Ok. This feels like an absolute anchor around my neck, but it's probably why I should do it.
Sooooo. I've been a big admirer of @swardley and sometime practitioner of #wardleymaps
Yet I don't feel like I've really developed a mapping practice that is regular and consistent. 👇
This thread by @aleixmorgadas really struck a chord for me. Wardley mapping takes time and commitment. It's easy to start and stop without some catalyst to keep you on track.
I'm also confident there are many other would-be Wardley mappers like me. Solid on the theory. Avidly consumed content and dabbled in mapping, but lack confidence in taking it to the next level.
So in the spirit of building in public, I'm going to learn in public. 👇
I'm going to (try) do a #wardleymap every day for 100 days (because that's de rigueur, right?).
And I'm going to ask you to give me ideas for the subject of the map the day before.
I can't promise I'll always use your ideas (as I may have no context) but I'll try 👇
I'll then produce a Wardley map on the topic and ask for feedback from the #wardleymapping community.
I'm hoping that (a) I will learn in the open with community support and (b) others in a similar situation will learn with me. 👇
I'll let this process evolve organically, but may try and focus on on different questions around mapping at different points.
As I write this 100 days seems awfully long, but I did a kickflip a day for 100 days on my skateboard so it can't be that bad. 😂 👇
I'll use the hashtag #100wardleymaps where relevant to chart my progress.
If you are interested in #wardleymaps and learning more about them. Please follow along. We'll see how we go, aye? 👇
I have been increasingly more obsessed with the subject of #strategy for the last 5 years - so why not overlap this obsession with Christmas? Hence, I give you the #twelvedaysofstrategy
On the first day of #Strategy, my true love gave to me, A MAP that was made by @swardley.
On the second day of #Strategy my true love gave to me, TWO Black Swans and…👆