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Apr 1, 2022 486 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Martyrs of CRPF - 01 Apr ImageImage
Nb Sub Sanayaima Kom.
Laid down his life in Poonch, J&K this day in 2017.
Name suggests he was from a small tribe in Manipur
Sacrificed himself 2700km from home, all in the service of the Motherland. Image
Inspector T Alex Lalminlun, 168th Battalion The BSF.
Yet another soldier of Mother India from across the Brahmputra. Martyred defending her borders in a faraway Poonch this day in 2019.
Third martyrdom anniversary today. Image
An occasion of joy is as good as any to remember fallen comrades.
Happy Raising Day to 7 Bihar! Image
Btw, in above tweet, do notice how they remember Maj Sandeep Unnikrishnan, AC(P), a Keralite, as a 'Veer Bihari'!
THIS, folks, is what National Integration is all about. It is not about reservations, but about accepting each other.
Third martyrdom anniversary today.
Gunner Nilesh Singh, Gunner Arvinder Kumar and Sepoy Hetram Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 02 Apr Image
Another Vir Bihari who fell in line of duty, earning a Shaurya Chakra in the process..
God Bless his soul Image
Martyrs of CISF - 02 Apr Image
Gunner Jageshwar, 29 Rashtriya Rifles.
Martyred in the accursed 'Jannat', this day seven years ago Image
Constable Shameem Ahmed, JK Police, martyred in a grenade attack in Nowhatta, Srinagar, this day four years ago.
Flt Lt Gagan Oberoi & Flt Lt Mayank Mayur
These Ambala based Jaguar pilots were martyred in a mid-air collision in Sonmarg during a sortie this day in 2004
A huge loss indeed, both men & machines ImageImage
03 Apr
Two more 'Veer Biharis'
Fell at the peak of their youth 18 yrs ago, fighting for the Nation's unity Image
03 Apr
18th martyrdom anniversary of this Khalsa of 4 Sikh, who fell in a different part of the accursed 'Jannat', the same day as his Bihari brothers above.
God bless them all Image
03 Apr
This Khalsa of Gobind fell in the very initial days of insurgency, when fauj was still finding its feet.
It's thanks to him & thousands such brothers of his who spilled blood in those lands in those days that it still is securely tethered to th Motherland Image
03 Apr
342nd death anniversary of the greatest King of his times, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Left behind an indelible legacy indeed Image
03 Apr
Sep Mustapure Shubham Suryakant, 5 Maratha LI
This young lad from Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj's lands was a mere 21 years old when he fell in the service of the Motherland
03 Apr
The 22 boys lost in Chhattisgarh, fighting 'Gandhians With Guns' Image
04 Apr
May God give strength to his loved ones to carry on without him .. Image
04 Apr
SSB Troopers.
Martyred in the line of duty in Assam, this day 11 years ago Image
04 Apr
ASI Bipul Bohra, Constable Seelam Ramakrishna, Constable Isharar Khan and Constable Tumeshwar, 114th Battalion The Border Security Force.
Martyred in Kanker, Chhattisgarh this day three years ago, fighting Leftist scum.
Remember them, anyone? ImageImageImageImage
04 Apr
The two IAF personnel who lost their lives in a road accident at Avantipore this day in 2019
04 Apr
The two Indian Army snipers who lost their lives in a freak fire accident while training at Mhow, MP
05 Apr
Sapper Amarjit Singh, Shaurya Chakra (P)
Fell in Kashmir, fighting uninvited 'guests' from across Image
05 Apr
Tenth martyrdom anniversary of this one.
Felled in Sukma by 'Gandhians with Guns' Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 05 Apr Image
05 Apr
Lt Cdr Saurabh Tiwari, INAS 300 Squadron.
This Sea Harrier pilot was lost when his Sea Harrier crashed at sea while on an operational sortie from INS Viraat, this day in 2007.
His mortal remains were recovered 10 days after the crash. Image
05 Apr
Maj Gen SN Dubey, Bengal Sappers.
Third death anniversary of this 1971 war veteran today
05 Apr
Sub Sanjeev Kumar, Hav Davendra Singh, Ptr Bal Krishan, Ptr Amit Kumar, Ptr Chhatrapal Singh, Fourth Battalion The Parachute Regiment.
Martyred this day two years ago, in a most audacious close quarter engagement.
God bless them all. Image
Here's their story. A MUST READ
Each and every one of them was a Param Vir.
May God grant them eternal peace.
Om Shanti .. ImageImageImage
06 Apr
No #AdarshLiberal will shed tears for this man, ever, or for the thousands like him that have fallen fighting Naxals / Maoists.
In fact they cheer on his murderers .. Image
06 Apr
Chintalnar massacre. Yes, there is no other way to describe what happened that day.
The CRPF lost 75 boys this day in 2010. God bless them.
Here are the names behind the above statistic. Try and read them all if you can Image
06 Apr
The three unarmed JKP men murdered by militants this day in 2015.
HC Mushtaq (Pulwama), CT Nisar (Sopore) & CT Shabir (Leh). Image
06 Apr
Refer the above tweet.
Sadly, on their fourth martyrdom anniversary, another Kashmiri brother of theirs gave up his life much the same way - Mohd Rafi Watoo (Warpora). Murdered while on leave at home.
Today is his fourth martyrdom anniversary. Image
07 Apr
Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Fell this day in 2009 in an IED triggered by Red Terrorists .. Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 07 Apr Image
07 Apr
'Cracker', 170 Bn CRPF
Martyred this day five years ago in an IED blast triggered by Maoists
God Bless the soul of this four legged warrior ImageImageImage
Martyrs of BSF - 07 Apr Image
07 Apr
Hav Prabhu Kirke, L/Nk Bihari Marandi & Sep Kuldeep Lakra
Gone, but not forgotten.
God bless them all
07 Apr
Constable Shiv Lal Netam, 116 Bn CRPF. Second martyrdom anniversary today
Yet another CRPF trooper. Fell fighting 'Gandhians with Guns' this day nine years ago Image
Another promising life cut short, fighting Pakistan sponsored terror in the accursed Valley. Image
Nk Dipankar Gain, 14 Mech Inf (16 JakRif)
Martyred this day 11 yrs ago, at the peak of his youth Image
Naik Ranjeet Singh, Vir Chakra (P), 5 PARA
33 years since this one made the supreme sacrifice, in a forgotten war in a faraway land.
Mangal Pandey
Hanged by the invaders this day 165 years ago, but not before lighting a spark that would ultimately succeed Image
Lieutenant General PS Jaggi
Died in harness.
Fourth death anniversary today.
Col M B Ravindranath, Vir Chakra, former CO 2 RAJ RIF (Tololing)
Martyrs of CRPF - 09 Apr
Just this one Paramilitary has lost so many men in service of the Nation Image
09 Apr
Here are a few of the above CRPF boys, amongst those who stood like a rock between an entire Pakistan Army Brigade and victory at Sardar Post in Rann of Kutch, this day in 1965 Image

Map chart of the Attack on Sardar Post.

Pak lost 4 Officers and 30 Other Ranks.
4 Other Ranks were taken POW.

And all this at the hands of a mere two companies of CRPF against an entire Brown Panted BRIGADE of Pakistan Army, supported by artillery! Image
Rifleman Vinod Singh and Rifleman Jaki Sharma, 8th Battalion The Jammu and Kashmir Rifles.
Martyred this day four years ago in an unprovoked ceasefire violation by Pak Army from across the LoC in Sunderbani Sector, J&K ImageImage
Refer four tweets above.
Here are three more of the faces behind above names
Hope one day Sukma becomes a pilgrimage in their & others' memory Image
Khalsas of Gobind - amongst the fiercest, AND happiest soldiers on this Earth.
Just look at that smile! Image
Nk Sispal Singh,2 Jat, MVC(Posth) - fell this day in 1948, enroute to Rajauri, leading from front.
He was the Platoon Havaldar of the leading platoon as 2Jat moved to capture Pt 4622 as part of the Indian Army's advance in 1948, to recapture Rajauri from .. Image
.. the Paakis
During the initial stage of the battle itself, Nk Sispal was hit by an enemy bullet but he refused to be evacuated, & carried on inspiring his platoon to advance with even greater determination.
