It's not everyone that permits the workings of God in them. 1Corinthians 12:6
God also works through us. Romans 12:3
2Corinthians 3:5, 1Corinthians 15:10
Four different level of service rendered to God.
1. Censorship
It is used to describe a person that supervises conducts and morals.
Galatians 2:4 (MSG)
2. Confession
Matthew 10:32-33, Titus 1:16, 2Timothy 3:1-7, 1John 2:3-6
Our Faith starts with confession but does not end there. Romans 10:9, Matthew 7:20-23
The more you walk with God, the more areas of your life you will discover needs to be worked upon.
3. Contribution.
Be sure that every contribution to God's service shall be rewarded
Matthew 10:40-42, Acts 10:2-4
4. Commitment
Matthew 10:38-39
This level is like offering your life back to God.
When Jesus was on the cross, it was commitment that kept Him there, not the nails.
Commitment is a step ahead of convenience. Matthew 19:21-29
Be intentional about being completely sold out to God.
Remember, there is nothing you do for God that is a waste.
Every effort and energy you are putting is not a waste.
Lord we receive grace to grow in our level of commitment to you.
Thank you for your servant's life @dapoojojohn for bringing u this word by the leading o your Spirit. We receive abundant refreshing for him in Jesus name.
Focus on the pain and not the gain
Take your life's mission very serious
For us Christians, the cross has more meaning than just the Christian faith. It's a summary of the life of Jesus, it depicts God's plan for man's redemption.
The cross also symbolizes sacrifice and exchange of God's righteousness with the sinful nature of human. 1Peter 2:24
2Corinthians 5:21
The wonders of the cross. 1. We have enjoyed liberation from Sin
Sin means to miss the mark, not to measure up to the demand.
Romans 1:22-24, 3:3-4
Thank God, through Christ, we can not miss the mark. Ephesians 2:9, Hebrews 6:4-6