Let's start with a poll. Do you order vit B12 for pts taking metformin?
ADA Standards of Care 2022
"Long-term use of metformin may be associated with biochemical vitamin B12 deficiency; consider periodic measurement of vitamin B12 levels in metformin-treated patients, especially in those with anemia
or peripheral neuropathy." pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34964876/
The statement above is level of evidence B (good), but what is the meaning of "may be associated" and "consider"?
Let's go to some evidence!
A study assessing 1,621 pts with type 2 diabetes from NHANES database showed the following for vitB12 deficiency:
Maybe we are now taking a deeper look at vitB12 in pts taking metformin. Can we improve their outcomes with this approach?
A meta-analysis didn't find an association btw metformin use and neuropathy or anemia, despiting confirming lower levels of vitB12 in those taking metformin.
Another caveat is that serum levels of vit B12 are poor predictors of intracellular activity. Maybe we are not getting a good sense of vitB12 status by dosing it.
❗️What changed in the treatment recently? What are the "new" drugs? How did it change the history and the life of pts? How does it affect other diseases' treatment?
This is a 🧵 about recent changes in T2D treatment!
Just to clarify, this 🧵 is not supposed to be comprehensive.
The literature is vast, and the intent is to show some recent landmarks in T2D treatment and how these drugs are positively affecting other diseases. ❗️Several important studies are not here.
Let's start!
The year is 2005
FDA cleared exenatide
GLP-1 receptor agonists ("tide") started their journey.
Advantages (at that time): SQ, potent, no hypoglycemia, helps in weight loss!
@samymady12 presented a pt with a previous history of prostate cancer that presented with a 2-month history of diarrhea, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, and acute renal failure.
🤔Ok, what is the classic presentation of VIPoma?
❗️It is WDHA syndrome, which stands for watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, and achlorhydria.
In the DDx journey, one can argue that this case is a classic presentation of WDHA syndrome, also called Verner-Morrison syndrome since both described it for the first time in 1958.