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May 10 83 tweets 38 min read
Supreme Court Bar Association to hold farewell for Justice Vineet Saran who is retiring today

The farewell is being held at the new Supreme Court auditorium in the new building complex

#Scba #JusticeVineetSaran
Senior Advocate Pradeep Rai, Vice President of SCBA gives the welcome address.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: When two days back on Sunday, when something was going on, Justice Gavai and Justice Suryakant the way they dealt with the matter, they even suggested how chambers ought to be alloted.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: I am thankful to Lalit sir, who said “who decides how chambers are to be alloted”. I am grateful that the function is being organised here. I can see smiles on the faces on the members of the bar.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: Members of the Bar are especially thankful to the CJI and Justice aran, because if not for his farewell.. we may not have gotten.. this is the kind of perception.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: I have known Justice Saran for over 2 decades. I saw him as a top lawyer in Allahabad. I have seen him as judge. We saw him as judge of Kanataka High Court, then as CJ of Orissa High Court, and 1373 days in Supreme Court.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: Justice Saran has contributed immensely to the institution. He has encouraged younger members, lady members of the Bar. Everyone who has appeared before him, they have been obliged and sometimes come out with smiling face.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: Becuase the style and the way he dismisses petition, that also needs encouragement.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: Lordship has many hobbies, he likes to play golf, he likes to travel.
He is fond of seeing places, he plays tennis.
Mr. Vikas Singh was not aware that he is a very good tennis player. Otherwise he would have taken him, and defeated me.
He lost because he was overconfident
Rai: So next time he is promising me he is going to win. but I am telling you sir, it is difficult.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: Justice Saran is a friend of friends. He is still friends with his college friends.
Certainly Justice Vikram Nath and Justice Krishna Murari sir, you people are going to miss him. but he is in Delhi, so we will interact. He will also offer birthday cake.

Rai: We wish you a happy birthday sir.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: Your contribution to the institution will be remembered. We are not going to allow you to retire! Because retirement word is not a good word. You are contribute further, you are leaders of the Bar. Whenever you talk to us, you talk in the interest of the Bar.

Rai: It resembles in this gathering and it also resembles with the way you all dealt with this issue.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Rai: You are fond of travelling.. SCBA has started air discounting scheme, where you all get 30% discount, business class. We are also going to start other schemes for members like for housing and all.. in addition to discounting scheme of hotels, beverages, food and all.
Rai: The first card will be given to His Lordship tomorrow.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta gives his speech.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
SG: I am a proxy counsel on behalf of the AG. It is a bitter moment when you have to bid farewell on retiring judge of Court before whom you have appeared, who has taught you.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
SG: During his tenure, he has been a part of the Bench in 325 judgments, mostly which are constitutional bench judgments.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
SG: The role of a judge is a tight rope walk, for the judge has to maintain balance between being human and being a judge who has to deliver justice within legal constraints. In criminal cases before him…

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
SG: Justice Saran exhibited his humane face and extended his judicial powers to ensure every accused was given full protection of law.
today he is not retiring, he is entering his third inning where he is a free man.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
SG: It is normally believed that when a person retires, wife gets 100% of lawyer and 50% of income. In case of Justice Saran, neither is going to be true. I am sure he is going to be equally busy and earning much more than what he has been earning.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
SG: Justice Saran is fond of golf and he could not pursue that due to various commitments and bundles of files. but now he can pursue the same.
He is a lively human being. that liveliness will ensure he fulfills many dreams which he could not.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Senior Advocate Vikas Singh and President of SCBA delivers his address.

Singh: We are assembled here for a painful task. Painful because we are here to bid farewell to a popular judge, it is definitely a painful task. But we also wish him that he be happy in his future endeavours.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Today it is a special day for the Bar. Because under the helm of CJI Ramana we are made to feel that we are equal stakeholders in this institution.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: all our functions of the Bar will be held here, and this is great for our future endeavours. And it will be useful for the future fruitful endeavours like lectures, lecture series. With this auditorium, I am sure our activities will increase.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Justice Saran is a man of varied personality and has been a great asset to this court. He would be remembered for his polite demeanour, his ability to understand complex issued in a short span time, his encouragement to juniors, his erudite and scholarly judgments.
Singh: Justice Saran is a keen sportsman. He enjoys playing a number of sports like squash, badminton, cricket and golf. Unfortunately in the two tournaments he participated on behalf of the judges, he did not have good form, so we could dismiss him easily.
Singh: We hope to see him in better form now, now that he has time to practice. He also likes carrom and chess, and also cards. There is a game in Allahabad which he loves to play. He is also fond of riding and biking.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Justice Saran is a man of focus and detail and is committed to the cause of justice delivery.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Justice Saran’s father who would never ever step into his courtroom entered where Justice Saran was presiding. He asked his father why he entered. He said, “he wanted to see his son there, as he did not know if he would live long enough to see him as the CJ.

