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"Il più grande inganno che il diavolo abbia mai fatto, è stato quello di convincere il mondo che non esiste"

|Charles Baudelaire|

1/23 Image
Myrotvorec' o #Myrotvorets (Il Pacificatore), è un sito web ucraino gestito dal "Centro Myrotvorec'" e creato dall'attivista Heorhij Tuka, in cui l'ex consigliere del capo del ministero dell'Interno, Anton Gerashchenko, fungeva da addetto stampa.

"Il progetto online Myrotvorets è diventato una risorsa elettronica dei mass media", ha affermato il 3 agosto 2014 il deputato della fazione del Fronte popolare, consigliere del ministro dell'Interno Anton #Gerashchenko.

Read 23 tweets
26/5/23 - Yoeri Albrecht is onderdeel van propaganda outlet @bellingcat. Bellingcat creëerde oa. de doofpot rondom het OPCW Douma dossier. Deze missie werd geleid door @SigridKaag #warcrimes
18/7/18 - @bellingcat is een ‘pay to play’ partner. De gedeelde informatie van Bellingcat zit vol met gefabriceerde informatie. Het hoofdkantoor van Bellingcat staat in Nederland, Amsterdam… Image
26/5/23 - draadje hoe de Oekraïnes Chalupa de USA verkiezingen van 2016 verstoorde. Zou er een groep van boze elite oligarchen bestaan die de wereld besturen? Zo ja dan moeten ze beter opletten want ze zijn gezien #CLINTON #AIVD #COZYBEAR #BELLINGCAT
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Fuga di documenti dal Pentagono: il collettivo #Bellingcat alle spalle del presunto scoop

#Servizietti #bellingcat #belling

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Il governo degli Stati Uniti è stato scosso da una fuga di documenti sensibili del Pentagono, sede del Dipartimento della difesa, che includono aggiornamenti di intelligence e briefing all'organo che riunisce i capi delle forze armate.

Il materiale è stato pubblicato per la prima volta su Discord qualche settimana fa, prima che alcune delle informazioni riservate venissero riprese sui canali russi di Telegram e poi su Twitter.

Read 17 tweets
1. allora, cerchiamo di fare ordine sulla fuga di documenti segreti del #Pentagono sulla base delle poche informazioni certe emerse finora
2. i documenti sono file del #Pentagono, NON "cablo": i cablo sono le corrispondenze diplomatiche. NON risulta che, come scrivono giornali come Repubblica, siano stati rubati, il presunto responsabile della fuga di documenti vi aveva accesso legittimo con una security clearance
3. la security clearance è l'autorizzazione del governo americano ad accedere a documenti classificati. Esistono 4 livelli di classificazione:
1) unclassified
2) confidential
3) secret
4) top secret
poi esistono restrizioni speciali all'accesso ai documenti
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Списання вийшло з-під контролю: Росія зняла зі зберігання Т-54
Команда CIT отримала фотографії потяга, який везе військову техніку з Далекого Сходу. Ми ідентифікували їх як радянські середні танки сімейства Т-54/55: в одному ешелоні були і Т-54, і танки, які могли бути пізніми Т-54 або Т-55 (див. ілюстрацію).
Як стало відомо, нещодавно цей ешелон вирушив з Арсеньєва Приморського краю, де розташована 1295-та центральна база резерву і зберігання танків.
Read 56 tweets
Israeli political and economic columnist Doron Peskin said that according to the data he received, 14 facilities in Iran had been attacked.
These are UAV factories, IRGC headquarters, Qods Force headquarters and other industrial facilities that possibly serve Iran's defense industry. The attacks were carried out using UAVs.


The IDF's special operation in the cities of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) against Iranian terror infrastructure continues.
Read 61 tweets
✙ Alterego (Midshipman) ✙ у Твіттері: «Вже сьогодні на прикладі роботи об’єднаної команди від The #Insider, #Bellingcat та Der #Spiege група російських військових отримала по заслугах від ЄС.…%C2%BB / Твіттер
Вже сьогодні на прикладі роботи об’єднаної команди від The Insider, Bellingcat та Der Spiege група російських військових отримала по заслугах від ЄС.

4 min

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Сучасна війна — це не лише бойові дії на лінії бойового зіткнення або відбиття ракетних ударів російського агресора. Війна ведеться на всіх фронтах — від економічного, культурного до #кіберпростору.
Read 31 tweets
Saturday, and here's the daily thread for Day 297 of the #RussiaUkraineWar. All the news in one place

Another painful morning for Ukrainians Friday, but the rest of the day passed off quite peacefully; spirits remain high

Catch up on what you missed here
So let's start today with news of explosions inside #Russia and on #Crimea

First Crimea - they may try to pass off loud bangs in #Simferopol & #Bakhchisarai as "air defence working". But it seems more than that, one report of several military trucks and fuel trucks were damaged.
Speaking of loud bangs, this was heard in #Belgorod region in #Russia.

