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May 18, 2022 215 tweets >60 min read Read on X
1. First of all I'd like to give shout outs to @AngryFleas @CardiacSmarts @KD2NFC @PamelaEdwards @PootDibou @Joe__312 @CPT_Cosmosis @BullshitReturns @InfoGuru16 who have been working for the past week studying 2000 Mules and finding all sorts of evidence.
2. They've all done a tone of good work and I'll be linking to posts/threads they have made in this thread, and now on with the show.
3. The movie opens with Biden in Evil Distortion Video talking about creating a powerful "Voter fraud" network. The video does the sort of quick cut that dishonest people make to strip context out of a quote. Image
4. The full quote shows Biden talking about building an army of lawyers to fight against President Trump's efforts to deter people from voting.
5. It's funny hearing Biden saying that he wants his supporters to vote in numbers that will "Overwhelm the system" since that's been QAnon's battle cry since the 2020 election. That they will somehow overcome Democratic election fraud by voting.
6. We are told the research for this film has been done by "True The Vote" which is important because I'm sure we're about to learn they are a serious non-partisan group and not right wing grifters with an agenda to promote. Image
7. We then get B-Roll footage of an actor pretending to be a "Mule" who parks his car in the dead of night, walks to a ballot box, drops the ballot on the ground, and then picks up the ballot, puts it in the box, and then takes a photo before leaving. ImageImageImage
8. This B-Roll is important because it's conditioning the viewer to see everything that happened here as being suspect. Voting at night, dropping the ballot, taking a photo of the ballot box, all of this will come up later and be seen as something sinister.
9. We then get some "Elections are awesome" commentary from Ronald Reagan and Dinesh before shifting to "Trump's gonna win!" election night coverage. He's winning in Pennsylvania! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!
10. Suddenly something wicked this way comes. Everyone stops counting votes! We hear Chuck Todd say "Everyone has stopped counting!" Which is again a lie. The full clip shows he is talking about Pittsburgh and other near by areas.
11. And then the shocking twist, overnight Biden pulled into the lead! We even have a CNN reporter say "You went to bed thinking this election was going one way, but overnight, things changed!" and we end with Biden being declared President-Elect.
12. The fact that the Red Mirage was a well known thing that had been reported on for months before the election is never brought up.… Image
13. Dinesh grimly informs us that "The 2020 election haunts the America mind" and he sets the table for us that on one side is the Evil Media who claim the election was totally secure and on the other side are Patriots who think it was stolen.
14. Dinesh then whines about Bill Barr and Liz Cheney saying that the GOP lost and there was no fraud. He declares the 1/6 attack on the Capitol wasn't an insurrection, but rather a "primal scream" and they merely wanted Congress to look into election fraud.
15. We then get to Tech Censorship and Trump being kicked off Twitter so social media is in on the stolen election. All this is happening while we have B-Roll of Dinesh walking around DC on a sunny day.
17. We then see Dinesh filming his new podcast and he declares that by "Just Asking Questions" about the 2020 election he's been deplatformed by YouTube and Facebook. ImageImage
18. This is a lie. Dinesh's YouTube channel with nearly 700K followers is still up as is his Facebook page with over 2 million followers. ImageImage
19. We then get an Establishing Shot of Dinesh and his Right Wing Pals hanging out and getting ready to record a totally informal conversation. Dinesh is obsessed with Establishing Shots, he really thinks his chat with Gorka needed to be built up.
20. Everyone has their roles to play in this conversation. Dennis Prager is the Doubting Thomas. Eric Metaxas plays the part of the guy who thought this was going to be a podcast or he wouldn't have worn that suit. Gold buttons and green pants, really bro? ImageImage
21. While Prager doesn't know what happened with the election Eric declares "Most Americans" don't know what happened and "Aren't OK" with that. Gorka questions how Biden's vote total surpassed Obama's vote total and says it's absurd.
22. Larry Elder rants and raves about everything and declares that the Democrats hated Trump so much they could have justified cheating to beat him. Gorka chimes in to agree with him.
23. Charlie Kirk gives us the "Millions of Americans know something went wrong...They know their was injustice. They know it in their gut" he brings up bell weather counties and then closes with "People went to bed thinking Trump was gonna win."
24. Gorka then brings up the "Trump got big crowds but Biden didn't" and Trump getting a huge vote totals and declares "It just stinks!" Finally we get to the payoff, Prager makes it clear we need proof that 2020 was stolen before the GOP will rise up and speak out.
25. We are now 14 minutes into an 87 minute long movie and no evidence has been presented. The movie knows it has nothing so it's got to condition us with GOP talking points and B-Roll film of a "Mule" casting votes illegally before getting us to it's supposed evidence.