As the firefight continued, this Balwan Jat was injured again but he kept on fighting and finally breathed his last, but only after seeing the objective in own hands.
This brave son of Mother India was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his supreme sacrifice.
But he was not the only one to fall that day from 2 JAT. Just the 'B' Company lost 25% of its men as casualties to enemy fire in the attack to capture a difficult objective over equally difficult terrain.
It was a testimony to the brave Jats' resilience that despite such heavy casualties they pressed home the attack and wrested the objective from an equally tenacious enemy.
God bless Nk Sispal Singh and other braves of 2 JAT who fell this day 74 years ago.
Fate threw all it could, against them. Yet they prevailed.
Here's the story of the braves of Second Battalion The JAT Regiment and the mad dash they made this day 74 years ago, tweeted as part of my Kashmir War thread.
Worth a read.
Lt Col Mahipal & four of his men
Fell fighting this day eight years ago in Sudan when their 32 men patrol got ambushed by 200+ rebels ImageImage
Constable Chagan Kuldeep, Constable Ramlal Uyami, Constable Somdu Kawasi and Driver Danteshwar Mourya - martyred fighting Naxals this day three years ago in the service of Indian Democracy while escorting Dantewada MLA Bhima Mandali during election campaign
Havildar Mohd Saleem Akhoon, 162 Inf Bn, TA
Yet another son of Kashmir, murdered by the cowards working for Rawalpindi, while unarmed and with his family.
Martyrs of BSF - 09 Apr Image
Col Navjot Singh Bal, Shaurya Chakra, former CO 2 Para.
A fantastic soldier and a wonderful human being.
Lost a long running battle with cancer this day two years ago. Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 10 Apr Image
Col Raj Kumar Kapoor (Retd).
An Indian Army veteran and a film-maker.
His serial 'Fauji' was a personal favourite.
Passed away this day three years ago. Image
Constable Jitendra Kumar, 131 Bn BSF.
Martyred in Tripura this day in 2007. Image
Sapper Sada Gunakara Rao, Corps of Engineers / First Battalion The Rashtriya Rifles. Fourth martyrdom anniversary today. Fell fighting Pakistan sponsored terror in Kulgam, J&K Image
Flt Lt Amit Sharma, VM (P) - The 1st Air Force Pilot from Hapur
Martyred this day in a Cheetah crash, Siachen 2007 Image
Sqn Ldr Shantanu Basu, also martyred in the same Cheetah crash as above, while attempting to land at Amar Post, Siachen Image
Veer Bihari, fell 32 years ago in the Kashmir Valley.
Forever remembered by brothers in arms. Image
Where else in the Nation will one find a 'Lalit Kumar' tying a turban for an official photograph?
This lad fell 22 years ago in Siachen.
Must not be more than 22 years old. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 11 Apr Image
^^ Faces behind the above names, and the story of their martyrdom Image
Nk Thorat Kiran Popatrao, MarathaLI. Fell manning the LoC in the Krishnaghati Sector during a ceasefire violation, this day in 2018.
Yes, then too we had a 'ceasefire' with Paakis, just as we have one now.
Just Saying. Image
Veteran. Passed this day three years ago. Image
Lt Gen Hanut Singh, Maha Vir Chakra.
A true saint soldier.
Passed away this day seven years ago. Image
BSF Trooper. Fell this day 22 years ago.
Forever Remembered. Image
They fell; but over their glorious grave
Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save .. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 12 Apr Image
CISF boys, martyred during Anti Naxal Ops this day in 2009
Martyrs of BSF - 12 Apr Image
Hav Jash Thakur, Vir Chakra (Posth), 9 Para (Special Forces).
This 40yr old from Amritsar fell this day in 1989, fighting in a faraway land in a long forgotten war as part of the IPKF. Earned a glorious martyrdom in the thick of battle indeed, and a VrC as well. Image
Hony Capt Ram Chander Yadav, Vir Chakra.
This veteran warrior of 13 Kumaon was one of the handful of survivors from Maj Shaitan Singh's Charlie Company at RezangLa in 1962. Moved on to take his place in the company line-up in heavens above, this day last year. Image
Brig Hari Singh, 2/9 Gorkha Rifles.
This veteran of the 1962, 1965 and 1971 Wars passed away this day two years ago at his village Bagawas in Rajasthan Image
Manipur Insurgency is YET another unknown battle that has taken lives of many many fine men.
BOTH the above martyrs were awarded gallantry medals. It is folks like these due to whose sacrifices the Union of India survives intact.
God bless such men .. Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Murdered by JNU Pasand red terrorists in Dantewada seven yrs ago Image
Yet another CRPF trooper.
KIA in Srinagar, this day 15 years ago. Image
This CRPF trooper was murdered by maoists way back in 1987 in West Bengal.
Still remembered Image
Martyrs of BSF - 13 Apr Image
Maj Amit Deswal, 21 Para(SF), Sena Medal Gallantry (Posthumous)
KIA in an operation in Manipur
Sixth martyrdom anniversary today Image
Today is his brave son's sixth martyrdom anniversary.
And befittingly, Amit features in this video as well
Lt Gen KPD Samanta.
Two years since this veteran passed away.
Maj Harminder Pal Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 18 Grenadiers.
23 years today since this one immortalized himself, just before his Paltan moved on to fight in the Kargil War and cover itself further in glory.
SPO Basit Iqbal - Yet another son of the Kashmiri soil who fell fighting Pakistan sponsored terror in his homeland this day two years ago.
He fell in Kishtwar District.
May God bless his soul .. Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen. Martyred in Sukma, this day 18 years ago Image
Khalsas of the Sikh Regiment, eaten up by the 'Jannat' they'd gone to secure on behalf of the Motherland .. Image
Martyrs of CRPF, from an era long forgotten.
Yet, their memory carries on .. ImageImage
One name missed out in above obit
There's no place in this country where they haven't shed blood, for you and me Image
Rifleman Gokul Chand Yadav, 35 Assam Rifles
Martyred in an op in the North East six years ago Image
Maj Vikas Singh, 57 Rashtriya Rifles.
Martyred after falling into a deep gorge during a search operation over difficult terrain in Machhil Sector in Kupwara, J&K, this day three years ago. Image
Martyrs of BSF - 14 Apr Image
Constable Biswajit Chowhan, 7th Battalion CRPF.
Third martyrdom anniversary of this one today. Fell fighting maoists in Giridih, Jharkhand. Took down three before he died.
God Bless his soul Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 15 Apr
(In addition to the one above) Image
Martyrs of BSF - 15 Apr ImageImage
A veteran soldier .. lost this day four years ago
Om Shanti .. Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 16 Apr Image
CT/GD Upendra Kumar Bhoi, 71st Battalion, The CRPF
Martyred this day in 2002 in the accursed 'Jannat'.
Name missed out in the obit above. Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen, murdered by 'Gandhians with Guns' in Bijapur this day 16 years ago Image
Martyrs of BSF- 16 Apr Image
15 Apr
Yet another veteran calls it a day.
May God Bless his soul ..
Ppl say we didn't go to war during Op Parakram when we were, and continue to be in the middle of one .. Image
Yet another CRPF trooper, taken away in fight against JNU Pasand Red Terror this day 15 years ago Image
Martyrs of BSF - 17 Apr Image
Brig Sawai Bhawani Singh, MVC
One of a kind indeed!
16 Apr
L/Nk Nishan Singh, RR / SikhLI
This Khalsa of Gobind fell fighting Pakistan sponsored terror in Watnar, Anantnag yesterday Image
Lt Gen HC Datta, PVSM (Retd), 5/8 GR (Sirmoor Rifles), former GOC-in-C Central Command
This veteran of 1947-48 and 1965 wars and author of "Indian's Military Power: A General Reflects", passed away this day in 2021 at a ripe old age of 95.
God bless his soul .. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 18 Apr ImageImage
Add these three more names to the above list.
The price of your and my liberty is really steep indeed. Thank God for such men who willingly pay it on our behalf.
