2/ In the above segment of this video podcast, Rep. Matt Gaetz made statements regarding — (but never asked) to Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene regarding the January 5th 2021 DC Pipe Bomber.
3/ Here's a link to the entire podcast: "rumble.com/v12i30b-episod…" — In order to give this shorter clip a bit more context, please begin at the 22:40.
4/ It's been ~15.5 Months since the Pipe Bombing. For 7-8 months, many have named Marjorie Taylor Greene as a suspect (primarily because her gait matches that of the suspect on film — however, there's much more than her gait that should make us suspicious of Taylor Greene, but...
5/ ... this was the *first time*, in public, the subject of the Jan. 5th DC Pipe Bomber was ever raised with Majorie Taylor Greene. And yet she said NOTHING (nothing verbally, but her body language will be discussed shortly).
6/ While Marjorie Taylor Greene defended Lauren Boebert against allegations of Boebert giving reconnaissance tours prior to January 6th Insurrection, Taylor Greene said NOTHING (verbally) to deny herself as a suspect in the January 5th DC Pipe Bombing. This is profoundly telling.
7/ Note also that Matt Gaetz brought up the subject of Marjorie Taylor Greene's suspicion as the Jan. 5hth DC pipe bomber — *completely unsolicited*.
Note also: Although the screen is split, Gaetz and Taylor Greene are in the same room during this podcast.
8/ Why would Gaetz talk about this subject — out of the blue — in a public forum? If he believed she's innocent, he's associating a negative event with Taylor Greene.
9/ And if Gaetz knows Taylor Green is guilty, it's an admission — an example of Shakespeare's, "The Lady doth protest too much, methinks" (Only Gaetz is doing the protesting).
10/ Moreover, Gaetz brought up the subject of Marjorie Taylor Greene's suspicion as the Jan. 5hth DC pipe bomber (and allegations against Boebert) *completely out of context*.
11/ Gaetz had been discussing the recently publicized texts and audio recordings involving House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — and whether or not McCarthy had or had not asked Trump or advised Trump to resign.
12/ Taylor Greene said, "When I was thinking about it, I was remembering when all that happened, I think, I, I remember just boldly defending President Trump, because I know that's how the people felt. And I remember you were doing the same thing..."
13/ "...There was only a few of us that jumped out, like in front, right away, because we knew he didn't plan it. We knew he had nothing to do with it. None of us knew that was going to happen. We were shocked. We were upset — remember? It stopped our ability to object".
14/ It's crucial to note, Taylor Greene is acting as if her claims of being upset ("we were upset", presumably her and other Republicans) somehow exempts her (and others) from suspicion.
An innocent person would rarely make such a claim unless asked.
15/ Crucially, notice that Marjorie Taylor Green did NOT answer Gaetz's question regarding McCarthy at all — rather, she pushed right on through to her defense of Trump's behavior (wrt the January 6th Insurrection) and her own and Gaetz's defense of Trump.
16/ Gaetz then, completely unsolicitedly and out-of-context, brought up allegations against Boebert, "Oh, this, this is when people — people were accusing — people were accusing Lauren Boebert of leading like [sic] reconnaissance tours."
17/ Marjorie Taylor Greene then said (in Boebert's defense), "What? With her children? — And her husband?"
18/ Gaetz then said (with him and Taylor Greene interrupting each other), , "And they were accusing you — Right, and they were accusing you of like [sic] pipe bombs. And here's what people don't know..."
19/ Gaetz continues, "... The reason Marjorie Taylor Greene has a total alibi from the pipe bomb thing is that *I* have never seen this woman in a hoodie. We travel all around the country together and I don't even think you *own* a hoodie..."
20/ Gaetz continues, "....I don't think you'd be caught *dead* in a hoodie. You don't have to respond to that, just my sense — my read of the facts."
21/ It's profound that Gaetz addressed these accusations.
• Why bring them up now?
• Months & months after people have made allegations she could be a suspect?
• This is psychologically similar to a criminal returning to the scene of the crime.
The guilty can't keep away.
22/ Another crucial tell is evidenced by Marjorie Taylor Greene not answering these allegations (not answering them verbally, that is ... but she did respond *nonverbally*).
23/ Mind-blowingly, Gaetz then proceeds gives Taylor Greene an 'alibi'. Although some may interpret this as his attempt at some kind of humor, it's not. Legally, it's not even an alibi.
24/ An alibi is proof the person accused of a crime was somewhere else at the time of the crime (the Latin, alibī, meaning "somewhere else").
Gaetz is an attorney. He knows this.
25/ Alleged personal clothing choices which do not match a perpetrator on film during a criminal act is not even close to an alibi.
This is similar, in some respects, to Trump saying he could not be guilty for sexual assault because he alleges he finds his accusers unattractive.
26/ Additionally, Gaetz tells Taylor Greene, "You don't have to respond to that". Much like an attorney would in defense of a criminal (Gaetz, in effect, pledged the fifth for Marjorie Taylor Greene).
Greene did as she was told — and said NOTHING in her own defense.
