I recommend to quote-tweet the first tweet (title), not later tweets, as new versions may replace old versions.
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There has been concern about pediatric mental health and the pandemic, which has unfortunately conflated protection measures against the pandemic and the pandemic itself as causes of purported declines in pediatric mental health. /3
I think I'm about to publish a scientific article on Twitter tomorrow. I am not sure if it's been done before, but... hey... a first for everything!
Coming tomorrow: "Factors Contributing to Sadness in Adolescence during the COVID-19 Pandemic, January to June 2021"
(its 44 tweets... so... ummmmm....)
A lot of work has gone into this thread, and I've never seen or tried anything like this before.
I do not value peer-reviewed publication as much as I used to, so I figured, why not try. News agencies are reporting pre-prints anyway.
I will delete the entire thread if critical errors are found, otherwise, I will simply add to it and it will be a living document. Once I've gotten feedback, I will delete the whole thing and "publish it" on twitter.
Man I wish I was as good at cherry picking my data as some of you are. It'd be so easy to make political points.
Damn my principles.
I know this data intimately. The confidence intervals are wide enough when gender is pooled, they are huge when gender is separated. People who understand statistics will understand the problem here.
We know that girls typically fair worse in depression and anxiety both pre and post pandemic, and yes it's true that girls fared worse during the pandemic too.
We don't need to misrepresent stats to advocate for girls.
I don't know how to put this delicately, but if you are a group of experts that were terrifically and tragically wrong a year ago with virtually the same statement, maybe you should stfu about your same expert opinion.
Like in 2021, you relied on vaccination rates, masking, and warmer weather for your optimism. And still, Delta hit in the warm months of august. In 2022 there is no more masking, vax rates are still abysmal in US, and now all you're relying on is warmer weather?
Truly bizarre.
Only 45% of the country's fully vaccinated population has received its boosters. And the fully vaccinated population is only 65.6% of the overall US population.
I can do my math and that means that 29.5% of the US population has its boosters.
Distressing to see old information relying on low-qualitied studies being described by physicians at a UBC event. Here is the evidence we have from higher quality, longitudinal studies, some in canada:
In this study from Denmark, they followed kids longitudinally from prior to the pandemic to two distinct RESTRICTIONS periods. They found entirely average scores of mental health, and kids with previous mental saw improved scores.
In this study out of Australia, both kids with neurodevelopmental disabilities and those without saw no change during periods of school restrictions, but kids without NDDs saw an increase in depressive symptoms when schools OPENED.
Let us all learn from one of the worst humans in politics. Here, we can show an incredible number of logical fallacies in one tweet.
Unsurprisingly, as one of the least thoughtful, most reprehensible people on the planet, MTG's awful expressions are also logically repugnant.
"there is a line in the sand."
This is called "ipse dixit"/"bare assertion fallacy." It is a claim that is presented without any evidence, and is presented as simple fact.
This also is a "straw man" - as nobody is discussing or arguing about this personified wart's "line."
"Either you are..." presents the "false dilemma" (fallacy of bifurcation). The dichotomy is set up entirely by them, when in fact, i am certain that many people who support transgender people who would disagree with this detestable malcontent.