God bless their souls
Today marks 31 years since these four Praharis of the Motherland made the supreme sacrifice, fighting those that sought to break it up. Image
Nk Uttam Singh, 11 Mahar.
Lost his life when he fell into a deep ravine in Uri this day two years ago Image
Col Ashwani Kumar, CO 5 Jat
Passed away this day last year due to a heart attack while deployed in Leh.
God bless his soul..
Om Shanti Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 19 Apr
(Including 10 men of the 39th Battalion lost on the same day in Manipur) Image
HC/GD Mahinder Singh, 191 Bn CRPF
Missed out in the above obit Image
Martyrs of BSF - 19 Apr Image
Lt Anurag Shukla, Tenth Battalion The Jammu And Kashmir Rifles.
Willingly gave up his life this day in 2019 .. All for the sake of a comrade .. a brother in arms whom he saved from drowning during an exercise in Rajasthan.
God bless his soul .. ImageImage
Today marks three years since Mrs Usha Shukla lost her only son
20 Apr
CT Samnath Attami, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred fighting 'Gandhians With Guns' in Dantewada in 2016 Image
20 Apr
CT(GD) Amit Kumar, 117 Bn CRPF
Martyred this day 13 years ago Image
20 Apr
Yet more men of Chhattisgarh Police who fell to Red Terrorists this day 18 yrs ago Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 20 Apr
(In addition to CT/GD Amit Kumar whose obit posted two tweets above) ImageImage
20 Apr
Hav Charanjeet Singh, 8 JAKLI (Bravest of the Brave).
This Khalsa of Gobind was injured in cross border shelling at the LoC in Sunderbani Sector on 17 Apr 2018. Finally succumbed to his injuries three days later.
Fourth martyrdom anniversary today. Image
20 Apr
A sad day, filled with huge, irreplaceable losses indeed
God bless the rakshaks of the BSF that fell in the Baraibari massacre this day in 2001
20 Apr
SI Amarjit Singh, 54th Battalion The BSF
Martyred this day in 1996 in the line of duty, fighting terrorists at Dharamkot Kandila, Punjab Image
20 Apr
SgCt Manzoor Ahmad, JKP.
Murdered by terrorists while at home in Hillar, Anantnag this day in 2020. Second martyrdom anniversary of this Kashmiri son of Mother India today Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 21 Apr Image
Faces & stories behind the names of 4 of the 5 CRPF martyrs whose obit posted in the above tweet ImageImage
Chhattisgarh Policemen.
Fell this day ten years ago in different incidents Image
Lt Col Abjit Singh Sekhon, Vir Chakra (P), CO 7 Madras
Martyred 34 years ago, leading from the front, in a forgotten war in a faraway land.
God bless his soul, and of the thousands like him that fell thus ..
Rear Admiral Arun Auditto, AVSM, NM (Retd).
This sailor and a pioneer in the submarines arm of the Indian Navy passed away this day last year at the age of 86. Had earned a gallantry award during the liberation of Goa in 1961 ImageImage
A Name Upon A Grave shar.es/1aECwK
A beautiful piece in memory of the unsung dead of the Indian Army
Worth a read
Three men.
Same Regiment.
Different Battalions.
Same Date.
Different Years.
Same Valley.
THEIR valley. Image
Sanjog Chhetri
This 'Bir Gorkhali' went down guns blazing this day in 2003, earning an Ashok Chakra Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 22 Apr Image
Martyred earlier today in a terror attack in Jammu Image
Fell eight yrs ago in Gurez - a place many of us Indians wouldn't even have heard of, let alone be able to identify on a map. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 23 Apr Image
Sub Inspector Bhupal Singh,
This man earned a Kirti Chakra, at the cost of his life, this day 13 years ago.
CISF Trooper, martyred this day 23 years ago Image
LNk Rohitashwa Gurjar, Sena Medal, 288 Medium Regiment.
Fell while serving the Motherland in Kargil, this day in 2008 Image
L/Nk GD Brahma Prakash, 49 Battalion CRPF.
Fell in the accursed Valley 29 yrs ago.
Still remembered .. Image
The 25 boys of 74th Battalion The CRPF that were lost this day five years ago in Sukma
Died fighting to ensure Kashmir stayed on in the Union, at a time when it hung by a really slender thread indeed Image
SI/GD Surender Singh and CT/Dvr Kamrudin, Eighth Battalion, The ITBP. Martyred in the line of duty in an IED blast on 24 April 2001, J&K. ImageImage
Hav Joginder Singh, Second Battalion The Sikh Regiment.
This Khalsa of Govind earned his Ashok Chakra this day 66 years ago.
Khalsas fighting Nagas - must have been one hell of an engagement that day.
God bless his soul
Sep Ajay Kumar, Indian Army, and CT Latif Gojri, JKP.
Fell fighting scum from across in Tral, J&K, this day in 2018 ImageImage
Sep Amardeep Singh & Sep Parabjeet Singh, Twenty First Battalion The Punjab Regiment.
First martyrdom anniversary today
Martyrs of CRPF - 25 Apr Image
CT(GD) Raj Bahadur, 126 Bn CRPF.
Missed out in the above obit Image
Maj Mukund Vardarajan, Ashok Chakra (P) and Sepoy Vikram Singh, Shaurya Chakra (P)
Fell in Shopian on 25 Apr 2014 ImageImage
Even as the warriors enjoy the fruits of heaven, those that wait in this realm carry on with the burden of an irreplaceable loss ..
25 Apr
DIG Avtar Singh Atwal, DIG Jalandhar Range. Murdered outside the Harmandir Saheb in 1983, by Khalistani terrorists Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 26 Apr Image
These 5 men of the Chhattisgarh Police fell to an IED in Kanker on 26 Apr 2007. Image
Lieutenant Commander DS Chauhan, Indian Navy.
Sacrificed himself while leading firefighting efforts to douse a fire aboard INS Vikramaditya this day three years ago, to ensure that his ship and shipmates remain safe. ImageImage
Lt Cdr Chauhan was recently married. His bride of six weeks had to see off her husband with whom she spent hardly any time post marriage, because he did not flinch when duty called, even to the point of his death.
God bless his soul ..
Martyrs of BSF - 26 Apr Image
Sub Maj K B Limbu, Ashok Chakra, Military Cross, 8 Assam Rifles.
This Bir Gorkhali left in a blaze of glory ..
CT Bhim Singh, 2nd Battalion The Border Security Force.
Martyred this day in 2002 in a small hamlet in South Manipur u wouldn't ever have heard of. Here's a challenge - try locating Kumbhi Village on a map, even if just for the fun of it. Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen. Fell to an IED planted by Red Terrorists at Kanker, nine years ago. Image
This CRPF trooper fell in Nagaland this day in 1996, fighting in one of the most difficult / oldest insurgencies Image
SSB trooper, martyred fighting unwanted scum in the accursed 'Jannat' this day 18 years ago Image
Capt Ayush, Sub Bhoop Singh and Nk Ramanna
Martyred this day five years ago in Panzgam, Kupwara.
I doubt anyone other than their immediate families would spare a moment in remembrance. ImageImageImage
Maj Sarthak Tyagi, 6/11 Gorkha Rifles. Passed away this day two years ago due to a medical condition.
Gone too soon.. ImageImage
Martyrs of CRPF - 28 Apr Image
Chhattisgarh Policeman, martyred this day six years ago. Image
Air Marshal Ajay Karnik, PVSM, AVSM, VM (Retd)
First death anniversary of this veteran air warrior today
Hav Rama Shankar Singh, NSG Commando.
First and only casualty of Operation Black Thunder.
One wonders how many have even heard about it .. Image
Two men
Same Regiment
Different Battalions
Same Date
Different Years
Same Valley
Their Ancestors' Valley
THEIR Valley Image
Yet another Chhattisgarh Policeman to fall to an IED triggered by Red Terrorists; this one in 2008 Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 29 Apr Image
Martyrs of Fifth Marathas 'ROYALS', remembered on the joyous occasion of their Battle Honour Day Image
27 Apr
One year since this decorated war veteran passed on.
Om Shanti .. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 30 Apr Image
Rifleman Dhonkal Singh, Maha Vir Chakra (Marnoparant), Sixth Battalion The Rajputana Rifles
Fell in Uri on 30 Apr 1948, paving the way to victory for his comrades.
