All that was needed was for the Devils back to be put up against the wall …
Once there, Peace could finally be made.
The Almighty won the arm wrestling Contest on #WWERaw . .
I see beyond the Horizon & the horizon is coming—FAST !
PEACE = PRIZE & peace Is all I have
Been wanting to make .. Not caring about what ANYONE had to say about it.
Breaking the Cycle & reaching my hand out to those who have fallen is all I have been wanting/trying my hardest to do. I have been spit on for being myself or called evil for caring about WHY someone
Chose the path they did, reassuring them that it’s never too late to help make things right …
Ones don’t even have to repent or say sorry for all I care, just help make things right is all I have ever really wanted.
For MOST the people it was never good enough, for those that
He was so easy to spot, spotted long ago. They didn’t believe me.
Michael Jackson Always wore 1 glove, Seth Rollins wears 1 glove, who else always wore 1 glove ?
1 selfless act of kindness brought EVERYONE together against A common enemy .. #BlueGREENTeam was the only one that could do it, no one else.
“The Tweet” to come from someone who matters …
All those accounts that tweets “MFA The Storm is here” blah blah blah, none of it was real. The 1 real 1, does not matter, which is perfectly fine.
Cactus Jack
Mankind being Called, will they answer the Call?
Call of The Wild, The doGs name is #BUCK 🦌 …
I will not choose “sides” but if I had to, I would choose my #REAL FAMILY … The ones who don’t spit on me, the ones who don’t mock me & the ones who truly care about ALL #MANKIND .
Where is Hunter?
How old was that little girl everyone is talking about ?
Who lied & said they had no clue what was really going on that whole time?
Was that you Joey?
Fake people acting up on the world stage as puppets to puppet masters calling the plays in the background who chose to do some Real bad things in the dark, it’s all coming to the light & because it’s all coming to the light EVIL will do/say whatever
EVIL can about GOOD to the people in hopes those who are blind/asleep do EVILS dirty work for EVIL, #WHY?
Evil knows EVIL failed & the ONLY way the truth can be stopped from coming out is to get GODS PEOPLE TO DO WHAT EVIL FAILED DOING THEMSELVES & THAT’s LIE TO THE PEOPLE
Everyone has something, someone here has EVERYTHING ..
“I Bleed for this & I Bleed for you-
Still you look at my face like I’m somebody new - #TOY !!!
Nobody wants anything I’ve got -
Which is fine because you’re made of all that I’m not”
Acting now, Treating one another/their fellow man as they are based on lies/A reality that is A figment of everyones Imagination the ways that they have been is 555(GOOD), I’ll choose to be nothing like any of you.
Loving unconditionally/selflessly SHOWING truth NO ONE else can show along with what it all represents is apparently (666), raising 2 kids that weren’t mine & now raising their kids because none of the parents are mentally stable is apparently (666) ..
When I Was riding for