God is always willing and able to do beyond our imagination.
God can move us from scarcity level to surplus for He is a God of more than enough
Scarcity: deficient in quantity, not easily come by.
- When it is intentionally absent.
Surplus: amount that remain when needs is satisfied.
Procedures to follow from moving from scarcity to surplus. 1. Identify your real asset
- You are never left with nothing.
- When you have Jesus, you have the real asset.
- Money may no b enough, but God can move in a way beyond our imagination whether we have or not.
- Know that it is not everyone that will b willing to assist you.
- When we do not have a way put, God always have way.
If there are no challenges, there won't be victory
Whatever challenge you might be facing, God knows you have the capacity to face it.
1. Seek wise Counsel
- To overcome challenges, you need to b rightly advised. 1Chronicles 15:12-13
There is a need to consult God to find out what the word of the Lord says about the challenge you are facing. Proverbs 11:14, 15:22, 24:6, 13:10, 2Chronicles 8:18
We don't have answers to every problem so we should always seek wise counsel from people.
2. Unbroken Focus
Nehemiah 6:13, Hebrews 12:12
If you don't give the devil the opportunity, he will never succeed in distracting you.
When you suffer injustice, leave the justice to God.
Areas to experience victory in your life. 1. Victory over sin 2. Living above self 3. Victory over sickness
How victorious Christian living manifests.
1. Through your desires.
- For God's presence: Psalm 24:4, Colossians 3:1-2, Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 6:19-21
- The farther you move away from sin, the closer you move and seek the presence of God.
- A growing desire for God's presence
is an expression of your love for Him.
- Our pronounced desires will decide if we are standing or falling in God. James 1:15
2. Joy.
- Romans 14:17. Not influenced by situation or circumstance but innate and expressed through the Holy Spirit. 1John 1:1-4
- Joy is so important