Here's his story .. Image
This day in 1948, in Uri, at 0715Hr, 'A' Company 6 RajRif captured its assigned objective as part of the battalion operation to capture a feature overlooking the Nalwa Picquet, which was considered vital for the defence of Uri.
Accordingly, the battalion had been tasked a day prior, with troops having concentrated at 2000Hr on 29 Apr.
Even as 'A' Company had been successful, others were still on the move.
Progress of 'D' Company was considerably slowed down, as the climb they encountered was steep and the boys had to move along a narrow track through the pine forest.
It was already daylight by the time the company neared its objective.
The enemy subjected them to a withering fusillade of LMG fire. Rifleman Dhonkal Singh, the leading scout, received serious injuries to his left shoulder.
Despite the serious injury, this brave soldier son of Mother India crawled forward to the flank of the enemy and when within a few metres of the post destroyed it with a hand grenade.
Three enemy personnel were killed and the rest abandoned the post and started running away.
Undaunted, and despite his injuries, this brave Rajput gave chase.
He was in no mood to let any Paakis survive to tell the tale that morning.
While pursuing the fleeing enemy soldiers he was again hit by grenade splinters in face & chest.
He began bleeding profusely.
Knowing his end was near, this 24 year old lad summoned his last reserves of energy, and lobbed another grenade, killing two more enemy soldiers, including their commander.
With their path now clear, rest of his company now rushed forward, scattering the enemy
His job done, his young man from Village Sekala, Jodhpur breathed his last at a hill approximately 850km away from his place of birth, at about 2100Hr that night.
This brave son of Mother India was awarded a posthumous Maha Vir Chakra for leading a mad charge towards victory this day 74 years ago, his war cry 'Raja Ramchandra Ki Jai' spurring him and his brothers on.
God Bless him.
Om Shanti.
Here's his story, and that of his brothers, archived in my chronology of the First Kashmir War.
Do read.
I insist 🙏
Air Chief Marshal Idris Hasan Latif, one of the pioneers and founding fathers of the Indian Air Force.
Passed away this day four years ago, aged 94 Image
Assistant Commandant Devesh Kumar Kulshreshtha, 113 Bn CRPF.
Fell in Assam this day in 2013 Image
Gp Capt Allan David Alley, Vir Chakra (Retd).
This Veteran Air Warrior passed away two years ago.
May God bless his soul ..
Wing Commander Pushpendra Singh Nara, Vayu Sena Medal (Posthumous).
Martyred when his Sukhoi-30 crashed near Jaisalmer during a routine training sortie in 2009 Image
30 Apr
Maj Vineet Verma, 19 Dogra. Also martyred in the same operation as Asst Commandant Devesh (refer 5 tweets above). Apparently, Asst Commandant Devesh was doing an attachment with 19 Dogra when Maj Vineet and he fell. Image
Hav Babu Lal Senwar, 4 JAT.
22 years since he fell.
Martyrs of CRPF - 01 May Image
CT(GD) Basant Kumar, 132 Bn CRPF. Missed out in the list above.
Martyred this day 12 years ago. Image
Nb Sub Paramjit Singh, 22 SIKH and Head Ct Prem Sagar, 200 Bn BSF.
Martyred on the LoC in Krishnaghati Sector in Poonch.
Fifth martyrdom anniversary today. ImageImage
Third martyrdom anniversary of these 16 men today.
Remember them, anyone?
Hav Gokaran Singh and Nk Shankar Singh Mehra, 21 Kumaon.
Fell in a ceasefire violation by Packies in Uri Sector this day in 2020. Image
Constable Lekh Ram and Constable Bhoj Singh, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred this day in 2018 in an IED triggered by 'Gandhians With Guns' in Gariaband District, Chhattisgarh.
Today is their fourth martyrdom anniversary.
Major Raman Dada, Kirti Chakra (Posthumous).
Martyred fighting enemies of the Nation in Assam during Op Rhino, this day 22 years ago. Image
Col Ashutosh Sharma, Sena Medal**(P)
Maj Anuj Sood, Shaurya Chakra(P)
Nk Rajesh Kumar, SM
L/Nk Dinesh Singh, SM
SI Sageer Ahmed Qazi, Police Medal(G), JKP
Fell in Handwara this day two years ago. Image
Superheroes indeed ..
God bless them all ..
Martyrs of CRPF - 03 May Image
Boys of 23 Assam Rifles martyred this day seven years ago in Nagaland.
See the names above- Punjabi, Marathi, Assamese, Gorkha, Manipuri, Tripura(?), Andhraiite(?)
All fell Together for the Nation.
THIS is what Unity in Diversity looks like. Image
Bir Gorkhali.
Fell in the Eastern Frontier of the Nation 14 yrs ago Image
Maj Vikrant Sastry, Sena Medal, 11 Mech Inf/ 32 RR
27 years today, since this one fell
Martyrs of BSF - 03 May Image
Bhaskar Kalita, Officer In Charge of Bordumsa police station. Martyred in an encounter between ULFA terrorists & police in Tinsukia this day four years ago. Image
Vir Biharis, who fell in service of the Nation, in the month of May over the years Image
This Khalsa of Gobind was martyred in the accursed 'Jannat' this day 21 yrs ago, evicting unwanted 'guests' from across. Image
This one fell in the Valley in 1990, when 'Azadi' was supposed to be just round the corner
It is thanks to him and the thousands like him who have willingly shed their blood, that this 'Azadi' still remains a wet dream for the Brown Panted ones across the border Image
Martyred in Assam in 2009
God bless the men of CRPF - they've shed blood in practically every part of the Nation Image
YET MORE CRPF boys. Image
21 years since this one fell Image
Sub Maj & Hony Capt Sunil Kumar Limbu (Retd), First Battalion The Eleventh Gorkha Rifles (BATALIK).
This war veteran passed away this day last yr. Having suffered many gunshot injuries in Kargil War, he was bedridden for almost 2yrs before making a full recovery ImageImage
Two 27yr old brothers, born four months apart, fell together this day in 2010
God Bless their souls Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 05 May Image
This Bhulla of 3 Garhwal Rifles was martyred in the Valley this day in 2005, fighting scum from across.
Earned a Sena Medal in the process. Image
Maj Salman Ahmed Khan, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 4 Sikh/6 RR.
This 26 yr old from Kanpur was martyred fighting scum from across in Kupwara, this day 17 years ago.
The Inter State Bus Station in Kanpur has been named after him to commemorate his supreme sacrifice. Image
BSF Boy, fell 19 years ago, earning a Shaurya Chakra in the process.
Wonder what his story might have been .. Image
JKP Boys.
Fell this day five years ago Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 06 May Image
Khalsas of Guru Gobind.
Fell this day 31 years ago in the lands conquered a few centuries ago by their ancestors
Still remembered Image
Sep Ramesh Chand Yadav, 21 Kumaon.
Fell in Keren during anti infiltration ops six years ago.
God Bless his Soul Image
CISF boy, martyred in the service of the Nation this day 29 years ago. Image
Gentleman Cadet Amul Rawal, 145 Regular Course, Indian Military Academy.
Lost this day three years ago when he fell into a deep gorge during a night navigation exercise.
God bless his soul .. Image
Col Sameer Anukul
One year today since this veteran called it a day.
May God bless his soul ..
Air Mshl PM Ramachandran, PVSM, AVSM, SC, VM (Retd), Former Vice Chief of Air Staff
First death anniversary today
05 May
Maj Raghunath Ahlawat, 3 PARA.
Lost in Uri yesterday as he slipped and fell down a hillside while leading an operation.
04 May
ASI Salikaram Markam, Chhattisgarh Police
07 May
Insp Abdul Wahid Khan, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred this day 13 yrs ago in Narayanpur Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 07 May Image
Refer above tweet.
Here are some of the faces behind the above names.
33rd Battalion CRPF lost 17 men in an IED blast, followed by an ambush in Khumulung, South Tripura this day 25 years ago. Image
07 May
Tripura Police Home Guard, Ratan Malakar, also martyred in the same ambush as above Image
07 May
Lance Naik Anoop Kumar SHARMA, Shaurya Chakra(P), Regiment of Artillery/30RR.