26. It's not Out of Shadows that spend nearly an hour talking about the Gulf of Tonkin and MKULTRA before bringing in Liz Crokin to talk about Pizzagate, but clearing that low bar isn't anything to be proud about.
27. Establishing Shot of Dinesh's home because he thinks his audience couldn't handle us jumping right to a conversation between him and his wife about the 2020 election being stolen. Image
28. Dinesh and Debbie have a chat about how Democrats are legendary for stealing elections. They bring up Tammany Hall, LBJ stealing his first election, and then in a move that is heresy to QAnon they talk about JFK stealing the Presidency from Nixon in 1960.
29. That's their evidence of Democratic Party Election Fraud, that 60 years ago a Democrat might have stolen an election. This totally organic and not at all stilted conversation leads to Dinesh calling Catherine Engelbrecht of True The Vote. Image
30. Denish and Catherine have a chat on the phone about something SO BIG they can't discuss it over the phone, instead they have to meet in person, you know what that means...
31. ESTABLISHING SHOT! Dinesh and Debbie meet up with True The Vote as if it's the scene in the movie where the FBI meets up with the local police to understand what's happened and who they are up against. ImageImageImageImage
32. But one Establishing Shot for this meeting isn't enough. We get Debbie openly gasping at how amazing True The Votes Mule Tracking Compound is. Catherine now tells us this isn't merely big it's "Really big" and we're introduced to Gregg Philips. Image
33. We are told Gregg has 30 years of election security experience and has dealt with issues "All over the world" his Wikipedia page says that he's a small time GOP party apparatchik with some allegations of corruption.…
34. Dinesh asks Gregg why he's the man for the job and he declares he's been around elections and election integrity for "around 40 years" so that 30 year claim just had 10 more years added to it.
35. We then get B-Roll footage of every hacker/cop show on TV of people looking at monitors and typing on keyboards. True The Vote's Hacker Team is gonna get results! Image
36. We then have Dinesh and True The Vote try to sneak their partisan agenda past us with Dinesh telling us Catherine testified before Congress in 2014. They make it sound like she was an expert on Election Security telling Congress what's up. Image
37. When in reality she was before Congress to complain about the IRS targeting conservative groups like True The Vote and she was speaking before Congress as an angry Republican.
38. Dinesh then stresses that True The Vote is non-partisan and that they are only concerned about election integrity. Catherine agrees that they are totes non-bias and are only here to see both sides get a fair shake in elections.
39. To try to prove how non-partisan they are the North Carolina election that got overturned due to Republican Election Fraud is brought up. Dinesh then for no reason says "Well the guy who cheated the election learned these tactics from an African American GOTV group."
40. So even when Republicans cheat it's only because minorities taught them the evil ways of cheating. Gregg then declares the system of voter fraud that has been unchanged for 40 years. A "Non-profit" gives ballots to people and pays them to vote with them.
41. We are now inching towards seeing evidence as Catherine begins explaining their goal of trying to catch the people voting illegitimately. More B-Roll of TTV Hacker Team! Catherine and Gregg hanging out with Asian Guy in Ballcap letting the glow of the monitor light the shot. ImageImage
42. Finally we get to the evidence. Gregg claims they have Geotracking Data of their supposed targets and this data has been used to map out where people have gone. Image
43. Gregg then tells us that Law Enforcement uses this sort of tracking and they had to have used it to monitor the 1/6 protestors before they even went to the Capitol because too many of the arrests were done too quickly. Big Brother is watching us!
44. Dinesh then really lays it on thick by declaring this Geotracking Data to be as good as DNA evidence. Gregg then explains they bought data from data brokers for the important cities in the election. Starting on October 1st and in Georgia going through the runoff.
45. Gregg wants Asian Guy in Ballcap to focus up as he explains that TTV brought 10 trillion signals of data and then geofenced around ballot drop boxes to try to uncover possible mules. Image
44. Finally Gregg explains to us what TTV's goal was (as TTV hacker team poses for this shot) that you had to go to 10+ drop boxes and 5+ trips to "Organizations" to count as a "Mule". Image
45. And they found them, oh let me tell you, they found them! 242 Mules in Atlanta just like this creepy guy in the B-Roll! ImageImageImageImage
46. Note that we are now 27 minutes into the film and while we're hearing a lot of talk about geotracking and trillions of pings and mules going to drop boxes we still have yet to have any evidence provided.
