Remember when corruption put all those Bricks on the corners of intersections for [ANTIFA] & other rioters to cause destruction ? …
[They] did that & everything else MOCKING #ME, throwing it in my face LAUGHING, thinking no one would figure out what it was I have been
SHOWING this entire time on #WHY [they] were doing as [they] were …
Every single thing [they] have ever done to the world has had some kind of subliminal message/symbolism behind it Mocking God, KNOWING God would show the world but most the world joined in with [them] laughing,
Judging or Hating …
Every picture That’s been posted tells A story that paints an Even BIGGER image BEYOND Face Value SHOWING the #WHY & so much MORE.
Some have seen/known all along, they’ve tried very hard to SHOW, one of those SHOWING is the Military. Little of it was what
Anyone wanted BUT it was/is
What everyone [NEEDED] all along ..
The #LAST Puzzle piece needed for humanity that finishes the Puzzle of All Puzzles, allowing everyone to see #WHY [they] do what [they] & KNOW what is really going on.
The 1 puzzle piece all needed = A Needle
Thrown away into A sea of Needles ...
Once figured out what/who they’ve judged/thrown away—Ones think to themselves “oh shit, I have to find that piece of the puzzle”…
So many have come & gone, infiltrators sent out purposely pretending to be someone they’re not KNOWING how
Many would fall for all the games being played upon the peoples minds, driving ones further & further away from that 1 puzzle piece needed.
More & more of what [they] have done upon humanity, everyone will see [they] did it mocking A “Nobody” …
All because of who I AM &
Because I woke up so many early, earlier than what [they] originally planned for. You have to remember, [They] had access to all the same technology until it was all taken from [them]. [They] knew what the future held before the future became the present ..
[THEY] need
Technology to see into the future, [They] need technology to do what 1 mind can do NATURALLY.
Everything created in the world was created for no purpose at all, none of it is #Biblical Truth hidden in plain sight, none of it is back doors around all the fake so people know what’s really going on & none of it points
Directly to A specific someone that it was all created for the way it has been …
So many claim to be A #Biblical Someone & to make sure the people didn’t fall for ANY of it, everything in time was created in the ways it has been SHOWING the world who has been waking them up.
None of that matters though, the only thing that truly matter to so many is money …
Too Me, it matters & I care about the finders details in life along with #WH-Y they were created as everything has been. The future went back to past, collected data KNOWING someone would be
All the people in white are “anons”, dancing around in the beginning when this all started … Then you become tired, crawling around in all the blood of those who have fallen at the hands of [THEM]/Evil/corruption . . .
Finally, ones among ALL OF YOU are SHOWN/Revealed
That have always been among you that start giving new life to EVERYONE ..
What have those YOU ALL look to for comms/proofs/confirmations been SHOWING you the last year? (Including the military)It’s been made more clear NOW then ever before as of late .. YOU ALL Rise back up
To your feet.
The HOSE/FLOOD sprays EVERYONE (YOU/EVERYONE is the 🔥/The problem & The Solution) with the truths that have been wanted for A very long time.
Above everyones head is A MIRROR BALL, Who posted something similar to that & then ALL OUT LIFE was created? Who created