3. Good start for the sitting LNP MP in @the_chronicle_ exit poll on day 1 of #GroomVotes pre-polling. Please follow @GillespieTom17, who’s on the ground for the Toowoomba daily.
Suddenly LNP Garth Hamilton does the ‘delivering for our community’ thing in Pittsworth, where @SuzieHolt4Groom has strong support & will hold a forum on Inland Rail troubles tonight.
She really has shaken up #GroomVotes, the Coalition’s 2nd safest seat!
6. In Pittsworth tonight @SuzieHolt4Groom hosts an Inland Rail forum with @EVERALDATLARGE, who dreamed up the idea decades ago. He’s on a pre-poll booth for Suzie today, and a local eatery is donating $500 worth of food to sustain her volunteers.
8. Only @SuzieHolt4Groom backs the agriculture industry in opposing more coal and CSG mining in the Darling Downs food bowl. Only Suzie backs enraged farmers over the Inland Rail route.
12. CORRECTION TO 11. Sorry @adairdonaldson - tweeting on the drive to Toowoomba this morning with election-fever brain my inadequate excuse. #GroomVotes.
14. The 4th Toowoomba Business Network candidates forum at Westbrook, on the way to Pittsworth, became a meet & greet the candidates after some refused to turn up otherwise. First ever candidates event here.
Sitting LNP MP Garth Hamilton at his first TBN event.
26. The compere at Westbrook Hall asks each candidate to say a few words, amidst which LNP MP Garth Hamilton, in dispute with a constituent, walks out. ‘I’ve had enough of this, I’m going.’
28. Still processing LNP MP Hamilton’s loud walkout of the last #GroomVotes candidates do during an interaction with an anti-vaxer. The 3 female candidates gave speeches and stayed, handling anti-vaxers without incident. Unlike them Garth preferences anti-vax ON & gets theirs.
30. Here’s what the @AusElectoralCom is allowing inside its temporary polling place in a Toowoomba’s CBD arcade. It allows no other candidate to place any material inside. Please explain! #GroomVotes
Was Garth’s space rented before your pre-poll spot? If so, why didn’t you shift it? If no, you can’t stop the rental but you can stop the advertising, yes? Why didn’t you make it a condition of YOUR rental that no pol ads inside?
32. Another @AusElectoralCom reply. Huh? So you’re saying the shopping arcade owner can give permission for other candidates to put up campaign material inside the arcade? That’s NOT what your local officials told them. Glad you’re taking a look.
33. Dear @AusElectoralCom, could you also take a look at why you required Michael McNab to remove 2 @SuzieHolt4Groom posters from HIS building because it was close to your office way before prepoll when you did not so last election when he up posters for the LNP MP? #GroomVotes
34. Rain, floods, fog, way more candidate volunteers than voters at the #GroomVotes Toowoomba pre-poll today.
Was gunna drive home tomorrow but may be flooded in.
35. The last of 6 #GroomVotes candidates forums, at Mouse Proof Brewery, moderated by @usqedu’s Prof Peter Terry. LNP MP Garth Hamilton attended one and stormed out of the only other one he attended,on the proviso it was just meet & greet, before candidate speeches. #GroomVotes
36. Relaxed buzzy vibe at the last #GroomVotes candidates event before #ausvotes, at the Mouse Free Brewery. All candidate bar the LNP MP here - ALP, Greens, ON, UAP, Federation Party, the other indie & @SuzieHolt4Groom.
Groom’s first ever serious campaign has been a blast :)
37. 4 minute speeches, then questions at the last #GroomVotes candidates forum. Photo by Mike Spence.
38. Wonderful camaraderie & good humour between candidates & a generous crowd. Gives ya hope.
LNP MP hasn’t really participated in #GroomVotes campaign. Emails, flyers, fundraisers; one $50 a head forum. At his only meet & greet he stormed out. Guess he knows he’s safe.
39. Voters of Groom, here’s how to vote strategically whatever your political colour to ensure #GroomVotes becomes marginal and Groom’s Voice is hear loud and clear in Canberra whoever wins Govt.
Vote 1 for your ‘Voices for’ community independent @SuzieHolt4Groom!
46. @the_chronicle_ with the #GroomVotes candidates’ final pitches. Only One Nation’s candidate refused to participate - he’s swapping preferences with the sitting LNP MP.