47. Tune in tomorrow as we finally get to Dinesh's evidence and all the reasons why it's not actually evidence. Here's Shirley on a horse, it's close to a mule, work with me here. Image
48. Before we get into the presentation of the evidence in 2000 Mules we need to look at the claims made by TTV about the data. Here in Newsweek Catherine claims to have spent 1 million on getting the data.… Image
49. Yet here talking to Charlie Kirk suddenly the number jumps to "over two million". Why can't TTV get their story straight on how much they paid for the data?
50. And as for the evidence itself, cell phone pings are not something that happens all the time. If you're running a lot of apps you'll ping more often but that drains the battery. If a phone is idle it's sending out passive signals that don't register as pings.
51. So trying to map the "Mules" would be based on an idea they had something like Google Maps open all the time (When they are running the same routes over and over and wouldn't need it) and then walking to the drop box, phone in hand, to drop off the illegal ballots.
52. As you'll see in most of the videos the supposed "Mules" don't have their phones out. Beyond all this geolocating is spotty at best with estimates between 4.9 meters to 30 meters. Not "Within arm's reach of a drop box" range. ImageImage
53. Back to the movie and Dinesh asks for insight into the Mules. Gregg declares that this isn't "Grandma out walking her dog" and declares these people are "Bad people with bad backgrounds" and that TTV has had "Several encounters" with "Mules" that were "not positive".
54. When did these encounters happen? Why didn't TTV record their engagements with these ruffians? Again the movie is conditioning us to hate it's enemies using the baseless claim that people we're about to see on tape are hardened criminals out to make a fast buck.
55. TTV explains these people want money and they get 10 dollars a ballot and in the Georgia run off they got paid more. If these Mules are totally immoral crooks looking for cash why didn't they run a sting on this operation? They would have been heroes on FOX News overnight.
56. The Mule that blew the whistle on this scam would have been a millionaire and not had to spend months doing Door Dash for Ballots. This scheme requires so much manpower to run somebody would have flipped, somebody would have talked, this is a fantasy.
57. Gregg then tells us that "Three dozen" mules were a part of BLM/Antifa riots in Atlanta and show us this CGI "re-enactment" of the riots where the bad guys have red circles around them like they were baddies in a video game. Image
58. The problem with this is that TTV said they purchased the data from October 1st 2020 onward and the protests in Atlanta was during summer. They can't give a date for this 'violent protest' because I doubt they have one.
59. After saying that we get a graphic indicating that 67 Mules were ID'ed in the protests and Gregg changes his story to "Dozens and dozens and dozens" of Mules. He claims there is "an organization" that follows the violent protests and monitors them and helped them out. Image
60. A lot of the graphics on the computers is stock footage put there to look nice.

61. Gregg restates that these are "Violent criminals" and then Dinesh brings up the fact that BLM protests wouldn't have "Patriots" or "Christians" in the protests to remind us that the Left is America hating atheist monsters.
62. But he has no proof, for all he knows the "ID's" in the riots (that he gives no dates for) could have been peaceful protests, rescue workers, shop owners, or even customers caught in the madness. There is nothing to connect random protestors to violent rioters.
63. Gregg tells us the organizations that are the fronts for the ballot harvesting campaign are left-wing organizations. He won't name them because he knows that's a lawsuit waiting to happen, but he assures us that the election stealers are liberals.
64. We then get this "Map of life" showing a mule visiting countless drop boxes and "Organizations". This is obviously suspect! Look at the lines and dots! Image
65. But the graphic doesn't match the actual map of drop boxes. It's just there to look scary and implicate a random person in a supposed crime.… Image
66. Back to the B-Roll footage of our actor pretending to be a Mule stuffing ballots in a box while doing evil stuff like driving and taking a backpack out of a car. ImageImageImageImage
67. Gregg explains to us that the "Non-Profits" are the "Stash houses" for the ballots the Mules take to the drop boxes. Imagine the army that has to be assembled for this. Paymasters, stash houses, mules, the people involved would number in the tens of thousands at least.
68. Imagine one person at one stash house going to FOX News with 2,000 ballots all pre-marked for Biden/Harris. The whole thing would fall apart like a house of cards. It's an impossible conspiracy, there is way to much incentive to betray it, or for somebody to screw up.
69. We finally get to the nation wide Mule operation and it turns out pretty much everyone in Philadelphia was a Mule or actively supporting Mules. While Wisconsin had a rather small Mule population. ImageImageImageImage
70. We then get into one of the biggest lies in the movie where TTV claim they solved the murder of Secoriea Turner via their Geolocating data. They claim they turned their data over to the FBI and that led to the arrest of the the suspects in the case. ImageImage
71. This could not have happened because Secoriea Turner was killed on July 4th 2020 and TTV claimed they bought data that started on October 1st 2020. Julian Conley the main suspect in the case, turned himself in within days of the incident, well before October 1st.