Maybe the Russians are fearful of a breakaway Republic? The last one to try that was #Chechnya and its capital got razed to the ground.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Read 38 tweets
#CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq had NO WMDs. #USA #GeorgeWBush #Cheney @CondoleezzaRice #ColinPowell and #UK #TonyBlair knew it too so they needed a plan to slander #SaddamHussein: Use 3rd party called #Bellingcat to launder #lies via client #journalists + #media, and manipulate World. #CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq ha...
When USEFUL IDIOTS lie: #Navalny with #Bellingcat's Christo Grosev said, "#Novichok disappears from body within hrs" plus Navalny's chief of staff Leonid Volkov trigger phrase "#Putin's signature" for effect. They forgot #Skripal's blood were taken weeks after they were poisoned.
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Lo scopo di #PropOrNot è stato quello di indurre le persone a chiedere che la libertà di parola venga annullata. Questo doveva/deve essere fatto distruggendo i media basati sui fatti: l'intero piano è strutturato a partire dal 2015, quando ha iniziato a prendere forma.

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Queste persone vogliono che la realtà sia modellata su ciò che il gruppo dominante voglia diventi reale, indipendentemente da quali siano i fatti: la realtà basata sulla percezione come in un social media, in cui vengono create narrazioni per plasmare l'opinione pubblica.

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Questo è l'hacker di #PravySektor RUH8. Il filo conduttore di questi hacker è chiaro se si legge il materiale linkato sui profili che compongono queste organizzazioni. Lavorano per #Bellingcat, #Informnapalm, il #ConsiglioAtlantico, l'Intelligence ucraina e la diaspora.

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A fundamental forgotten but unresolved #OSINT: On August 20, 2020, #Navalny was allegedly poisoned with #Novichok in Tomsk. #Bellingcat then bought flight and phone connection data on the Darknet and extracted from it the private public mobile phone number of an #FSB man, ...
...who then admitted the whole poisoning plot on this private public mobile phone.
Q: How could Bellingcat link that private public cell phone number to an August 2020 crime when that number was not activated until November 2020?
And how is it possible that 3% of the calls with this number were made from Arlington / Washington DC while the pranked FSB cleaner is explaining to his "superior" (Navalny) that he is in Covid quarantine?
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Nel novembre 2016 il sito Web #PropOrNot elenca circa 200 siti Web accusandoli di indebite "influenze russe" nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Il #WashingtonPost ne certifica l'autenticità, nonostante quelle liste siano state redatte dietro l'anonimato.

Grazie a #PropOrNot il 2017 è diventato l'anno delle #FakeNews. Ogni notizia poteva essere collegata al dossier Steele e alla collusione di #Trump con la Russia. "Con noi o contro di noi": e chi osava sfidare la narrativa del Russiagate diventava un troll del Cremlino.

Il danno che #PropOrNot ha arrecato a decine di siti web di notizie e opinioni alla fine del 2016-2017 costituisce la base di una massiccia causa civile: perché c'è il potenziale per un'azione collettiva delle dimensioni di una società del tabacco.

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Undoubtedly some very interesting developments here. In the immediate aftermath, @bellingcat & its lead #Russia investigator @christogrozev began damage control regarding the announcement. Mr. Grozev claimed that he was not involved in the operation (as RU sources asserted) but
simply had a front-row seat as a film-maker (for a documentary). He also denied that the Ukrainian operation was a failure or a Russian coup. He portrays it as a mutual attempt at playing the other side, in which the UA came out on top and RU FSB blundered & revealed important
(His thread ), calling it a "blunder for the FSB, disclosing unintentionally identities of dozens of counter intel officers, their methods of operation, and their undercover assets.".
Read 37 tweets
🇺🇦 “Ukraine is the only nation to have a Nazi formation in its Armed Forces.” (The Nation, 2019)

Before the pesky US-NATO proxy war narratives took hold of the air waves, and billions washed through the country, the West felt at duty to tell the truth about #Ukraine. Image
“Post-Maidan #Ukraine is the world’s only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces. The #Azov Battalion was initially formed out of the neo-Nazi gang Patriot of Ukraine.” Image
“In the fall of 2014, #Azov—which is accused of human-rights abuses, including torture, by Human Rights Watch and the United Nations—was incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard.”