This brave son of Mother India sacrificed himself for the sake of the Nation in Baramula, this day 12 years ago. Image
07 May
Lt Cdr Arjun Nikam, Indian Navy.
This man was one of a kind - a diver as well as an aviator!
Lost a two year long battle to Bone Cancer this day three years ago Image
07 May
Capt Sunil Khokhar, Vir Chakra (Posth).
Fell directing artillery fire upon the enemy from Pawalwan Post in Siachen this day 28 years ago
07 May
Col Preet Singh, Sena Medal, CO 7 Engineer Regiment.
Died in an unfortunate road accident this day three years ago. Image
06 May
Maj Chander Mohan Malhotra (Retd), 10 GUARDS / 9 PARA (SF). Led the famous raid on the Mandhol Gun Position in the 1971 War.
Passed away two days ago ImageImage
Hav Gian Singh, 2 Sikh.
Fell this day 23 years ago in the accursed 'Jannat' Image
Martyrs of Chhattisgarh Police that fell this day over the years.
#LestWeForget Image
Veer Bihari, fell fighting terror in Punjab this day 30 years ago; yet another deadly insurgency Image
Sapper Kishori Lal Rathore, Territorial Army.
Fell in Kupwara this day six years ago Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 08 May
EIGHT men of 168 Bn lost on the same day in Chhattisgarh Image
Sepoy Arjun Baral and Nk Varesho Hungeyo, 165 Battalion Territorial Army.
Martyred in an IED blast in Manipur this day five years ago ImageImage
Martyrs of the BSF - 08 May Image
Sepoy Pargat Singh, 21 Punjab
Khalsa of Gobind. Passed away this day last year.
Hung on for nearly two weeks before finally losing the battle to injuries sustained after getting trapped in an avalanche in the world's highest battlefield.
God bless his soul Image
LNk/GD Rajender Mohan, CT/GD Subhash Singh and CT/GD Omkar Chand, 11 ITBP Battalion.
Fell fighting militants at Jubli Road, Ludhiana (Punjab) this day in 1991. ImageImageImage
Five full years since this young Kashmiri life was brutally ended .. Five full years ..
Let that sink in ..
Lt Ummer Fayaz, 2 RajRif Image
Brothers from the fraternity of arms made sure they were there in full strength to see off this younger brother of theirs from the lands of Rishi Kashyap.
Manipur is one of the relatively lesser known insurgencies, and one of the deadliest ones.
This one fell over there this day 25 years ago Image
Yet another SSB Trooper, went down guns blazing, this day five years ago Image
SI Shyam Kishore Sharma, Chhattisgarh Police (Madanwada).
Martyred this day two years ago, fighting Red scum in an operation where four ANEs were dispatched by him and his fellow policemen.
Remember him, anyone? Image
Martyrs of BSF - 09 May Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 10 May Image
ELEVEN men of Chhattisgarh Police were lost in a single engagement this day in 2009 Image
More Chhattisgarh Policemen lost this day in different years. Image
These two of Fifth Battalion The Sikh Regiment fell in the accursed Valley this day 24 years ago Image
15th death anniversary today Image
A truly Badass Veteran, this one!
Was in the founding gang of the Meghdoot Force - the forbearers of India’s Special Forces.
The first Subedar Major of the First Special Forces Battalion of Indian Army.
His two grandsons are serving JCOs in the special forces. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 11 May Image
CT Munna Yadav
Yet another CRPF boy that fell this day last year in this long running war against red terror
Sgct Shamim Ahmad, JKP.
Sacrificed his life for the Nation while successfully thwarting weapon snatching bid at guard post in Wardwan, Soibug Budgam this day in 2018.
Today is his fourth martyrdom anniversary. Image
Flt Lt Amit Singh - Fell from the sky this day 17 years ago during what turned out to be his last sortie.
Martyred when his Jaguar crashed in Gorakhpur this day in 2005, due to some issue with its auxiliary fuel tank. Image
Dec 2001: Amit got commissioned with top honours in his flying course and earned the coveted Sword of Honour.
He dreamt of flying the Sukhoi 30 later in his career
May 2005 : Flt Lt Amit Singh - A promising life cut short by a technical fault. Even in death, he chose to steer his plane away from habitation and into an open field, sacrificing himself in the process.
God bless his soul ..
Sepoy Sangat Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 30th Battalion The Rashtriya Rifles/The Mahar Regiment.
12th martyrdom anniversary of this Khalsa of Gobind today.
This young lad from Ropar, Punjab earned martyrdom, and along with it, immortality in a small hamlet .. Image
.. near Handwara, called Sanzipora when he found himself as part of a team that was launched to neutralize terrorists reported in that area.
Once contact was established, the terrorists tried to escape the dragnet placed by own troops and made a desperate ..
.. bid for it. However, Sangat Singh displayed extreme tactical acumen and quick thinking under such rapidly developing circumstances and despite being wounded in the leg in the engagement, crawled towards a nullah from where he anticipated the terrorists ..
.. might try to escape.
This young lad from Hari Singh Nalwa's lands was proved absolutely correct in his anticipation of events when two terrorists trying to flee from their deaths came across this Khalsa of Gobind, alone.
Despite being critically injured ..
..in the engagement thus far, this young Khalsa of Gobind did not disappoint his warrior lineage & chose to give battle instead of seeking cover.
Needless to say, he killed them both in a most audacious close quarter battle at near point-blank range, putting..
.. his gun as well as grenades to good use.
However, single-handed battle at such close quarters with two desperate terrorists resulted in further injuries to Sepoy Sangat Singh.
This young warrior from the lands of Maharaja Ranjit Singh soon breathed his last, though with the satisfaction of a job executed with clinical perfection.
A grateful Nation honoured his supreme sacrifice with a well deserved Shaurya Chakra, that was received by his mother, Mrs Sarwani Devi.
God bless his soul .. Image
Pilot Officer Subbaraman Radhakrishnan.
Martyred this day 54 yrs ago, at the very beginning of a promising career at a time when IAF was working hard to imbibe the lessons of the 1965 war, leading to the spectacular success in 1971.
@ArunKrishnan_ Image
Lance Naik Omvir Singh, 21 Rashtriya Rifles
Six years today since this one fell in Handwara Image
First Param Vir of Manoj Pandey's 1/11 GR to be martyred in Kargil.
13 more, including Capt Manoj Pandey himself, would fall on the Paltan's Path to Glory that summer.
(Erroneously mentioned as the second martyr of 15 May in the obit below) Image
His mortal remains could only be recovered two years later.
Was cremated in Khalubar itself & ashes sent to his family.
God bless his soul ..
Martyrs of BSF - 11 May Image
Martyrs of Chhattisgarh Police - 12 May Image
Constable Mandeep Singh, 182 Battalion, CRPF.
Martyred this day four years ago in Pulwama, at the peak of his youth. Image
22 years today since this Prahari of Mother India fell in the line of duty Image
18th martyrdom anniversary today Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 13 May Image
Chhattisgarh Policemen that fell this day over the years
Far too many.
Thankfully things better now. Image
This 'Bhulla' fell fighting terror in 1972.
Wonder what his story might have been .. Image
20 years since these Himveers laid down their lives in the service of the Nation.
CISF boys, martyred this day ten years ago in an attack on the NMDC plant at Kirandul Image
11 years today, since these two BSF personnel fell in the line of duty due to a chopper crash Image
29th Martyrdom Anniversary today Image
14 May
21st martyrdom anniversary of this Khalsa of Gobind.
Fell fighting scum from across Image
14 May
LNk/GD Biralal, 35 Bn CRPF
Martyred this day in Jharkhand 32 yrs ago.
Still remembered Image
14 May
An occasion of joy is as good as any to remember the fallen.
Happy Raising Day to team 'Victory Sure'! Image
Martyrs of JKP - 14 May Image
14 May
Flt Lt Jagan Nath Vijayraghavan, Kirti Chakra (Posth). Sacrificed himself for the sake of his ward this day in 1962 when during a training sortie, he took over controls of an unresponsive aircraft, enabling his pupil to safely eject, while he himself died Image
14 May
Lt Col Robert TA and Spr/OPEM Sapala Shanmukha Rao.