Singh: When he was leaving Allahabd to join Karnataka, he chose to go by train and the entire station was full of 700-800 lawyers. He has that kind of popularity.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: I asked a junior lawyer to argue who had briefed me for a case. When I came to the Court, the junior was arguing, and Justice Saran asked him to continue. He appreciated the arguments. That kind of appreciation for young member of bar is praiseworthy

Singh: justice Saran believes in quantity over quality and believes that court craft is indispensible tool for a lawyer. You may have knowledge of the subject, but if you lack court craft, then it would be injustice to the client.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: According to Justice Saran, a lawyer must be alert enough to observe the response of the judge and mould arguments accordingly. This is invaluable advice. We keep dragging our point ithout realising that the judge has something completely different point in mind.
Singh: Justice Saran is avid traveller. One of his favourite countries is England since according to him, one can relate to the areas from books and board games. He likes to watch movies. Apart from serious movies, he loves light movies.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Another interesting fact is that Justice Saran loves sandwiches. He can survive on sandwiches for days without eating anything else.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Justice Saran loves to host parties. His parties in Holi and New Year in Allahabad were known and everyone would look forward to these parties.
Where all frolicking would go on. In new parties, music and dance would go on. Justice Saran would participate in the dancing.
Singh: Justice Saran wants to engage in arbitrations post retirement.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: He jokingly says, if he doesn’t get arbitration, then he will go back to Allahabad and host his Holi and New Year parties.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Singh: Justice Saran was a scholarly judge, he had the ability to make all lawyers comfortable before him with the friendly demeanour.
With his retirement, the Bench is losing an invaluable judge and the Bar is losing a good human human being.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI NV Ramana addresses the gathering.
CJI: Let me clear the doubt. The opinion expressed by Secretary and President. The credit goes to the member of the committee. I did nothing. I entrusted the demands of the Bar Association to the committee.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Ultimately they solved the problem. Any achievement we have got in the last one year is a collective mission. The credit should go to all, not individual. I thank all my brothers and member of the Bar who stand behind me in all the days.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: I believe in democratic way of functioning and any decisions, we must receive the suggestions and everyone’s view has to be respected and only then will it work. This is what I believe. Mr. Vikas Singh was right, we are equal partners, but there are some restrictions.
CJI: Which Mr. Singh will understand, I am sure.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Coming back to brother Vineet Saran. There is no need for me to reproduce or reiterate the date of birth, etc.
He worked with three different High Courts - Allahabad, Karnataka, Orissa. Wherever he worked, he got a good name.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Not only name, he has taken care of issues pending there and he worked together with the Bar members and brother judges. So he achieved a lot of great things. I hope all this is inherited from his father.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Working closely with Vineet Saran, I can state that my brother has imbibed some of his best qualities by watching his eminent father.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Justice Saran is a compassionate person, conscious of social realities. People with genuine cause would never go empty from his court. There is a saying that the law is the true embodiment of everything. I firmly believe that judges personify fairness and equity..

CJI: which our legal system is built up on. Other day I was told that some last day of his working, some of the lawyers say, you are a popular judge. He said don’t call me popular but fair and equity judge.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Justice Saran was a man of the people and wherever he has gone, he has earned that reputation.
Retirement means he will get some freedom which he lost as a judge which he will get again.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: After prempting his office, he need not bother about the restrictions which the office had, He is a free citizen, he can express his opinions freely and he can enjoy his life. I asked him about his future plans. Are you taking up any..