27/ Gaetz then says, "But, but, we WERE out doing those things..."
This sentence simply screams guilt. It also implicates Gaetz as one of the perpetrators.
28/ Note Gaetz did NOT say, "We were out defending Trump",
...rather he said, "WE WERE out doing THOSE THINGS."
29/ Now let's evaluate Marjorie Taylor Greene's and Matt Gaetz's #BodyLanguage ...
30/ Gaetz's facial expression as he asks Marjorie Taylor Greene, "What do we make of all this?" (this is on the longer version of the video included, above, at time marker 23:39).
31/ Gaetz's Central Forehead Muscles are contracted and Elevated with a Suppressed Mouth Smile. This expression is indicative of:
• Contempt
• Arrogance
• Smug Incredulity
32/ We all, from time-to-time, make this expression (but hopefully not too often). Moreover, all three of these emotions may also be displayed via other expressions, as well.
33/ However, people who display this particular expression *Frequently* — and/or out-of-context — have an extremely strong correlation with Sociopathy and Psychopathy (APD).
This point cannot be emphasized enough.
Matt Gaetz displays this expression frequently.
34/ Taylor Greene then proceeds to answer, but as noted earlier, she completely omits any subject matter related to Kevin McCarthy — and goes right into her "boldly defending President Trump".
35/ Note as Taylor Greene was formulating her answer and as she proceeded in answering, she turned away from Gaetz — with her torso, head, and eyes. Specifically, she looked down/down to her right while suppressing a sincere smile.
36/ When eye contact is broken during an act of deception, the strong tendency is to look down to one's right.
(Note: deception also may be correlated with a staring while lying)
37/ Taylor Greene's strongly suppressed sincere smile is an example of what is termed, 'Duping Delight'.
Duping Delight is the joy-happiness a person feels when they feel a lie is being successfully believed (regardless of the ethics vs. nonethical nature of the lie) ...
38/ .... Duping Delight is also commonly displayed when a person has done something 'against the rules' or 'against the law', or similar, for which *they believe* they will not be caught and/or not be punished (or minimally punished).
39/ ... More Duping Delight (here she's looking to her right/slightly down, 180º away from Gaetz). Whenever you see smiling &/or laughing out of context, it should always raise red flags.
Why is Taylor Greene smiling (& trying to suppress it) when talking about such a bad event?
40/ As she goes further into her answer, Taylor Greene turns back toward Gaetz, yet she closes her eyelids for extended periods (whilst still suppressing smiling).
Extended eyelid closure is another form of diminished eye contact commonly seen during the act of lying.
41/ As she says, "...right away..." ("... There was only a few of us that jumped out, like in front, right away, because we knew he didn't plan it..."), Taylor Greene's eyelids are open wide.
42/ Her forehead and eyebrows elevate. Her nostrils dilate and the corners of her mouth pull back as her jaw juts forward (another signal of adrenaline surging). This is an expression of fear (the first of several Taylor Greene will exhibit in the next few seconds).
43/ From this moment forward, the remainder of this exchange can be viewed on the shorter clip of the above two links (corresponding to 23:57 in the longer video).
44/ As she says, "None of us knew that was going to happen", Taylor Greene's eyebrows close simultaneous with her forehead and eyebrows elevating.
45/ This crucial dynamic tell occurs multiple times — and twice during this sentence. Notice also she was looking down while this was occurring.
46/ These two tissues (eyelids and forehead muscles), delicate and juxtaposed, moving in opposite directions, *particularly in association with a strong defense against an accusation of wrong-doing*, is highly correlative with deception.
47/ This next image is captured just as Taylor Greene says "shocked" ("We were shocked) and during "upset" ("We were upset"). It's another classic expression consistent with fear.
48/ She displays this Fear expression once again as she says, "Remember?"
49/ More fear as she says, "...ability..."
50/ More adrenaline surges (fear) as she says, "...object..." (she's trying to cover her fear expression with a [partial] forced smile).
51/ The emotion captured in this image is particularly telling — Taylor Greene's face just after Gaetz, says, "People were accusing Lauren Boebert of leading like [sic] reconnaissance tours" — indicating Fear and Emotional-Processing Shock.
52/ Taylor Greene was not expecting Gaetz to mention Lauren Boebert as an insurrection tour guide.
This triggers her into anticipating Gaetz mentioning public suspicion of Taylor Greene as the January 5th DC Pipe Bomber.
Taylor Greene is in Fear and Emotional-Processing Shock.
53/ Seconds later, Marjorie Taylor Greene again displays significant fear as she says, "...children..."
54/ More fear displayed as Taylor Greene says, "...husband..."
55/ Taylor Greene displayed and amalgam of both Fear and Anger immediately after Gaetz says, " ....they were accusing you of like [sic] pipe bombs ..."
56/ Taylor Greene is Angry with Gaetz for bringing up this topic — and she is in Fear in anticipation of how she will respond.
57/ Marjorie Taylor Greene then shakes her head side-to-side in high-frequency, low-amplitude, hyperbolic — and feigned incredulity.