Taken by an avalanche in Sikkim this day two years ago. ImageImage
This young lad was the second loss for Manoj Pandey's 1/11 GR that summer of 1999.
He fell, so that others could carry on towards further glory .. Image
Chhattisgarh Policeman.
Fell in Sukma this day 13 years ago, fighting red terror Image
Hav Balwinder Singh, 22 Sikh.
Fell in the Valley this day in 2004 Image
This CRPF trooper went down in a feat of glory, fighting enemies of the Nation, this day 22 years ago Image
Martyrs of BSF - 15 May Image
Field Marshal 'Kipper' Cariappa.
Passed away this day in 1993. Image
SPO Bilal Ahmad, JKP.
Four years since this son of the soil made the supreme sacrifice while fighting Pakistan sponsored terror in his Motherland, in Bijbehara. ImageImage
Martyrs of 15th Battalion The Jat Regiment, over the years
#LestWeForget Image
This day in 1999 Capt Saurabh Kalia's patrol was engaged by Paakis in Kaksar. They fought back till the time they ran out of ammunition.
Remember, it was still the early days and the Indian Army were still looking to fix the numbers and extent of infiltration. Image
Surrounded, the men of 4 Jat - Lt Saurabh Kalia & Sepoys Arjun Ram, Bhanwar Lal Bagaria, Bhika Ram, Moola Ram and Naresh Singh were captured alive before Indian reinforcements could reach them.
Radio Skardu announced their capture some time later.
What followed was 22 days of inhuman torture that belies description, before their mortal remains were handed back to the Indian Army.
Their mutilated bodies was how the world saw the Kargil War begin.

Photo: Floral tributes to Lt Kalia and his men of 4 Jat. Image
The Bastards in Khaki tortured their bodies.
But they couldn't dim the glory of their martyrdom.
What irks is that to this day, no one has called it a war crime.
Sixth Battalion of Pak Army's NLI was the battalion that was deployed in the area where Kalia and his men went missing and it is a fair assumption that it was they who captured them.
Incidentally, 6 NLI lost 150 odd men in an avalanche at Gyari in 2012.
Nature delivered justice in its own way; something that has been denied otherwise to the families of the departed.
Hope the Balwan Jats are at peace wherever they are.
God bless their souls.
Here are the photos of those men who were last contacted alive this day in 1999.
Take a good look at them. We STILL owe the unworthy enemy the retribution that will be commensurate to their misdeeds.
:fin: Image
Capt Nirbhay Kumar Singh, 16 RAJ RIF.
Lost in a long forgotten war in a faraway land, this day 33 years ago
14 May
This BSF trooper fell 11 years ago in RS Pura, near Jammu.
One of many .. Image
Martyrs of the CRPF - 16 May Image
Rakshaks from 7 Garhwal Rifles, who fell in the line of duty this day in 1996.
Still remembered .. Image
Maj Ashok Anand, Shaurya Chakra (P).
Fell fighting insurgents in Mizoram this day FIFTY SIX years ago.
Still remembered .. Image
Sepoy Sandeep.
Martyred in the line of duty in Dalipura, Pulwama, this day three years ago.
Remember him, anyone? Image
Refer the tweet above.
This is Sepoy Rohit Kumar Yadav. He too was martyred with his brother, Sepoy Sandeep, in another part of the accursed 'Jannat' - Handew, Shopian, this day in 2019.
Today is his third martyrdom anniversary as well. Image
Eighth death anniversary today of Lt Gen RP Agrawal, former DGOS of the Indian Army
Inspector Nathu Ram, Sixth Battalion The Indo Tibetan Border Police.
Martyred in 2002, fighting militants at Bijbehra Road, Anantnag Image
Head Constable Mohammad Amin, JKP.
Martyred two years ago in Frisal, Kulgam. ImageImage
Maj Gen KL Rattan, Maha Vir Chakra.
He orchestrated the epic defence of Poonch in the 1971 War. Passed away this day two years ago. Image
Lt Col Himanshu Bisht, 91 Field Regiment. Died due to cardiac arrest two years ago.
11 men of Chhattisgarh Police were lost to a single IED this day in 2010. Image
This one fell in Sukma fighting Red Terrorists, this day nine years ago Image
.. and another one, this time in Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh, ten years ago Image
Yet more Chhattisgarh Policemen, lost seven years ago. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 17 May Image
14 May
This BSF trooper fell 11 years ago in RS Pura, near Jammu.
One of many .. Image
Capt Amit Bhardwaj, Fourth Battalion The Jat Regiment.
Martyred in #KargilWar on 17 May 1999 as he went looking for the the missing patrol of his immediate junior, Lt Saurabh Kalia. Image
Upon being engaged by a numerically superior enemy, he ordered his patrol to withdraw, choosing to stay behind with a selected few to provide covering fire to them. Image
Shortly thereafter, Capt Amit and five of his men made the supreme sacrifice, but ensured the safe withdrawal of the rest of the patrol.
Thereafter, these six martyrs stayed on their final battlefield for the next FIFTY SIX days before the Indian Army could finally reach where they'd reached, and recover their mortal remains.
Capt Amit Bhardwaj was finally brought home in Jaipur on 15 Jul 1999.
Thousands turned up to pay their last respects to this brave son of their soil. ImageImageImage
In a unique gesture, his mortal remains were kept at the Albert Hall where 257 years ago, Maharaja Jai Singh's mortal remains were kept for similar homage.
God bless Capt Amit and his Balwan Jats that fell this day that summer. Image
He had just turned 27 years old at the time he made the supreme sacrifice for OUR flag. Image
Brave parents of the martyr with their martyr son .. no words can describe this
How can a parent ever let go of a child?
They will travel practically EVERYWHERE that their child has been.
God bless them.
Their sacrifices are no less.
Apparently, this is an yearly affair. Must be going on today as well.
Major Baljit Singh Randhawa, 4th Battalion The Rajput Regiment Maha Vir Chakra (Posthumous)
Martyred this day in 1965. Image
During the prelim ops leading up to the 1965 War, Maj Randhawa was tasked to recapture some posts occupied by Paakis in Kargil, as well as establish further posts in order to plug infiltration routes into the Valley.
The Pakistani posts were well defended with machine guns and mortars. Add to that the extremely difficult terrain, and the Rajputs had a difficult task at hand.
Yet, undaunted, they moved in to attack at 2am in the dead of the night under sub zero temperatures and a cold, gusty wind.
As they climbed towards their objective, the attackers came under intense enemy fire.
Realizing the danger to his troops, Maj Randhawa ordered them to take cover and like the true leader that he was, chose to move ahead with a handful of boys, soon wresting one post from the Paakis.
An enemy machine gun deterred further advance.
Regardless, Maj Randhawa led the assault on the machine gun bunker. In the process, he took a burst and fell down mortally wounded.
However, this Tiger continued to exhort his troops to advance till his last breath, not permitting any man to halt for his aid.
He soon left for his heavenly abode, satisfied that his boys were well on their way to victory.
A grateful nation awarded this martyr the Maha Vir Chakra for his sacrifice. Image
12th martyrdom anniversary of this one today Image
Lance Naik Raj Singh, 10 RR / 5 Rajput.
Second martyrdom anniversary of this one today. Fell fighting Pakistan sponsored terror in Doda, J&K, this day in 2020.
Remember him, anyone?? ImageImage
Martyrs of BSF - 17 May Image
16 May
Colonel Dharamvir, 23 Punjab. One of the heroes of the Battle of Longewala.
Passed away yesterday in Gurugram. He had commanded 23 Punjab battalion between 1992-94.
Martyrs of CRPF - 18 May Image
11th martyrdom anniversary of this one, murdered by Maoists .. fell this day in 2011 in Bastar. Image
Constable Sitaram Upadhyaya of @BSF_India
Martyred fighting Pak forces this day in 2018 in the Arnia Sector, J&K. He left behind a 3 year old daughter & a 1 year old son.