72. The second suspect, Jerrion McKinney, was known to police who were looking for him for months before finally arresting him. Local police handled the case the FBI was never involved so TTV giving the FBI this data is meaningless. Nothing in their story holds up.
73. Dinesh then asks TTV if they got video evidence to back their awesome Geolocating data and they declare they have "4 million minutes" of video. This sounds impressive, but imagine what it really means. Image
74. There are roughly 44,000 minutes in a month. To get to 4 million all you have to do is multiply 44,000 by 100. So TTV is saying they have round the clock surveillance of roughly 100 drop boxes, which is to say, next to none of them.
75. And during down time and overnights this is what the vast majority if that film is going to be. (This and the Map Overlay Graphic are both from @AngryFleas) Image
76. Imagine a casino with a camera over every poker/blackjack/craps/roulette/pit games table and cameras for all the slot banks. They would rack up 4 million minutes in a week, maybe less. TTV uses big numbers to make things sound impress, but it's not if you think about it.
77. Before we get into the videos of the Mules I'd like to point out that Dinesh admits he has no video of the same person visiting even two different drop boxes. From 2:30 in this video he admits there is no video but the Geotracking is good enough.
78. Keep in mind to be a "Mule" you have to have visited *10* different drop boxes. Dinesh complains that not enough drop boxes had video cameras, but by his own claims the Mules were visiting tons of drop boxes daily. Catching one guy on a ballot stuffing run should be easy.
79. And now finally at 37 minutes in we get our first video of a Mule. It's a man pulling up to a drop box. Gregg and Catherine have to temper our expectations from the jump by saying we won't be seeing 'hundreds of ballots' being stuffed in, get ready for mild voter fraud!
80. The man pulls up and Gregg notes that he didn't bother parking "Why would he? It's the middle of the night!" Gregg says. Without time stamps we have no way of knowing if Gregg is lying or not. Image
81. The man goes to put two ballots in the drop box and drops one of them. Gregg declares "He drops a few on the ground". He dropped 1 ballot, not a few. Gregg is lying to the viewer to make this seem worse than it is.
82. Georgia allows any family member to drop off your ballot as well as people living in the same house. Remember the Mule Actor dropping the ballot at the start of the film. That's why he did this. So when you got here you would connect the dropped ballot to something sinister.
83. After explaining that the Mules keep the amount of votes they stuff into the drop boxes small so they don't trigger suspicion Gregg brings up the fact that there was an incident where a drop box had a ton of ballots in it. Image
84. Literally everything is wrong on the graphic claiming to be the Chain of Custody form. The name of who it was surrendered to, the location, they even got the date of the Presidential election wrong. ImageImage
85. You can see on the real form there are numbers in the margin. It appears to me that it's likely a bunch of drop boxes got added together and then the final total was 1962. TTV got nothing right here and expect to be taken seriously. Image
86. Up next is "Glove Lady" who Catherine claims has a mobile phone that "Lives in South Carolina". How she would know that when TTV only bought Geolocating data for Atlanta is never addressed.
87. Glove Lady walks towards the drop box and she DOESN'T LOOK AT THE TRASH CAN!!! She's also wearing gloves and a mask. Gregg claims he'd never seen anyone wearing gloves before December 23rd.
88. He then contradicts himself by saying "We didn't see a lot of them" before then. He tells a tale of an arrest in Arizona on 12/22 that freaked the Mules out and turned them into glove wearing machines to avoid leaving finger prints on the ballots.
89. There is no evidence that the Arizona arrests had anything to do with fingerprints. Gregg brings up that the FBI caught them when again this was a state crime. Gregg loves bringing up the FBI for no good reason.…
90. Gregg declares she 'stuffed a small stack in there, maybe 3 maybe 4' when the video is clear she had one ballot. She then takes off her gloves and throws them in the trash can which Gregg freaks out about. IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HER TO HAVE SEEN THAT TRASH CAN!
91. The only way she could have known about the trash can was that she was a mule who went there all the time. She couldn't have peripheral vision, or have seen the drop box and the trash can earlier in the day and made a note of it. Trash can awareness can only mean bad things.
92. Catherine also claims this vote was cast at "1am" with no time stamps to prove this. She goes on to say this women visits "dozens and dozens" of drop boxes. TTV really love the term "dozens"
93. Up next is Bike Guy who Gregg claims is 'fumbling around, looking for ballots' when the guy pulls his 1 ballot out of his backpack.