(Please watch this on the video, as the still image does not capture the dynamics of this #BodyLanguage behavior).
58/ Additionally, suppose for a moment, that Taylor Greene is innocent — this is absolutely NOT the first time she's heard this accusation.
It's the 10,000th time.
59/ Her high-frequency, low-amplitude, side-to-side head shake with a false-pout-pseudo-disgust-frown is body language that, had it been the first time she heard this accusation, it would be much more credible (not hyperbolic/not acted) — but this is absolutely not the case.
60/ Acting is a form of lying, only it's performed with permission — and it's one form of entertainment. However, lying without consent (not part of the social contract) is, of course, deceptive.
61/ When people are deceptive, they almost never under-act — they almost always over-act. Thus, whenever we see or sense (or feel) a person's behavior is hyperbolic, red flags should be raised in our psyche — and alert us to the strong possibility that they are lying.
62/ That's exactly the vibe you should be getting from Marjorie Taylor Greene here.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is acting. Marjorie Taylor Greene is lying.
63/ Taylor Greene then proceeds to project even more Feigned incredulity — as Gaetz says, (As if to say, 'Oh, Matt — you're being so silly!')
64/ Taylor Greene then looks above Gaetz's head in another variation of diminished eye contact. In this case, not looking directly at Gaetz prevents Taylor Greene from breaking into wide grin or even laughter. Lack of eye contact helps us in achieving & maintaining a poker face'.
65/ Just after Gaetz says, "...The reason Marjorie Taylor Greene has a total alibi from the pipe bomb thing...", Taylor Greene displays additional feigned incredulity.
66. Again, this is not the first time Taylor Greene is hearing this — it's more like the ten thousandth...but it is the first time she's been confronted with it in a public forum.
This is acting. This is feigned. This is deception.
67. As Gaetz is preparing to speak of not seeing Taylor Greene is a Hoodie, she begins to smile — BEFORE he says it. She should not know what he's going to say (logically, it's a real, legal, alibi). She begins to smile early because she knows she's not innocent.
68/ Responding to accusations of a pipe bombing are not contexts for laughter (or joking) — particularly for a congressperson.
If she were innocent, and responding in context, she would absolutely not be laughing:
"The Lady doth protest too much, methinks" (again!)
69/ Taylor Greene then covers her face in the midst of outright laughter.
70/ This another example of a failed attempt at smile/laughter suppression simultaneous with emotional processing — one's intellect knows what is happening, but the emotional brain is trying to fully understand the event.
71/ i.e., 'Shit! I'm guilty — and they can see the guilt on my face! — I can't believe I'm in this situation!')
72/ SUMMARY: Marjorie Taylor Greene's and Matt Gaetz's body language, spoken language, and vocal behavior included in this 38-second clip (in addition to the immediately previous 18 seconds [from the longer video]) — is highly correlative with deception.
73/ It's particularly noteworthy, that, because Taylor Greene has never addressed the January 5th 2021 DC Pipe Bomber in any kind of a public forum, this public display is psychologically analogous to a criminal returning to the scene of the crime.
74/ There exists a significant possibility both Marjorie Taylor Greene &/or Matt Gaetz participated in the conception, planning, financing, execution, &/or cover-up of the January 5th 2021 DC Pipe Bombing. All investigative organizations should pursue this possibility.
75/ Addendum:
Any individuals (and businesses/organizations) who want/need to improve their #BodyLanguage skills — please email DM or email me, at Jack@BodyLanguageSuccess.com
76/ A detailed analysis of DC Pipe Bomber on 5 Jan. 2021
2/ During her Evidentiary Hearing today, Attorney Andrew Celli asked Marjorie Taylor Greene,
"... Prior to January 6th, do you recall hearing, tha' 'The Washington Post' was reporting, that there, there [sic] ..."
3/ "...were concerns that there were going to be violence, and there was going to be violence in Washington on January 6th?"
2. Lying is a form of acting without consent. When we act with consent, we call it entertainment.
3. When we act (with or without consent, ergo without or with deception) unless we're highly skilled, most people default to OVERACTING, not under-acting.
2/ The above video is from the ongoing Johnny Depp - Amber Heard defamation trial. Of course, this is just a 12 second video — a small branch of a large tree,...
3/ ...and while we cannot discern guilt or innocence on based on the observations seen in this limited sample size, it does provide excellent teaching examples of multiple nonverbal behaviors.
1/ THREAD: What questions should the @January6thCmte absolutely ask Marjorie Taylor Greene during her testimony?
2/ There exists a significant likelihood that Marjorie Taylor Greene has knowledge of and/or participated in the planning and implementation of the January 5th 2021 DC Pipe Bombing.
If she is innocent of this matter, she should answer these question without hesitation.
3/ Please provide a complete & comprehensive account & copies of ALL correspondence, meetings, discussions, etc., be these via phone, text, in person, chat rooms, video chat, emails, etc., that you had w/ any & all groups or individuals between Nov. 3, 2020 and Jan. 6th, 2021.