@elenaevdokimov7 There was also a Ukrainian counter offensive. The Ukrainians shelled the Russians as they left - this caused "collateral damage" - possibly some of the corpses seen in the streets but there is tampering of some bodies (e.g., wrists tied)
@elenaevdokimov7 If bodies were left in the street for three weeks it works AGAINST the conspiracy theory that Russian military forces were responsible. Normally local people would pick up their dead. Fighting wasn't continuous. What is plausible is that the dead were "disowned"
@elenaevdokimov7 It is a mistake to think that there wasn't infighting within the local population. The breakdown in law and order and the handout of 10's of thousands of guns has resulted in many deaths in Ukraine where people accuse or suspect others of being "pro-Russian".
@elenaevdokimov7 Ukrainian society is deeply divided. Martial law and the conflict creates the conditions for reprisal killings based on ethnic and political lines. The significance of the white arm bands could be that people were "marked" by vigilante nationalists as opposed to...
@elenaevdokimov7 ...members of the community openly coming out in support of the military, although that is possible but risky. The Russian military aren't police. They aren't there to manage any conflict within local communities. The absence of the local community in one or two streets...
@elenaevdokimov7 ...that may not have been visited by the military frequently could be an additional reason why the corpses were left by the local community. It is a sign to others what the punishment for collaboration is. The fact that no one earlier took photos or videos is strange. Also...
@elenaevdokimov7 strange is the behaviour of the mayor. So in context of the militant nationalists doing a "sweep" of the population to root out and punish "collaborators" and "saboteurs" after the Russian military left I think it is fair to believe that there had already been...
@elenaevdokimov7 ...action by armed civilian nationalists through vigilante action. It can't be ruled out that some of the victims were a consequence of Ukrainian shelling of the retreating Russian forces. This local community nationalist vigilante action or outright conflict...
@elenaevdokimov7 ...hasn't been properly considered. It is a phenomenon and was seen in rise of the civil war in 2014 so it shouldn't be dismissed. @unjoe@gheliason
Ukrainians murdering a cyclist in #Bucha. Satellite imagery (Maxar) from March 10th shows the building on the corner was destroyed, meaning the drone footage was filmed before that date which is consistent with the #AzovBattalion drone video caption stating the 3rd.
Numerous reports put the encounter with Russian forces some 6-7km away near Vorzel from the column of equipment located near Vodoprovidna and Yablunska St. So there needs to be better evidence to refute that the equipment there was Ukrainian.