If you're watching reactions of the #DeppHeardTrial and they bring on a body language expert, understand they can only speculate without an emotional & verbal baseline. Some things, like incongruity in gestures, hint at deception but not what it is.
You have to remember that Amber Heard is an actor, so it is sort of an extension of her job to lie to people in the sense that she pretends to be someone she's not. Dr. Paul Ekman has addressed this in his book "Telling Lies":
2) “Believing-a-lie mistakes occur because certain people just don’t make mistakes when they lie. These are not just psychopaths but also natural liars, people who are using the Stanislavski technique, and those who by other means succeed in coming to believe their own lies...
3) The lie catcher must remember that the absence of a sign of deceit is not evidence of truth.”
So, when you see "body language experts" like @janinedriver on various news outlets, understand she is not telling you the whole story.
4) Her 'expertise' serves to benefit her in monetary and material ways: face time on television, money, etc. She doesn't establish a baseline, she just points out fairly general tells that can be easily defeated by someone with proper training as an actor.
5) Here's where Driver's assertions fall apart: "The Stanislavsky system requires that an actor utilize, among other things, his emotional memory. The actor’s entrance onto the stage is considered to be not a beginning of the action or of his life as the character but..."
6) a continuation of the set of preceding circumstances. The actor has trained his concentration and his senses so that he may respond freely to the total stage environment. Through empathic observation of people in many different situations...
7) ...he attempts to develop a wide emotional range so that his onstage actions and reactions appear as if they were a part of the real world rather than a make-believe one."
All I'm saying is you need to be wary of "experts" on legacy media especially. #DoYourResearch
I read somewhere [I wish I could find the source] that #ADHD affects executive function that precludes the ability to see the end-result of a task. Not knowing this makes completing the simplest of tasks both nearly impossible and filled with anxiety. /1
This has been tumbling around in my brain for quite some time. Pair that with attending my younger brother's wedding got me asking the question whether or not this is why I don't really date and remain single at 36 years old. /2
Granted, #COVID19 is a huge factor right now but I usually go years between relationships and I ended my last one pre-pandemic. Part of me feels like there's no point; it seems nearly impossible to find someone around here who has any kind of energy and social consciousness. /3
THREAD: "Polarity Coach" @ZakRoedde is running a cult based on Dr. Robert J. Lifton's "Eight Criteria for Thought Reform" (Taken from the book 'Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism') /1
1. Milieu Control - Roedde manages a private Facebook group that is pretty strictly moderated for dissenting voices. I lurked in there for a week or so and was summarily banned for criticizing continual use of terms like "beta male". facebook.com/groups/masculi… /2
2. Mystical manipulation - "men should be masculine and women should be feminine (read: cishet). Any disruption is "depolarizing" and somehow disruptive, i.e., if the man doesn't lead or the woman doesn't "submit". Roedde will coach you for $150 or you could buy his books. /3
I found philosophy later in my Christian life. I found its approach and abuse in greater Christendon in the realm of apologetics to be insufficient.
That's why I can read Nietzsche's "Parable of the Madnan" and read it as lament; not at all how it is read by non-theists.
While I understand the often touted line "If God does not exist, all is permissible/lawful," (depending on translations) the spirit of the phrase is scattered all around Dostoevsky's "The Brother's Karamazov." Admittedly, I've never read it.
But I cannot help but sense pain in the madman's speech: "How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun?"
"A lot of religious Christians talk about, 'The Good News is you can be happy, you can be fulfilled, you can have the answers.' And I'm saying, 'The Gospel is: life is shit and you don't have the answers and that's good news.' (cont'd)
'And people will go, "That's not good news! That's terrible news!" No, that's great news. You embrace your brokenness, you embrace your anxiety and unknowing and you will find yourself happier..." (cont'd)
The more you think you can know stuff, the more you will hate to be around people who think differently, the more afraid you will be of different ideas. (cont'd)
Recent events involving my family, again, voluntelling me to intervene with a cousin who is struggling with depression and other unresolved issues. For the first time, it made me really angry and I wasn't sure why at first. I have been digging into that for a while now [1]
I started thinking about it today in light of a paper I'm writing for class. I unearthed some memories that had long since been forgotten or suppressed (I never know these days). But I realized I have a lot of resentment over how my mental health was treated vs. my siblings. [2]
Technically, being the "oldest" in my family, I was the experiment kid and none of my three parents were really equipped to deal with my disposition. I can remember being depressed, not sleeping, and sitting in front of a computer for hours on end. [3]
"Backsliding is a sin. Doubt is a sin. Questioning is a sin. The only proper relationship is submission to those above you... " /1 (Quote cont'd in thread)
"... the abandonment of critical thought and the mouthing of religious jargon that is morally charged and instantly identifies believers as part of the same hermetic community." /2 (cont'd)
"The psychiatrist, Robert J. Lifton, describes this heavily-loaded language, the words and phrases that allow believers to speak in code, as 'thought-terminating cliches.'" /3