I’ve been wondering whether to post this for a while, because I knew that it would increase the trolling in the short term. But I’ve decided to do it.
Since I’ve started @EveryDoctorUK, the organisation and myself have been subjected to smear campaigns and bullying from many…
…high profile individuals, including some within the medical profession. A tiny number of influential people have successfully sabotaged newspaper articles containing important petitions, sabotaged collaborations by meeting with potential collaborators and smearing our name…
…by spreading misinformation about us. By setting up fake social media accounts to spread rumours and obtain information. By setting up abusive parody accounts (look up ‘EveryDogtor’ on Facebook for example). By accusing me of severe mental health problems publicly, on our …
…Facebook page. By threatening to report me to the GMC if I carried on with EveryDoctor. The list goes on. It goes on and on. My personal telephone number has been obtained, and used to abuse me.
It has hampered me from speaking to some doctors, because the waves of abuse…
…have been so extreme as to prevent me from eating and sleeping at times. EveryDoctor, fortunately, due to the incredible integrity of its members and our team, has persevered. I have had times when I have felt extremely anxious, terrified, and stressed beyond belief by the…
I have reached a crossroads where the organisation needs to grow now, because doctors need better representation, patient safety needs to be advocated for, medical students need support, and the public needs to understand what this government is doing…
…I speak to 25000 doctors in our campaigning Facebook group, The Political Mess. It is moderated carefully by a diverse group of doctors, with careful rules, and the moderation is done democratically. The forum members have collectively done fantastic campaigning work…
…However since joining Twitter in autumn 2020, I haven’t felt able to tweet using hashtags which communicate with the UK medical profession, because of the pile-ons and smears which have ensued. But I don’t think it’s right to continue like this. I started EveryDoctor…
…to support doctors to come together and make their working lives and the lives of their patients safer. And if I’m not able to speak freely, I’m not doing my job properly.
So from now on, I’ll be using Twitter to speak to doctors and medical students using the popular…
…hashtags used by the medical community.
Thank you to everyone following @EveryDoctorUK on Twitter and for your unwavering support. If anyone sees anything written about our non-profit which concerns you, please email legal@everydoctor.org.uk so that our team can respond…
…we’re not going to be silenced by bullies any longer: the work isn’t about us. It’s about NHS staff and patients, their safety, and the future of the NHS 💙
🧵The billionaires, and the political donors, and the politicians who don’t speak the truth, and certain powerful media outlets are changing so much about our society. They’re pushing their agenda.
And one of the things they’re changing, for the worse, is the NHS🚨…
…We need the public to know what is being done to their NHS. What is being done to the publicly-funded Public Health Service which was set up to care for everyone in their hour of need. It is being weakened, dismantled, and sold off in chunks. As it is paid for by taxes, it …
…represents an extremely attractive investment to private companies who can come in and treat it like a steady cash cow.
When this happens, the service itself has a weakened infrastructure due to short term contracts+destruction of long term caring relationships between staff..
There is a lot of horrible stuff going on right now. And it’s completely understandable that people are overwhelmed, or even switching off.
There are a small number of high profile campaigners in the UK. The funding is…
…limited, and mostly reserved for ‘non-political’ causes. When we speak up and build a profile, campaigners are usually picked off, smeared by the right-wing press, trolled relentlessly, threatened and abused every day. The media do not cover the issues we are fighting for…
…and the Conservatives have a massive majority in Parliament right now. They ignore the opposition, they ignore their constituents. They lie and deny things and mislead people and gaslight campaigners and public sector workers and others…
🧵 A huge thank you to everyone who has explored our new @EveryDoctorUK map so far, signed up, sent us info, suggestions and thoughts💙
This is the very first map of its kind, and it’s a living document. It’ll become stronger as we go + the more feedback we receive, the better..
…a resource it will become.
The map isn’t exhaustive; it’ll grow as the project builds, and we’ve missed a few things. Thank you so much to those who have emailed with suggestions for new pins/ corrections. The team is making tweaks as we hear from you…
…also thank you to those who are asking questions. Your questions allow us to reflect on the way we’re explaining this data. It is so helpful to us. We have slightly tweaked the wording on the map homepage now: bit.ly/NHS-privatisat……
🚨A heartbreaking account from an NHS doctor working in a busy elective surgery unit in England. High COVID-19 rates are putting lives in danger🚨
“Every day for the past few weeks we’ve been cancelling 2-3 major operations per day at the last minute because of…
…positive COVID-19 swabs from patients. It’s absolutely devastating. Last week we had to cancel entire lists of major cancer operations as one of our senior surgeons is now ill with COVID-19…often our patients are over 104 week waits and we’ve even had to do repeat CT scans…
…as cancers have grown and spread since previous assessments. We simply can’t risk spreading COVID-19 to our post-op cancer patients and now we’re struggling to staff our service next week as the positive tests keep streaming in.”
Ok I’m really sorry, I don’t normally do this but I’m going to have a mini-rant.
The removal of public health measures is putting a lot of vulnerable people in danger. It means that the virus is spreading like wildfire. It is causing huge levels of staff sickness in the NHS…
…which means not enough staff. Which means patients are in danger in many, many places.
Our communities have a LOT of vulnerable people who cannot ‘take this virus on the chin’ or whatever nonsense the government are saying.
Vulnerable people are dying. It is not OK….
…we can NEVER be ok with this while hundreds of people are dying every single day.
The public health measures required are simple. They are basic. No one is talking about a return to lockdown. But we must, must fight for free tests and compulsory masks (and a few other…
This has been sent to @EveryDoctorUK. “I work in a middle-sized hospital and we currently have about 1000 people off-sick or self-isolating due to COVID-19. As a consequence we’re constantly running a ward on minimal staffing…we now regularly…
…have people waiting 12+ hours in corridors or in the waiting room because there aren’t enough beds or staff to look after them. The whole system feels like it’s falling apart and it’s only a matter of time before someone’s Mum, Dad, sister or brother dies because of a mistake..
…or delays in getting treatment. Though I suspect that has already happened. The government and newspapers don’t seem to be particularly interested and because visiting to hospital is still limited most patients’ families are only vaguely aware of how bad things have got” 🚨