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: He said no, I don’t want anything, I want to work freely, I want to be a free citizen. Now I hope he is going to stay in Delhi. He is going to do some arbitration, otherwise he wants to enjoy his personal life.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
CJI: Saran is a close friend of mine. I am really emotional. Becuase all the times, from 2002 onwards, we both used to be friends. Because I am one of the members of the Allahabad judges co-operative societies. We used to have these meetings, and we would discuss issues.
CJI: Since then we used to meet and we have maintained our friendship. He is been a strong supporter. He has always stoof by me, in good and bad times. It is a great virtue of Justice Saran.
I take this opportunity to say good bye to him.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Vineet Saran gives his address.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: Today is the day when I’d like to speak to my friends, family members, Bar members is my family, straight from my heart without reading out any speech. When you sit with family, and friends, you speak from the heart.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: It is always said that the bar and bench are two wheels of a chariot. That is in my view absolutely correct. The chariot which is talked about should be the one where Lord Krishna and Arjun used to ride. It is only the combination of two which worked.
Justice Saran: The Bar is Lord Krishna and Arjun is the Bench. The role of members of the Bar is as important if not more than that if judges. Without proper assistance from the bar the judges cannot write good judgment. The quality of judgment depends on quality of arguments.
Justice Saran: As member of the Bar I always used to think, one has prepared a case for hours, and you argue before the judge, he has nothing to do, he has crux of the matter. Coming this side, the Bar members comes and argues, the judges get totally confused.
Justice Saran: then I felt that bar is not doing anything, we are doing everything. What I want to say is grass is always greener on the other side.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: Young members of the Bar, in the beginning they do not have much work. My advice to them is they should sit in court rooms and they should watch judges and they must know what the judge wants. To learn that is part of court craft.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: As I am demiting I can tell, you give me a good chart one page, I am more likely to decide the case early. That is what I want, some other judge may want something else.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: And this court craft is not something that I feel only lawyers should have, but judges also need to do some court craft. I will share my own court craft.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: Normally I do not like to get angry, but as a matter of court craft, I have had to show I am angry and scold some of the lawyers, just for show. Maybe that is the court craft of the judge to monitor proceedings of the Court.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: So I am sure if I have hurt any feelings of any member of the Bar, I am sure I will be excused, because I never meant to harm anybody or hurt anybody, because as judges there is some court craft we need to learn.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: I have had wonderful innings as a judge in the last two decades and about 4 years in Supreme court.
It is a wonderful Bar. Members of the Bar are very pleasant. I have had a great experience here.
Justice Saran: I must congratulate that 90% of the lawyers always come very prepared and assist the Court very well. I have found them pleasant and nice to me.
I will cherish all the memories I have had in the last 4 years.
Justice Saran: Mr. Vikas SIngh seems to have done a lot of research on me. Positive and negative things about me. My two friends are sitting here, and they must have told him about sandwiches.
Justice Saran: Whenever we used to go to Lucknow together, brother judge Krishna Murari never liked sandwiches and he used to curse me.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: Everyone spoke very kind words about me. I don’t know whether I deserve them or not. But I thank all of you for the lovely time I have had over here.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: And in cricketing terms I said in the morning - I am the batsman who is facing the last over, and at the moment the last ball and I hope to face it well and remain not out.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Vineet Saran message to the Bar: When I assumed office as a judge of this esteemed court in 2018, little did I imagine that the members of this Bar would shower on me such affection and cordiality.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: I feel immensely fortunate to have received your invaluable assistance and I am truly honoured for the incessant and unrelenting co-operation that the members of the Bar have always extended to me.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: While I communicate my utmost respect admiration to the senior members of the Bar, I say this with a sense of pride that I have had the fortunate pleasure to interact with such bright minds of the next generation…
Justice Saran: who have in them the versatility that is required to take the glory of this legendary institution to newer heights.
Justice Saran: I have always believed that the magnificence of this court and the edifice of this justice is incomplete without the contribution of the members of the Bar.
Today, I feel fortunate to be leaving with fond memories and I shall cherish every moment.
Justice Saran: I extend my wholehearted thanks to all of the members of the Bar and hope they continue to assist, support and nourish this court with their knowledge conduct and perseverance.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: Having spent over 4 decades in law, the first of it at Bar and second half with Bench, it is difficult for me to bid farewell. I know from my heart and soul I shall be member of this fraternity and cherish my association with it.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Justice Saran: I will you all theb est for professional and personal pursuits. I hold you all very dear to me. The members of the Bar will always have my best wishes. May god bless you all.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran
Farewell ends.

#SCBA #JusticeVineetSaran

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#DelhihighCourt #DelhiHC @karunanundy @jsaideepak
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