the crowd were people coming up to me commenting on reporting we'd done at the Greyzone that they were reading, because they were solidly antiwar and
antiimperialist themselves." It's funny now Max is going so far as to ask you to assume and to assume himself that all his Greyzone audience is actually right wingers. No lefts. Can't be lefts. Because left, the spawn of Marx, is against life. MB cntd "But they also just
happen to be against the entire system, unlike so many of these lockdown leftists, who spent last year howling about insurrection and sedition on January 6th, and now they've spent the beginning of this year howling in support of emergency laws, I mean these tiny sectarian
factions, have revealed themselves as posing no threat to power whatsoever. In fact, they're power's left hand." cory won't think it worth metnioning this last is Max boasting of something he himself was a lead spook in achieving over the past decade and a half. MB" So this
is the ultimate mask off moment for the lockdown left, but it doesn't mean that the entire left is irredeemable does it? I talk to people who say we're politically homeless, that's what I keep hearing, that's the mantra. I mean where do they go where does this coalesce because I
think the refuse of the post bernie movement in the US has caused a brain drain within the broader left, and those people will coalesce elsewhere." CM: "Is that a question because [aw shucks]" MB: "Because what you said Cory what you said that the left is dead, it's a vacuum
enough and now you feel free to write whatever you want and say whatever you want. It's a statement that might be true, but then where do people organize who don't agree with what passes for the right on so many issues, where does this all go or do left and right no longer mean
anything." So she's put on the spot and an extraordinary thing happens. There's the orientalist gesture version of condescension to notice the workers far off, and then like Bill Gates she just has the censor off and forgets there was a genocide, ongoing, in canada
forgets speaking from un-ceded territory, forgets it's a settler state, forgets the whole persona she came with: . CM: "I just see the left as so right right? I mean they identify as left but they're so right? They're liberals who have been unmasked and theyre very right? I mean
I don't know I think you see what true left is in the gobal south, i mean you see it down in nicaragua, they're just more focused, they're reading the right things, they're listening to the right people, they're united, and they have the right foundations, anti-colonialism
anti-imperialism," -- she doesn't specify whom she means, she leaves you free to assume by true left she means the 19th of April movement or whatever, as she before was rewriting the Contras as champions of sacred indigenous -- "anti-war, all those things, because they have
tasted, all that, they've been on other end of that. whereas we haven't." who? "Like especially Canada is such a young country' yep. ok so you know now without a doubt what her real circles are. It's like when Molly Crabapple came out with "Jews and Arabs" and "Israeli Arabs"
with no idea that these are kind of inverse shibboleths, "Canada is such a young country, we haven't experienced fascism like they have in Europe." Takes your breath away. What happened is this just all a big fuck up or was it decided to drop the mask? And she mentioned
earlier in the thing tat her partner is Algonquin involvred in Land Back demands. "And so youvhave a lot more resistance there." this tells you what she really things of the convoy I guess. The biggest most successful act of direct action resistance yet seen. But peasants
incapable of politics. Now on the vid you see she realized or is uneasy with what she just did. Let it all hang out so to say. So little girl comes to rescue: "I guess I'm just really sssssick of the word left and leftists right now." indeed so it seems. "It has no meaning
for me other than betrayal."
And then the next part is just like the stonewalling of a real antisemite, a real larouchie, an antidreyfusard. I mean maybe every leftist who ever lived wasn't a traitor but these people are traitors and leftism is treachery kind of thing.

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Mar 22
Depopulation has been a class _ interpower war tactic in the repertoire of overlords since the dawn of history.
In the middle ages its use is at a low ebb.
But it becomes a hugely important class war programme in the period of transition to capitalism: notably:
in the early modern period
european enclosures: depopulation of land to consolidate title-capital/make room for sheep
depopulation of the resulting overpopulated cities with insurrectionary proles to
settle lands, which
are subject to very agressive exterminist depopulation
these population strategies create the capitalist empires. the most actively deployed population management is the most successful, British empire. Goes on to do a lot of this. Ireland. India.
Spain's backwardness in depopulation tactics is a liability
This doesn't stop in the
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Mar 21
So after this thread and others discussing the apology for the Contras and all this other appalling shit, I got a dm from Morningstar saying hey what's with you "you're supposed to be my comrade." That's a Larouchie tell right there: elective proximity to her in my prior output
is brought forward as a commitment to bind me to validate, respect or collaborate in any evil lie, Nazi provocation or deception she produces. Larouchies create these chains of log rolling, that look just like professional opportunism, but then demand binding pseudo-solidarities
so ultimately we are all bound to treat Whitney Webb and Max Blumenthal as comrades and civilly not notice what they oh so obviously are up to.
"You're supposed to be my comrade," instead of a defense of the content that has been challenged. Same Sorkinist appeals for loyalty
Read 89 tweets
Mar 21
I want to state this as clearly as possible:
Morningstar and that Larouchoid Duginoid formerly fake "left" now third position (they rebranded) network are purveying this slogan The Left Is The Real Enemy (and notice they're reunifying with their covid ranger splitters to do
this) as a follow up to their gnostic insanity Marx Is The Geist Of Satanic Modernity, as _preparation_ for the "decommunization" promised by Putin in Novorossiya. They're creating these slogans and narratemes to position Putin as a revenant Stalin menaced by commies defamed
as "lefts" "ultra Lefts" "Levellers". They're working on Epic Mythological Time, this de-historicization and de-temporalization so they can say look Stalin himself condemned these people in Donetsk! As they say look Adam Smith, Poliecon himself, said this about Karl Marx.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21
They don't want you to know left from right.

But they know.

I think about half the anglophony 'left' covid rangers have returned to their prior positioning against US Empire policy this next stage. But as rights. They're performing IR Wonkery, dutifully echoing generals &
ostentatiously, wonkily, contemptuous of Novorossiya, and impatient with anything but this parody of Kissingerian Realism a discourse designed to scoff at and allow extermination of these reds without yachts to seize.
MEANWHILE in the larouchie redbouts they are working on the propaganda for the promised ruthless decommunization of the breakaways, the culmination of rulings class policy to date 'gloves off.' THE MANTRA: _The Left is the Real Enemy._ Nothing _necessarily_ objectionable about
Read 7 tweets
Mar 20
Ha this is so funny really it's just absolute mask-off Goebbels:

What a pair of fascist creeps. It's advertised as about the convoy but actually no mention of it. Nothing, except Cory being there and what was worn. No politics. ZERO. Truckers nice right
Right wingers. Not rich well dressed leftists. She is 100% zizek. No discussion of thr convoy its achievements the problems the prospects, nothing. Just liek crabapple placing herself at pws. And the rest of the time just repeating key Goebbels incantations: leftism is a fraud,
The Left are rich, the Left are a mask of capital, the Left is the real enemy: it's right in time for Azov Redemption. Amazing. Max Blumrnthal is now thr King of the Larpuchies. Of course he debuted as the Larouchie changeling for Norman Finkelstein. "Israel distorts benevolent
Read 22 tweets
Mar 20
Costas Lapavistas probably does know -- even from the sponsors directly -- that the name of the new game is real assets, use values not abstract claims, and here he is putting an extract of the truth into the bullshit ball, to make it attractive:
"No crisis of financialised capitalism has been greater than the massive disturbance of 2007–9. That tremendous shock to the core of the world economy
has continued to reverberate up to the present, while accumulation has not found even a semblance of vigour...
...Finance still rules the roost, but has lost
much of the arrogant confidence of the 2000s. Similarly, economic policy still
aims at largely protecting the interests of financiers and lenders, but entire economies flounder between stagnation and low growth, real incomes ...
Read 5 tweets

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