These human rights atrocities have not stopped. #Denazification #Ukraine Image
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152mm Giatsint-B Howitzers in #Lugansk
Chechen Special Ministry of the Interior Regiment soldiers in #Popasnaya, Donbas region, a city where a battle is currently ongoing ImageImageImageImage
#RussiaUkraine #Mi8
Reportedly remains of one (of the two) UKR Mi-8 helicopters that took part in the attack on a village in #Bryansk Region (Russia) on April 14, was shot down by a S-400 SAM system on it's way back
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Ukrainians murdering a cyclist in #Bucha. Satellite imagery (Maxar) from March 10th shows the building on the corner was destroyed, meaning the drone footage was filmed before that date which is consistent with the #AzovBattalion drone video caption stating the 3rd.

Rather odd for Ukrainian forces to be raising the flag in #Bucha if Russian forces were in control eh?

It appears #Bellingcat is wrong,

Bucha, March 3, 2022, raising the Ukrainian flag (video)…
Numerous reports put the encounter with Russian forces some 6-7km away near Vorzel from the column of equipment located near Vodoprovidna and Yablunska St. So there needs to be better evidence to refute that the equipment there was Ukrainian.
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@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
The deputy commander of the Ukr 503rd Independent Marine Infantry Btn has been captured in #Mariupol. He say the remnants of the unit have broken up in small groups to try to make it through the blockade
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
Georgian Dato Gobedzhishvili & Belorussian Dmitry Apanasovich from the "Georgian Legion" have reportedly been killed at #Irpen near #Kiev ImageImage
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
First footage of combat use of the new #ISDM Remote Mining System in the #Kharkov area
More info in link…
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Ukrainian #Jewish #mma fighter tortured in #Ukraine.
Matched tattoos on his knee to confirm it is Maxim Ryndovskiy. #OSINT #Ryndovskiy
Open source info = 2 versions:
1/ He was Pro-Chechen visiting DPR regularly
2/ Far right Ukrainians (Nazi supporters)
No solid intel yet.
#Facebook ID:100026417802478, so far, no Pro-Russian or pro-Chechen views have been found which would corroborate Version 1. His FB profile has friends in Ukraine and Russia, mostly female, no Chechens, no open source Pro-Russian propaganda. #OSINT #Ukraine #Ryndovskiy
His #Twitch account, he can be seen playing war games…
His videos:
*Note the Star of David on his logo, the only thing found so far in regards to Pro-Russian or Pro-Chechen views is nothing, just a love for #judaism and his roots.
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🧵Update from Professor Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Kyiv Mohila Academia.
Kyiv – afternoon March 7

1. Today “peace talks” between 🇷🇺 and 🇺🇦delegations have started in the Bilovezhska Pushcha resort in Belarus – the same place the agreement to dismember the USSR was signed Dec 1991.
2. I’m not sure how the symbolism of site selection should be interpreted, but if the rumors are true, the Russians have arrived at the talks having completely misunderstood #Ukraine’s current reality.
3. Journalist and #Bellingcat contributor @christogrozev (2019 Euro Press Prize winner) shares Russians have proposed the following as prerequisites of a ceasefire: 1) #Zelensky remains pro forma President, but pro-Russian Opposition Party leader Yuriy Boiko is appointed PM;
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Sakharov Prize: European Parliament honors Alexei #Navalny | DEc 15
- The Navalny team was loudly applauded by the broad majority of #MEPs attending the ceremony.…
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Is it possible that #Bellingcat Grozev is spinning up a whole #Navalny Conspiracy Theory here because he didn't understand the problem with timestamps?… Image
According to him, a Russian LifeNews article was only online for one hour and then deleted.
This article is timed 8:58 (presumably Moscow time) and was saved on at 8:08 UTC. That a) proves that the timestamp is not UTC and would be 11:08 Moscow time. ImageImage
Here are several versions of the deleted article… and of the republished version… with a 13:22 timestamp.
Read 15 tweets
"Former rebel commander Igor Bezler to sue Bellingcat". I received this information from a source that has been proven reliable in the past. Proceedings will first start at a Russian court, later in a UK and/or Dutch court too. #MH17
[Thread. 8 Tweets]
Bezler claims Bellingcat falsely links him to the Malaysian Boeing tragedy, a 298-fold murder case.…
Almost five years ago I wrote 'MH17 - Lying for Justice'. Part of the article is about the Bezler taps to be highly likely manipulated and forged by Ukraine's Secret Service SBU.…
Read 8 tweets
1. Last night I heard that @bellingcat’s founder, #EliotHiggings, will publish his book on #Bellingcat, calling his creature “an intelligence agency for the people”, I told him that was precisely the concept used by Julian #Assange to introduce #WikiLeaks from the very beginning
2.every journalist worth his salt can easily google and find Julian #Assange’s quote on #WikiLeaks as “an intelligence agency of the people”:it’s such a well-known quote that it’s mentioned in the opening paragraph of the #Assange superseding indictment
3. .@bellingcat’s founder,#EliotHiggings, replied I was defending an “alleged rapist” and blocked me. Is this integrity?
Read 3 tweets

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