1/ Legislators - Collaboration with WEF / WHO is TREASON.
Any & all actions to advance the creation, amendments, submission and/or passing of agreements or treaties, that attempt to circumvent, undermine &/or interfere with the United States’ sovereignty #TulsiGabbard#blinken
2/ & exclusive authority to self govern, as set forth in the Constitution & Federal & State laws, &/or transfer this authority, in full or in part, to any foreign country or other entity, are a violation of United States Federal and State Laws. #WEF#WHO#Clinton#Newsom
3/ Involvement in such actions is considered treasonous & persons found guilty of violations may be subject to fines, imprisonment &/or death in accordance with U. S. law. #WHO#WEF#gallego#Pelosi#POTUS#buttigleg#vanjones
4/ You are urged to cease & desist all efforts fitting this description with regard to amendments to the International Health Organization, Article 12, Section 2, 3 & 5, proposed and/or under consideration at the 75th World Health Assembly. #WHO#WorldHealthAssembly#clifhigh