94. Bike guy votes and then starts to peddle away but then stops. Gregg concocts a crazy story that the man is 'frustrated' and that 'by this point the mules had to photograph the ballots being dropped to get paid'
95. Gregg's story means this guy won't get paid now, but Bike Guy decides to take a photo of the drop box because that'll get him paid somehow? Didn't you just say they have to photograph the ballots going in to get the cash? Image
96. Catherine asks "If you were just casting your own vote why would you take a photo?" Ignoring the fact that this guy parked his bike right next to the drop box.
97. It is obvious this dude put his bike there to take a killer pic for the Gram "Just biked a half mile to cast my vote! #BidenHarris2020 #BlueGeorgia #ByeDon #BLM" He's getting that sweet clout, not Mule cash.
98. And again this is why the Mule at the start of the film took a photo of the drop box, to make you think taking a photo of a drop box is a suspect thing.
99. Up next is "Dog Guy" who is likely a woman. Gregg explains that this is happening at an election location where people are in line to do in person early voting. Gregg declares "They are doing it the right way" which seems to indicate he thinks all mail in voting is bad.
100. Again Gregg and Catherine claim "Ballots" are being pulled out of the bag when only one ballot can be seen. Gregg also invents a confrontation between the guy near the pillar and Dog Guy.
101. Dog Guy takes a photo as they drop the ballot in the drop box (#MyVoteMyVoice) and Gregg and Catherine seethe at the injustice of it all. Totally ignoring the fact somebody else drops of a ballot a second later.
102. Catherine declares that Dog Guy's illegal voting is traumatizing to the people watching this horrible illegal act that nobody's stepping in to stop Biden's election theft.
103. Gregg calls it "brazen". TTV is acting like Dog Guy is the Grassy Knoll shooter lining up JFK for the headshot. Not a person who pulled 1 ballot out of a bag and then put it in a drop box.
104. We then finally get a couple of people putting multiple ballots in drop boxes (Which is legal in Georgia if you're a family member or living in the same house, or a caregiver for the disabled) but this is merely B-Roll at this point, now TTV and Dinesh give us the hard sell.
105. TTV make it clear they way undercounted the Mules by setting the bar as high as they did. Dinesh sneers that the "The Democrats said 'make every vote count' clearly this meant illegal votes".
106. He then declares that Democrats are "Subverting democracy under the pretense of protecting it." Which is a wonderful bit of projection given all the voter suppression laws the GOP are trying to pass.
107. Dinesh then asks that were the people that suspected the election was stolen correct, and he is told they were. That Dinesh didn't break the 4th wall and say to the crowd "You were right guys" seems like a real missed opportunity.
108. We get more B-Roll of people putting ballots in ballot boxes as Dinesh declares "What you are watching is a crime." He's working hard on using his angry voice to make you think watching the most boring thing possible is in fact Oceans 11: Election Edition.
109. We are now at the 48 minute mark of the movie. The videos started at the 37 minute mark. We got 11 minutes of videos and commentary (Heavy on the commentary) and now we're already done with the evidence and onto the "What does it all mean" phase.
110. Tune in tomorrow as Dinesh answers the question "Did the Mules decide the 2020 election?" Spoiler Alert: He thinks they did. Here's Shirley. Image
111. Before we dig into the "Did the Mules decide the election?" Nonsense I have to go over some stuff researchers have found in one of the earlier scenes. A thread by @seleln1 points out that the graphics on most of the computers in 2000 Mules are stock images.
112. The most important segment of this is during the "1962 vote drop box" claim from Gregg. In this video the audience is being led to believe a car is in this area and these 'pings' (red dots) are all Mules that also were in the area. Image
113. But this is not a map of Gwinnett county. It's a stock image. Gregg is now superimposing things onto a stock image and trying to convince you he is showing you something legitimate. ImageImage
114. They rotate this same stock image and add more dots here. So where did this image come from? Would you believe it's from Russia? Image
115. That's right folks, this stock image is a redrawing of Moscow that's been flipped. The river at the bottom and the circle in the middle match up really nice. Image
116. And here is a flipped drawing of Moscow with the stock image placed over it. As Dinesh would say this is as good as a fingerprint. They stuck this in the middle of the film and pretended this was Gwinnett county. Dinesh is a propagandist making up lies. #MoscowMules
117. Slight correction on the previous tweet, the stock image has been reversed to overlay onto regular Moscow. Anyhow onto the "Did this impact the election?" Which I doubt Dinesh would have made this video if he didn't think it did.