47. @The_Chronicle reports the #GroomVotes LNP MP’s walkout of a candidates meet and greet with constituents last Thursday. @GillespieTom17 used my video - no local journos attended.
48. #GroomVotes LNP MP Garth Hamilton has not been seen at pre-polls since he stormed out of a candidates meet and greet last week. @the_chronicle_ hard copy report.
49. @SuzieHolt4Groom has had to again state categorically she has no donations or any contact with @climate200 as the LNP and another independent candidate continue a whispering campaign.
62. A very last minute funding announcement by LNP MP Garth Hamilton in #GroomVotes. He hasn’t been seen at pre-polls since he stormed out of a candidates meet and greet last Thursday.
66. Some members of @SuzieHolt4Groom’s core, all volunteer team. They helped her build a local campaign inspired by the #IndiWay on a shoestring budget of local donations The election night party will rock whatever the result in #GroomVotes :)
71. ABC South Queensland reporter @nathmorris on the religious history of #GroomVotes and how @SuzieHolt4Groom is disrupting the longstanding status quo after a controversial LNP preselection. Worth reading.
An explosive report in Toowoomba’s @the_chronicle resets the #GroomVotes campaign, suggesting a big chunk of LNP and Labor voters have switched their support to her.
Will Garth Hamilton still boycott tonight’s candidates forum in Highfield?
3. #GroomVotes voters, you can question @SuzieHolt4Groom at tonight’s Toowoomba Busienss Network candidates forum. The sitting LNP has refused to attend - his one and only candidates forum was last night.
This is what happens when @CUhlmann smears @Mon4Kooyong in a Tweet without context. Terrible loss for @9NewsAUS and voters. A debate in Kooyong with undecided constituents on Nine would have been free to air. But will Josh be game to agree?
2. What the hell is wrong with @abcnews and @9NewsAUS??? Surely a local town hall with undecided local voters is not beyond them? Free to air much better for all voters. 3 times now Murdoch’s Sky - Zali-Abbott 2019, Allegra-Sharma, now maybe Monique-Josh is bloody ridiculous.
3. I thought when @David_Speers joined @abcnews it was in box seat to host a free to air town-hall #leadersdebate pioneered by Sky. To have the first #leadersdebate on a Murdoch cable channel live-streamed by Murdoch media a disgrace.
‘Liberal’ Party becoming the US Republican Party before our eyes. Ugly culture wars, glorifying guns, policies for sale to big donors, public service destruction, corrupt govt appointments, the lot.
True liberal voters need to take a stand now to save our faltering democracy.
2. The host of this gun-toting fundraiser for the ‘Liberal’ Party? The biggest supplier of guns etc to OUR Defence Force! Enough merging guardians of the public interest with private profit. Time to stop rampant Canberra corruption in Canberra! Vote to save decent democracy.
3. The proof: What a pleasure it must be for a huge Defence Force supplier - OUR defence force - to host a $5,000 a head gun-toting ‘Liberal’ Party fundraiser. This Govt sells its soul and our democracy very cheap.
1. Alllegra, who would you vote for in a hung Parliament? And what about the cost of living?
2. Allegra: I’m open to work with whoever forms Govt. If a hung Parliament it depends what is on the table by both. Whever wins I will work across Parliament for action on climate change, integrity etc.
3. What will you do about the pensioner deeming rate re nursing homes?
Moderator question: Deves?
Sharma: Her comments “reprehensible”. No comment on disendorsement. Admits our laws already allow exclusion of trans women from competitive women’s sport!
1. Damien Hodgkinson is sole shareholder & a director of @Climate200. He profited last election by doing the donation books of several independents - $30k a pop. inc @zalisteggal. Charged $30k a pop.
Then went big, still on the @Climate200 Board, seeing ‘a gap in the market’.
2. @climate200 denies conflict of interest in Hodgkinson’s lucrative double play.
Aren’t #IndependentsDay campaigns about local capacity building? INDEPENDENCE from donors? No local would do it for free or lower cost?
3. I worked with Simon on @NoFibs’ 2010 #IndependentsDay campaign & he donated to my crowdfund. I knew @climate200 donated to 3 candidates we backed, none on the story’s list.
I had no inkling @climate200 people were profiting from candidates. ZERO.