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Apr 10th 2022
Stop saying something is wrong with your “picker” because you keep ending up with the wrong person. Focus on your “Thrower”!
Don’t ever let your ability to pick the wrong person be stronger then your ability to throw them back 💪🏾!
I don’t care how discerning you are, how much therapy you attend or how self-aware you are, you can still end up aligning yourself with the wrong individual. But once you are aware…let that “thrower” kick in. #TherapistTwitter
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Sep 6th 2020
The number of #patients with #chronicpain being harmed due to false narratives re #opioid #pain medication continues even while #CDC revisiting guidelines as they know it has been misapplied & manipulated by anti opioid entities 1/
Untreated #pain does harm in so many ways. Imagine a mother having to beg for her child not to have to lie withering in a hospital bed in pain due to #hereditarypancreatitis. Being told to have her daughter use #GuidedImagery to address the horrible pain. This is criminal 2/ Image
Imagine having your children begging to just die due to pain. This has been common for many kids w #pancreatitis due to lack of addressing their #pain. #EssentialOils, #GuidedImagery, #Accupuncture will NOT work in the middle of a flare. It is criminal that this still occurs 3/
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