Stop saying something is wrong with your “picker” because you keep ending up with the wrong person. Focus on your “Thrower”!
Don’t ever let your ability to pick the wrong person be stronger then your ability to throw them back 💪🏾!
I don’t care how discerning you are, how much therapy you attend or how self-aware you are, you can still end up aligning yourself with the wrong individual. But once you are aware…let that “thrower” kick in. #TherapistTwitter
Some people ask intrusive questions that cause anxiety to the person while they are asking questions to. Let me give you some assertive communication techniques/responses.
A thread:
Q. What side of town do you live on?
A. I don’t care to respond to that at this time but thanks for asking ☺️.
Q. If you don’t mind me asking, what type of work do you do?
A. I don’t mind the question, however that is not information that I would like to share at this time ☺️.
When I talk to clients about setting boundaries I like to use the following analogy: I tell them to imagine if you were not a person but a big beautiful fabulous mansion sitting on hundreds of acres. To look at you (as a mansion) people would assume you are very valuable...
However, when you don’t have boundaries, you are like a mansion that is beautiful and grand but do not have windows, doors, security or a gate. So anybody can get in and take advantage of you. People that you interact with will walk up to you (the mansion)...
Don’t knock on the door, walk in, come and go as they please, take what they want and then leave. They don’t have to respect any boundaries or rules because there are one. Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries and rules for yourself is the equivalent to adding a privacy...