This 🇯🇵news reporter could not hold her tears while telling the news about 🇷🇺Putin 'awarding' his troops in 🇺🇦#Bucha with honorary title commending their "heroism". She confessed that she was just mortified when she read that passage. #StandUpForUkraine
This is what she said in the #tvasahi news broadcast:
"According to CNN and other sources, Russian President Putin on Monday have awarded an honorary title to the troops who played an active role in #Bucha where many civilian bodies were uncovered." 1/3
"President Putin commended his troops have acted with great heroism and courage and that they were exemplary to his Special Military Operation. As shown in the video, there are many civilians still left at the steel factory...(chokes) I'm sorry...please excuse me." 2/3
“(アライアンス事務局の)UN Women は11日付けで日経新聞の経営幹部に対し、今回の全面広告を「容認できない」と抗議する【書面】を送付。対外的な公式の説明や、広告の掲載の可否を決めるプロセスの見直しなどを求めた。”…