But yeah, American needs more men who can rock heterosexuality and project the alpha image, IMO. Robert Plant, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, Keanu Reeves come to mind. You cannot knock the heterosexual force of attraction. It is a law of nature.
America needs to get back to Woodstock, really. We need more men like country Joe McDonald. We’ve got a senile old man in the White House doing everything wrong and shaking hands w/ invisible people. I’d say:
“Give me an F!!
What’s that spell?
By heterosexuality being a law of nature I mean that both Nature and the Supreme Deity have shaped humanity such that the conjugal male-female bond is the agency of human reproduction. When you apply the Darwinian theory of “survival if the fittest” those who survive are healthy,
strong, smart, creative, social and adaptable. Yet it isn’t strictly the domaine of macho “traditional male values” that attract alpha women. Men who are sensitive to & appreciate women’s aspirations, perceptions & values, who see women as their biological opposites but social
equals, will attract alpha women and their offspring will invigorate the gene pool. This won’t happen though when what’s being taught in schools is that kids can change their sex if they want to and the heterosexual union is being pushed to the side. When heterosexuality dies
so does the species. America needs more men and women like the hippies of the 1960s Flower Power and Counterculture who replaced traditional values w/ the values of peace, love & rock-n-roll. Don’t think Tucker Carlson understands those values. He’s the conservative who wears the
sweater and drinks club soda at a rock music party. The world needs men like Bob Marley and John Lennon who revolutionize love and music and work against the grain of corrupt politicians.
The reality that Dems are oblivious of👇: A day in the life of the servile staff at CNN & MSNBC in their cubicles and their corporate overlordsdutifully oiling the gears of the Liberal Democratic Biden machine.
Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine (1975)
They don't care about the truth or reality. They care about promotion, prestige and $$$ thru obsequiously licking the boot heels of their overlords pushing the Washingtonian Status Quo narrative. The scripted shoehorning of reality into falsehood indeed requires smart & talented
news anchors and "journalists" b/c it's a highly complex operation. The benefits of the job include the license to be as snooty and sanctimonious you want when delivering the "News". And even if what you're reporting turns out not to be true it doesn't matter, you're just
Are you aware that investigative journalism isn't supposed to be partisan towards any "belief", but seeks to find the truth underlying objective reality? When investigative journalism abandons that fearless intrepid search for the truth to conspire to create false narratives to
sell to the people in the egregiously misguided belief that the media's job is to control how the people think, it fatally errs. American media organizations are beginning to resemble those that serve the dictates of fascist leaders whose boots they lick to survive & curry favor.
2/crimes and atrocities AGAINST ITS OWN UKRAINIAN CITIZENS. Wake the F*** Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
News right now has ZERO CREDIBILITY. You get more accurate information via videos posted on social media. Step up the plate.
Where is the blood on all the bodies in Bucha? Not a single drop
3/right? How in the F*** do you explain that?? If you can't "rewind the video tape" then you use inference, logic & deduction to put out a best guess. Which in Bucha is that the Ukrainian Army did a body dump to stage the "Russian atrocity", killing their own to frame Putin.
Mariupol: Ukraine troops 'holding on' in defiance of Russian ultimatum to surrender euronews.com/2022/04/17/mar…
Reality check: Ukrainian nationalist Azov battalion has murdered its own Russian-leaning Ukrainian civilians. Putin is prosecuting these Neo-Nazis. Showdown in Mariupol.
What precipitated Putin to moving Russian troops into Ukraine on a “special military operation” was solidarity w/ Russian speaking eastern Ukrainians in the Donbass region & Zelensky’s abandoning the Minsk Agreement.
The battle between Russian and Ukrainian troops in the Donbass region has now spilled over into all of Ukraine. Putin’s objective? Take the Black Sea coast to permanently connect Donbass to Crimea and rebuild it for the Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainians. The longer the conflict
Oil Spike Erases Biden-SPR Benefits - Now What? zerohedge.com/energy/oil-spi…
“This is a major problem for President Biden as 'the largest release' in history has achieved nothing at all in terms of his endgame hope of reducing gas prices at the pump.”
How are the knuckleheads in Washington going to explain this? You can’t blame the “Putin price hike” when OPEC is involved. So now they’ll blame OPEC for manipulating the gas price. Never has there been a more inept administration in US history. IMO
To make the USA independent of fossil fuels, Biden is killing US domestic energy production while at the same time making the US dependent on foreign oil like OPEC, Venezuela & Iran. But Iranian oil is contingent on the Iran deal which requires Russia to be the broker of.
Mariupol Residents Accuse Ukraine Of Firing On Civilians via @YouTube It’s appearing that the narrative that Ukraine is putting out is the most treacherous kind of lie imaginable. Azov and the Ukrainian army are murdering Ukrainians aligned to the Donbass.
The Ukrainian army, which threatened Zelensky w/ his life if he tried to make peace w/ Putin, is calling the shots in Ukraine, including pogroms against Ukrainians. And, typically, the USA is in bed w/ Azov b/c “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, & Azov is Russia’s enemy.
This Mariupol resident describes how Ukrainians in Mariupol welcomed Putin and said Putin said he’d rebuild Mariupol. They also don’t like Zelensky b/c he said there’d be no war. Azov comes in & shoots at Ukrainians who liked Putin.