Today is his fourth martyrdom anniversary.
Do spare a moment to remember him, if you can. Image
Martyrs of BSF - 18 May.
Yet more Rakshaks that have fallen on this day over the years. May God bless them all Image
Ullaskar Datta - Yet another name amongst the thousands and the lakhs that were murdered by the Empire that sought to 'civilize' the world's oldest surviving civilization.
Subedar Lobzang Chhotak, Vir Chakra (Posthumous), Ladakh Scouts.
Fell in the very earliest stages of the Kargil War this day in 1999, in a daring dash towards Victory ImageImage
Martyrs of CRPF - 19 May Image
This 32 year old fell fighting for the Nation in South Kashmir in 1999.
Earned a Sena Medal in the process. Image
Commando Surjan Singh Bhandari, Kirti Chakra (Posthumous), Garhwal Scouts / NSG.
This Bhulla fought a really long battle indeed, before finally conceding to Yamaraj.
Martyrs of BSF - 19 May Image
General TN Raina, former Chief of the Army Staff.
Passed away this day in 1980 Image
Col (Dr)Vinod Kumar MS. Fell in the war against pandemic, fighting from the front.
First death anniversary today
Nk Surinder Singh Shekhawat, Sena Medal (Posth), 10 PARA (SF)
Fell in Sukma this day in 2006, fighting 'Gandhians with Guns' Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 20 May Image
26th martyrdom anniversary of this Veer Bihari.
Fell during the darkest days of Kashmir insurgency as the Indian Army strove to get the upper hand. Image
BSF Officers of AC (DE) 21 Batch that have fallen over the years Image
Farewell salutes to Sep Mushtaq Ahmed Mir of Badgam, Srinagar.
Fell in May 2014 fighting scum from across that covet his lands .. OUR lands. Image
Today is the 90th death anniversary of Bipin Chandra Pal, from the trio of 'Lal Bal Pal', referred to as one of mightiest prophets of Nationalism by Sri Aurobindo. Image
Hav Dambar Bahadur Pun, Sena Medal
Hav Giris Gurung, Kirti Chakra
Rifleman Rabin Sharma, Sena Medal
These three Bir Gorkhali brothers from 4/1 GR fell this day in 2017 in Nowgam.
A HUGE loss for any unit under any circumstances .. ImageImageImage
Mortal remains of the three couldn't travel back to their homes in Nepal and they were consigned to flames in their alma mater in Subathu (Himachal Pradesh) - 14 Gorkha Training Centre.
Their military careers commenced, and ended thus, at the same place.
God Bless them all. ImageImage
2Lt Rishi Malhotra, Kirti Chakra (Posthumous).
Martyred in Doda in 1994, at a time when the insurgency was at its worst. It is thanks to sacrifices of countless such young men that the Union of India has prevailed.
Om Shanti .. Image
I'll just leave this tweet here without any further comment because no words can do justice when it comes to describing this moment ..
Constable Jiaul Haq & Constable Rana Mondal.
Second martyrdom anniversary of these two BSF boys today.
Remember them, anyone?
Naik Deepak Kumar Nainwal, 1 RR / 1 Mahar.
Sustained bullet injuries in Kulgam, J&K on 10 Apr 2018 while fighting Pakistan sponsored terrorists. Succumbed to his injuries 2 days later, on 20 May 2018
Fourth martyrdom anniversary today.
How easily we forget.. ImageImage
Nothing that the Nation can offer to his little one can compensate her loss, except perhaps keeping the memory of her father alive.
THIS is the debt we owe to her - simple, yet difficult to repay.
Of course the mother took it upon herself to bring a smile upon her little ones' faces.
God bless them all
Sep Jaswinder Singh, 8 Sikh.
Youngest among three sons of a blind farmer from Punjab, he joined the army at 17 years of age.
Always the adventurous kind, the army provided him with a perfect way of life as he wanted. Image
His final adventure came within a few years, on 21 May 1999, at the soon to be famous Tiger Hill.
Info about enemy occupying this dominant feature was still sketchy.
Jaswinder was part of an advance patrol sent to probe the feature and find out the extent of enemy intrusion.
A firefight soon ensued and Jaswinder was hit in both his thighs.
Undaunted, he kept crawling ahead in the snow & returning fire, until he received a final, fatal bullet.
He left behind a blind father and his bride of four months, Gurdial Kaur.
God bless him and those that he left behind ..
This is what his father, Joginder Singh had to say about his martyr son
And the young wife, widowed at 20 years of age, at a time when most young girls are looking to start their lives, had these words ..
Hats off to these simple folks, thanks to whom our borders are safe.
Amongst the first ones to fall in Kargil
Sadly many more of India's finest would follow in the days to come, enroute to eventual victory and glory to the Motherland. Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 21 May Image
Veer Biharis.
Both fell in the accursed 'Jannat', this day 19 years ago Image
HC Anoop Singh, JKP. Killed by Pak Sponsored Terrorists in Pulwama this day two yrs ago.
Yet another son of the soil falls in the lands of Rishi Kashyap.
8 yrs before, his brother too had been murdered by terrorists in Srinagar, near Chhatti Patshahi Gurudwara.. ImageImage
Sqn Ldr Abhinav Choudhary, IAF.
Lost in a pre-dawn MiG 21 crash in Moga, Punjab this day last year at about 0200Hr. Image
Maj Gurdial Singh Jallanwalia - The oldest gunner of Indian Army. Passed away at the age of 103 years this day two years ago. He was a veteran of WW2 and two wars against Pakistan. Image
Hav Mukhtiar Singh, 22 Sikh.
Fell 22 yrs ago, fighting to retain the lands brought into the folds of the Union of India by his predecessors of The Sikh Regiment. Image
Yet another Khalsa of 22 Sikh.
This one made the supreme sacrifice in Assam, this day 26 years ago.
Still remembered. Image
LNk Jeet Singh, Chhe Sikh.
Martyred this day 26 years ago Image
40th Martyrdom anniversary of this one.
Fell in Mizoram, leading from the front Image
CT Thansingh Thakur, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred this day in 2012 in Bijapur Image
LNk Raj Kumar - First fatal casualty of 18 Grenadiers, enroute to eventual victory at Tololing, 1999.
A total of 6 officers and 39 other ranks fell in a short span of 14 days, enroute to Tololing Peak in the summer of '99 ..
God Bless their souls .. Image
Nk Gawade Pandurang Mahadev, SC(Posth), 41RR.
Sustained grievous injuries while leading his column during an operation in Kupwara on 21 May 2016.
Fought on valiantly with death till he finally succumbed a day later.
5 terrorists were killed by his unit in the op Image
The men of 1 Patiala and 5 Kashmir Infantry that were lost this day in 1948, guarding the Nation's frontiers ahead of Zoji La Pass, at Gumri.
Do read their story here 👇
MUST READ. They sacrificed themselves by the dozens ..
The scores of boys of mixed entities lost this day in 1948 at the Shingo River, enroute to reinforcing the beleaguered Skardu Garrison.
This is their story 👇
The 10 men lost by Second Battalion The Dogra Regiment as it fought to reclaim national territories from Pakistan in Uri Sector, this day in 1948, during the First Kashmir War. It was one hell of an engagement!
Assistant Sub Inspector Ghulam Mohammad and Head Constable Nazir Ahmad, JKP. Shot dead by terrorists this day six years ago.
Martyrs of the CRPF - 23 May Image
Both from Chhattisgarh Police, murdered this same day in 2005 at different places by 'Gandhians With Guns' Image
Yet another one from CG Police, felled ten years ago by red terrorists. Image
And then there are these six Chhattisgarh Policemen who fell to an IED this day in 2011 Image
Hira Singh (11 Sikh) & Swaran Singh (6 Sikh), fell this day in different yrs.
Names do bring a smile! Image
The six Assam Rifles boys KIA in an ambush in Chandel, Manipur this day six years ago
Subedar Abdul Sattar,13 Grenadiers.
Got severely burnt when trying to save weapons & equipment in a forward post in Gurez. Hung on to life for 8 days before finally breathing his last, this day 3 yrs ago.
