right, let's go for a thread here (mute me if you don't want this taking over your timeline for a bit): #MAEdu K-12 #mabudget House Ways and Means.
Ch. 70 is exactly the same as in the Governor's budget, which is fine, really, as it's a year 2 phase in of the Student Opportunity Act.
...what is not fine, and which I'll come back to, is this additional line item of $9.6M which is intended to push minimum per pupil allocations to $60/pupil.
We're a state in which many are unaccustomed to knowing how their foundation budgets are put together (most haven't needed to!), and that's hurting the understanding of what's going to happen through SOA phase in.
(coming back to this one)
continuing to hit the highlights first:
House Ways & Means proposes fully implementing charter school reimbursement, thus hitting SOA implementation ON TIME (it was supposed to be 100% in FY23), which should be one to cheer!
There's a $15M line creating a scholarship/loan forgiveness for educators who teach for four years in MA public schools.
On one hand: good thought.
On the other: $7500 per person isn't going to do it.
You may have seen already (another one to brag about, Reps!): proposed $110M increase to school lunch which would be universal free lunch for all for a year!
Circuit breaker is bumped over House 2 by $35M, of which $10.5M is for the Department of Developmental Services for "voluntary residential placement prevention" (which I'd appreciate someone explaining). It's a bump, still, of $25M or so over the Governor.
Early college, which the Governor already substantially bumped from last year ($5M to $9.5M) receives a further bump to a nice round $10M.
METCO, which I think maybe the Governor's budget was doing based on reimbursement at $27.9M, gets a small bump to $28.5M.
The EL and literacy combined line, which last year was passed at $5M and the Governor has proposed for $4.6M, comes through in HW&M at $5.6M, with $600K to Reading Recovery and $440K for Bay State Reading Institute
My very least favorite K-12 account, the earmark account, has a placeholder $100K.
Guaranteed to further inequities, that one.
We may want to call the civics line the Kennedy memorial institutions account, as the $1M there is to be split between the JFK library and the EMK Institute.
The $250K for a financial literacy competitive grant program, zeroed out in the Governor's budget, is back.
School to career, effectively level funded at $7.5M in the Governor's budget, is boosted to $8M.
No change in the $4.8M for innovation pathways.
The English Acquisition line, at $3.5M in House 2, back up to $4.5M in House Ways and Means.
School-aged institutional education is level funded at $8.6M (that's level funded from last budget).
Career and tech ed gets a $1M boost to $3.5M.
Adult ed gets a (much needed!) $10M boost, from $50M to $60M.
Regional transportation comes through at the same $77.8M as in House 2.
[Remember, this is a reimbursement account, and it's on actual payments, and this is now reimbursing the year with less transportation. We don't tend to act as if it is a reimbursement for prior service.]
Non-resident transportation isn't funded, while House 2 had $250K.
Homeless students is the same $22.9M.
AP math and science is the same $3.2M.
School and district accountability is the same $1M.
Military mitigation drops $300K from House 2 (this is odd to me; I'd think this is one the legislators would support?).
Educational data is the same, as is MCAS, and the assessment consortium isn't funded in House Ways and Means, either.
JFYNetWorks gets their line item back for $875K (and perhaps some day, someone will tell me what the pull is that they have in the Legislature, as well as what they do!).
Targeted intervention, budgeted at $17.M last year, in H2 at $10.3M, is in this budget at $15.1M.
Extended learning was at $9.9M last year; the Governor zeroed it out in H2, and the House Ways & Means Committee puts it in here at $5.9M, specifically to districts and schools that were approved in FY22.
Recovery high schools get a $8972 increase (from $2.7M). Huh?
After and out of school stays at $10.5M.
Safe and supportive schools goes from $519K to $600K.
Mass Academy gets their $1.5M, as they did in H2.
YouthBuild goes back to the $3M it passed at last year; H2 had it at $2.4M.
Mentoring still at $1.2M
Wellness supports still at $2M
Regionalization grants are not funded here, either (which is interesting, as there are several places in the state where regionalization discussions are happening).
Sex abuse prevention still at $1.1M
Summer learning still at $1M
Hate crime/bias prevention still at $400K
And the trust funds--21st century, civics project, and STEM pipeline--are all funded as in H2 ($5M, $1.5M, $1.5M, respectively).
“Although ‘vaccine hesitancy’ dominates media coverage, in fact, language barriers, lack of regular health providers, absence of paid time off to get vaccinated and recover, and lack of trust in the health system all play a role in undermining vaccine coverage,”
#WorcSchools folks, if you have been among those concerned (to put it mildly) about the district’s continued use of Fountas and Pinnell, please note that is on Tuesday’s TLSS subcommittee agenda. The meeting is at 4.
Two years ago today, the calling system for family contacts for schools was so overwhelmed by EVERY SINGLE DISTRICT IN MASSACHUSETTS cancelling that it took several hours for the system to catch up. #MAEdu
And since then:
23,751 deaths. That’s approximately as if we lost the whole town of Mansfield.
There’s been a lot on how mask mandates are being removed without a trigger for return should it be necessary.
What would be an intelligent trigger?
Hospitalization % are too late.
I’ve seen school attendance, but clearly that is too late.
Testing is dropping like a rock, so that may be tough to use (and inaccurate).
Would wastewater work? Something else?
Folks, if you’re in my mentions not getting that having people not getting COVID is still a worthwhile goal, then your issue isn’t here.
Birthday of Douglas Adams today, so please consider this an invitation to post your favorite quote in the replies:
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." #DouglasAdams
“All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated, and well supported in logic and argument than others.” #DouglasAdams