118. We can't just get into this question all willy nilly, we need another ESTABLISHING SHOT! This time it's TTV standing in front of a map of America broken down into Red/Blue segments. Image
119. Dinesh uses this as his baseline claim for what a Mule does. They went to 39 different drop boxes and put 5 ballots in each drop box. He has no video of any Mule going to 2 drop boxes and Glove Lady/Bike Guy/Dog Guy all had 1 ballot each. Dropped Ballot guy had 2. Image
120. Only video evidence can show us how many ballots a Mule was putting in a ballot box and the video evidence they have shown us does not come close to a "5 ballot" average.
121. Dinesh then gives us a breakdown to show that even using the highest standards of a Mule, Trump edges out Biden in the Electoral College. He then declares "But no one thinks our 2000 mules were the only mules" ImageImage
122. So now TTV and Dinesh create a new level of Mule, the "Lazy Mule" and boom, look at those illegal votes pile up! Image
123. The Arizona number is out of this world. TTV is claiming over 6% of all votes in Arizona were illegal. How did Cyber Ninjas not catch this? Why didn't TTV clue Rudy and Sidney in on all this?
124. It turns out we didn't have 2000 Mules, we had 54,000 Mules, only 2000 of them were really in it to win it and hit a lot of drop boxes. The rest were merely part time vote fraudsters, but all of them are scary red dots on a screen. Image
125. Now that they have vastly raised the number of Mules they can lower the number of ballots per visit. "X Ballots Per Visit where X is whatever we make up" is the formula they are using here. None of it makes sense. Image
126. If I'm getting paid 10 bucks a ballot, why do I not go to one drop box and drop 10 in and call it a day? Why do I have a route to hit? Why do the stash houses not tell each Mule to hit one drop box each day? If I got 75 ballots why do I waste time hitting 25 drop boxes?
127. Dinesh declares that using this formula "We find election fraud on an astonishing scale." This formula is created out of thin air to horrific and enrage his audience and this is not election fraud, it is voter fraud. Election fraud is Dominion messing with vote totals. Image
128. Dinesh plays loose with terminology because he knows conflating election fraud with voter fraud will work with his audience. There are all sorts of laws against voter fraud and actual voter fraud is nearly non-existent.
129. Dinesh then takes this graphic and repeats it, this time telling us each number in each state because he's got nothing and even in an 87 minute movie he's got to find something to pad the run time. Image
130. Using this version of reality Trump beats Biden by basically the same margin that Biden beat Trump by in reality. I'm shocked Dinesh didn't go the extra mile and give his audience RED CALIFORNIA. You know they wanted it. Image
131. And with that we're done with providing video or geolocating evidence. It's time for Dinesh to "Go back" to his Right Wing Pals and show them all the evidence he's uncovered. You know what that means.
132. ESTABLISHING SHOT! We have TTV and Dinesh now shaking hands and showing off video footage on tablets to Gorka and company. You'll notice that all the guys are wearing the exact same clothes they wore in the first meeting, almost as if this was all shot on the same day. ImageImage
133. Yes Eric is still wearing his hideous Gold Button/Green Pants outfit and Prager has the same suit and light blue tie. They can't even be bothered to pretend Dinesh went out and got this intel and they met up a week later for the big reveal. Image
134. Once the meeting starts Dinesh hits them with the hard sell. That the video evidence is "Indisputable" and that "The Left did not anticipate anyone would go through this video." When again, Dinesh has no video of anyone going to 2 different drop boxes, never mind 10.
125. Glove Lady is shown. Gregg tells us she's voting at 1am and this allows Eric to sneer and say "Don't we all vote at 1am?" and Catherine throws her arms in an 'these people' reaction, everyone laughs. It's party time in Dinesh Town.
126. Gorka plays the role of "Person seeing the same things TTV saw" and brings up the gloves and the fact that Glove Lady COULD NOT HAVE SEEN THE TRASH CAN! The movie is working hard to condition you to see things exactly how it sees them.
127. Charlie Kirk freaks out and declares "That's an illegal practice you just saw" when all the video shows is a woman putting a single ballot into a drop box. It's like they all this video is super boring, but they have been paid to be here and they got to sell it.
128. Up next is "Dog Guy" and we get intense music while Gorka and Eric stare intently at the screen. It's like studying the Zapruder film, only if it was the mayor of a small town instead of the President, and instead of him getting shot nothing happens. Image
129. Dog Guy takes a photo of the ballot going in the ballot box and somebody asks "Why do that" and they get shouted down by a chorus of people saying "To get paid!" Because that *has* to be the reason or else the whole movie has no point. Everyone has been fed their lines.
130. Prager asks what would have happened if Dog Guy had been caught in the act and we get an explainer on ballots and security envelops. Catherine lies and says that the signature match requirement in Georgia "That's been all but washed away"
131. Nobody brings up the fact that only one ballot was cast. Dog Guy's crime is clear and if you can't see that you need to question yourself as to why you can't see it.