(Btw, how many of us can actually locate Gurez on a map?) Image
Sqn Ldr Divesh Pankaj and Flight Lieutenant S Achudev.
Martyred when their Sukhoi 30 crashed in Arunachal Pradesh, this day five years ago.
Remember them, anyone? ImageImage
Maj Chandrashekhar
Today is his tenth martyrdom anniversary.
KIA when his Cheetah Helicopter crashed near Bhim Post in Siachen in 2012.
Earned a posthumous Shaurya Chakra
I had tweeted this at that time.
A handsome young man, probably with a young child or two, taken away at peak of his youth.
One can only guess as to what might have caused the crash, but fact remains that he was flying a machine that would, in all probability, have been about as old as him Image
Interestingly, while searching for him on google, I came across this report of his crash.
Just read the last para - It says that the army is looking to replace the Cheetahs IN THE NEAR FUTURE.
This was in 2012.
The wait is not yet over.
The Cheetah slogs on Image
Martyrs of BSF - 22 May Image
Martyrs of BSF - 23 May
SEVEN Rakshaks fell this day in 2004 in Anantnag. Image
Lt Gen Premindra Singh Bhagat, PVSM, VC.
This daredevil Sapper passed away this day in 1975 Image
Naik Husan Lal, 2 PARA (SF) / 19 KUMAON
Earned a soldier's death during a UN Peacekeeping Mission in Congo while coming to the aid of a Congo Army patrol that had come under a well-sited ambush by rebels. Image
Refer a few tweets above.
Here's the photograph of one of the two Singhs mentioned in the obit Image
21st martyrdom anniversary of this CRPF trooper today Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 24 May
They've died by the dozens, in every single part of the country, fighting enemies of the Nation Image
Tenth martyrdom anniversary of this Chhattisgarh Policeman, murdered by 'Gandhians with Guns' in 2012 Image
These two Khalsas of Gobind fell 10 years apart, guarding our borders from those that wish ill of the Motherland Image
This 'Grinder' of the Third Battalion sacrificed himself guarding the Nation's borders this day nine years ago Image
Yet another CRPF trooper, martyred fighting Red Terror in Sukma this day four years ago. Image
Lt Gen Zorawar Chand Bakshi, PVSM, MVC, VrC, VSM (Retd).
Four years today since this legend passed on.
Saifullah Qadri, JKP.
Murdered earlier today by Pakistan backed terrorists while at home on leave. His seven year old daughter too was injured by the bastards sponsored by the Brown Panted Ones across Image
Jem Hardev Singh, Maha Vir Chakra (Posth), 1 Patiala / 15 Punjab.
Martyred in Machhoi, this day in 1948, leading from the front. Earned a Maha Vir Chakra for his sacrifice Image
10 men in a single op
At times it seems these folks were used as mere cannon fodder Image
Martyrs of CRPF - 25 May Image
Life, to be sure,
Is nothing much to lose,
But young men think it is,
And we were young ..

God bless this young 'Veer Bihari' Khalsa of Gobind, who sacrificed himself while leading from front.
It is to such men that the Nation owes a huge, unpayable debt. Image
A decorated officer of 19 Sikh & a young soldier of 3 Sikh, both fell this day in the accursed 'Jannat'. Image
The three who fell this day in Tangdhar, seven years ago
Names seem lost for good..
Martyrs of BSF - 25 May
Look at the sheer magnitude of numbers martyred in Meghalay this day in 1971, no doubt a prelude to the upcoming war in East Pakistan. Image
Soldiering is not confined merely to wars / operations. Training for war while in peace is a big part too.
Fifth martyrdom anniversary of this one today, who died doing just that Image
'Himveers' lost 26 years ago in service of the Nation.
Still missed
Refer a few tweets above. I got the date wrong.
His 23rd martyrdom anniversary falls today.
18 Grenadiers, the Tiger Hill Paltan a LOT of fine men enroute to glory that summer.
Sepoy Dharma Ram Beniwal, Shaurya Chakra (P), fell this day six years ago. Here's his story:-
This young son of Barmer, Rajasthan was posted to First Battalion The Rashtriya Rifles in the Valley.
On 25 May 2015, he was part of a team that established contact with an .. Image
.. LeT terrorist in Kulgam.
In the encounter, Beniwal was at the forefront, getting hit twice in the process.
But he ensured that the terrorist was dispatched to his maker for daring to violate his Motherland. Image
He succumbed to his injuries later at a military hospital in Srinagar, having earned his Shaurya Chakra, even if at the cost of his life. His medal was received by his wife in Delhi soon thereafter.
God bless his soul ..

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More from @CestMoiz

Jan 17

Sharing snippets from my trip to Prayagraj to witness the Maha Kumbh earlier this week.
Missus and I spent four days and five nights in the city, reaching there on the night of 11 Jan and returning back home on the night of 16 Jan, i.e. yesterday.
Here goes ..
First and foremost, MUST plan a trip to Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh!
It is a once in 144 year event and we are blessed to be alive at this point in time to be able to witness it. For so many people, a Maha Kumbh won't ever be even a once in a lifetime event.
As we drove into the city, we could sense magic in the very air. The entire city was in an upbeat mood, despite waves after waves of humanity descending there.
Thankfully, we had booked our stay in the month of October itself and were comfortable that way, unlike many others.
Read 70 tweets
Dec 16, 2024

Sharing some thoughts on the recent moves by the Arakan Army on the Bangladesh-Myanmar Border.
Let's see how this one goes ..
Let me just begin with this bombastic video of Bangladesh Army veterans threatening to capture Kolkata within four days!
Very bombastic, I'd say .. especially when their own generation got the blunt end of the stick from Pakistanis in 1970-71 and couldn't do anything about that!
Unfortunately for these geriatric idiots, while they were turned towards Kolkata, right behind them came the Arakan Army which established control over Bangladesh-Myanmar border
As always, these erstwhile East Pakistanis got totally surprised from behind(PS: Puns Fully Intended!) Image
Read 43 tweets
Dec 8, 2024
Folks, sharing some thoughts on the current state of affairs in Bangladesh.
Let's see how this thread goes ..
First and foremost, let us call it for what it is currently - An attempt at re-establishing East Pakistan.
Yup, that's what it is. Pakistan attempting to return to its erstwhile colony via proxy.
Come to think of it, conditions in East Bengal today are quite similar to what they were in 1970-71.
1. Interim Govt in place
2. Politically elected Govt not allowed to function
3. Widespread and blatant atrocities against minorities and those that the current 'govt' doesn't like
Read 54 tweets
Nov 26, 2024
One man, unarmed, changed entire narrative of 26/11 by ensuring one Paaki gets caught alive.
Else it would be 'RSS ki Saazish'
#NeverForget Image
26/11 - NEVER Forget
#MumbaiTerroAttack Image
Carrying on from the tweets above, sharing some news / media from the dastardly #MumbaiTerrorAttack of 26 Nov 2008 perpetrated by Pakistan.
Read 22 tweets
Aug 30, 2024
Folks, sharing some thoughts on Big Tech that has become an integral part of our daily lives as individuals as well as collectively.
The trigger was the massive outage of Microsoft devices some weeks ago. Have been having some thoughts since then.
Let's see how it goes..
First and foremost, here is a link to the outage of Microsoft devices due to some issue with CrowdStrike, for those who might have forgotten it.
So many parts of our lives came to a halt, because someone somewhere screwed up!
It was a major news headline for atleast a couple of days.
And then, we moved on once things were back in order, dismissing this as a temporary hitch in our day-to-day existence.
Read 36 tweets
Aug 27, 2024
This tweet landed on my TL some time back.
More than the event itself, it was the mention of Bangladesh Army that got me thinking.
Sharing a chain of thoughts.
Still unstructured. Let's see how it goes ..
First thing I did was to go to the Wikipedia page of Bangladesh Army to confirm a hunch.
And true to my expectations, I saw the size of Bangladesh Army to be 160,000 troops! Image
To put things in context and why I found it amusing, I will just give a comparison with the British and the German Armies, sourced from Wikipedia itself.

British Army = Approx 79,000 Active Duty personnel
German Army = 63,000 personnel
Read 36 tweets

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