132. We now get to Dropped Ballot guy. It's brought up that he's voting at "3:57am" with no evidence. When the ballot drops Prager laughs and Eric declares "He needs a shoehorn" pretending like Dropped Ballot Guy is trying to wedge 20 ballots into the drop box and failing.
133. Catherine then says "We have lots of those where they jam them in and they fall on the ground." I got a crazy idea, how about you show us that Catherine?! Why can't I see your Hot Canadian Voter Mule? Do they not go to our school?
134. Prager declares this video is "Suggestive" and wonders "Who votes at 3:57am with a whole bunch of ballots" when there are only 2 ballots in the video. This then starts a conversation where Catherine says that "On average they go to 23 drop boxes".
135. Catherine tells us that Dropped Ballot guy hit *27* drop boxes that night. That's a lot of work. Notice how nobody brings up the fact that he didn't need to photograph the ballots to get paid.
136. Gregg made up that "At this point you had to take a photo to get paid" when we first saw this videos, but now we got them in reverse order and everyone instantly knew that Dog Guy took the photo to get the money, but nobody pipes up about no photo being taken here.
137. It's almost as if everyone's been fed a script and they know what to say and what to not say while they watch these videos, or if they did speak out it got edited out.
138. Kirk points out that Trump was against mail in balloting, when it's brought to his attention that Trump couldn't have this evidence he quickly says "his instinct was right" because this movie is all about puffing up Trump and getting Trump to promote it.
139. Gorka shouts "Case closed!" Prager tries to figure out exactly what we're going to do about all this and now Dinesh leaps in with one of the key ways this movie tries to dodge responsibility for nothing happening.
140. Dinesh declares that TTV has the cell phone ID's of the Mules and now that information will be given to the proper authorities and that "Law Enforcement has to step in" so when no arrests are made and nothing happens, don't blame Dinesh or TTV, blame the cops.
141. Let's imagine a world where TTV and Dinesh really had what they claimed they had. They would have gone to law enforcement from the start. They would have busted low level Mules and got them to roll over on the Stash House operators.
142. Then the Stash House operators start getting busted and they start rolling on the paymasters. It would be 100 times bigger than Watergate. Biden/Harris would have resigned in disgrace likely face criminal charges the Democrats would be annihilated in 2022 and 2024.
143. And then Dinesh and TTV make the movie about how it all went down. How they shattered the corrupt network of voter fraud. 2000 Mules wouldn't be a fringe movie made for QAnon, it would be national blockbuster about how our nation was saved.
144. Instead we get this, Dinesh saying "Well if nothing happens, blame the cops." Prager asks if any state's law enforcement will actually do this and Dinesh seems uncertain about it.
145. Dinesh quickly pivots from actually trying to get results to asking his buddies how they feel about being on the losing end of a rigged election. "Sickening" "Jaw Dropping" "Frightening" is said in reply.
146. While this is being said we get B-Roll of a mule jamming a ton of ballots into a drop box to make sure we're really sickened and frightened.
147. We then jump to Heather Mullins, a right wing reporter whose pinned tweet is promoting 2000 Mules interviewing a anonymous "Whistleblower" to worked for Republicans by staking out drop boxes. Image
148. The guy she is interviewing is pixelated and has a robot voice and tells us that he was monitoring drop boxes and every now and again he'd see people come up with backpacks and drop lots of ballots into them.
149. So of course we get B-Roll footage of an actor playing a Mule with a backpack putting ballots in, and wouldn't you know it, the actor dropped a ballot! Shocker! Dinesh really thinks dropping a ballot makes you look bad.
150. One bit of B-Roll footage of an actor playing a Mule wasn't enough so now we get it from the perspective of somebody in a car. Guess what, THE MULE DROPS A BALLOT. At this point it's parody.
151. Robot Voice guy then tells us about how he confronted a couple of women stuffing a ballot box and made them run away. He says he gave all this information to the NRSC and that if he was ever contacted by law enforcement he would have testified for sure.
152. Why the NRSC hasn't produced the videos this guy sent them or why he doesn't have copies to show us is never addressed. Why he is hiding his identity when he was just a low level grunt doing work for the GOP isn't explained.
153. It's wild how so many people have so much smoking gun evidence and yet we never get to see any of it, just actors dropping ballots on the ground.
154. I'll finish up the final 25 or so minutes between tonight and tomorrow, most likely depending on the outcome of the Celtics game. Here's Shirley. Image
155. Time for another Establishing Shot of Dinesh at home. He gets a phone call and it's Catherine telling him they just interviewed somebody from inside the Mule Operation and they'll send the file of the interview to Dinesh. Image
156. Dinesh helpfully explains to his wife that the reason the Informant is cloaked in shadow is that "They are concealing her identity" Thanks for the heads up buddy. He also claims she's 'working with authorities.' Image
157. She claims she took in ballots from people and those people got paid for the ballots. The story gets odd because after this she says that she was ordered to put the ballots in a drop box and that over time she may have put hundreds in the drop box.
158. This does not match up at all with the story of the movie. The movie has Mules darting over town dropping off a few ballots here and there. Here our informer is only ever going to one drop box to dump off ballots.
159. Also she's saying that the operation is now buying people's ballots off of them to then be used in voter fraud. This adds a whole new level of people to this operation. Now on top of the Mules, Paymasters, and Stash House Operators. We have Ballot Sellers.
160. Imagine if what this woman said was true and she had the evidence to prove it. She would bring down so many people in Arizona and those people would have connections to the Biden campaign and the DNC and on and on. This is why this conspiracy is so stupid.
161. Nobody's going to entrust tens of thousands of people in a scheme to net them 200K votes when if any of them get caught or flip it's all over. Why wouldn't they just have Dominion voting machines rig everything? Way less people/effort.
162. She assures us that San Luis, a city in Arizona is hopelessly corrupt and all the elections are rigged there. I'm sure this will thrill Gerardo Sanchez, the mayor of the town.
163. San Luis is in Yuma County, which Trump won 52-46 over Biden. San Luis has a population of 34,778 and Yuma's total votes was 70,072. So if Biden bought the whole town off and lost he *really* sucks at rigging elections. Image
164. She tells us a tale of a person she had known her whole life demanding her ballot one day and she refused to give it to them and now that person will not speak to her. Debbie declares her a "Brave woman" and Dinesh agrees.
165. She says that she was going to speak out but her family worried she might be murdered if she did so. She says that arresting the people behind this corruption is the only way to stop it.
166. So her story is that she was a fierce defender of her own ballot and that she wanted to fight these people, but then gave up and became a Mule until one day TTV and Dinesh showed up and got her in touch with law enforcement. Sounds legit.
167. Her interview ends so it's time for more B-Roll with the Actor Mule putting his backpack full of ballots into a car getting ready to drive around town dropping them off. He should have asked for the Informant's desk job. Only 1 drop box, save on gas. Image
168. Time for an ESTABLISHING SHOT!!! Hans von Spakovsky is our newest expert to explain what happened and he's here to tell us that the Democratic Party is a bunch of no good cheaters. Image
169. They trash mail-in voting for a while because that's the point of the movie. We then once again have it spelled out for us that paying people to drop your ballot off for you is illegal. This interview offers nothing new. Dinesh is fighting hard to get a 90 minute run time.
170. Next there are clips of Stacy Abrams and CNN saying voter fraud is extremely rare and it can't decide the election. Hans is here to rebut this by saying "3 years ago a congressional election was overturned" He is vague about this because it's the GOP NC incident.
171. He then brings up that elections in Mississippi and Florida were also overturned due to fraud. He doesn't want to tell you that these were elections in extremely small communities. The Florida vote totals were 269 to 268. The Mississippi one was 177 to 140.
172. And Mississippi was a Democratic primary run off. Here's the article for Mississippi.…
173. And here's the article for Florida.…
174. Dinesh knows this conversation is boring his audience to tears so it's time for more Hot Actor Mule Doing Evil Stuff to keep them engaged, hit the B-Roll!
175. Dinesh asks Hans about how the Bad Guys get the ballots and it leads to more Hot Actor Mule action. I'm sorry this one doesn't have sound because when the person behind the door gives the Mule the ballots the 'pop' it makes is intense. Primo Foley work.
176. Then we get the dumbest B-Roll in the whole film as Actor Mule steals a ballot out of a mail box. Can you imagine how stupid a crime this is?
177. That person is going to find out their neighbors got their ballots. They'll message the state to see what's up. The state will tell them they already voted, they will say they didn't. It will be a big ordeal. Others will speak out, the plot will be uncovered, this is so dumb
178. Finally Hans claims that the Bad Guys bust out photocopiers and make their own ballots. This is an absolute impossibility.
179. This thread here explains why photocopied ballots are impossible. Maricopa County alone had over 10,000 different ballot styles. A mass influx of faked ballots from one area would be easy to spot.

180. We then get into the Wisconsin nursing home scandal about people who are unfit to vote somehow voting. Reporters are interviewing the family of a woman who can barely stay away who somehow voted.
181. This is why this conspiracy is dumb. Finding a couple of people who are unable to vote is a scandal that draws the attention of local media and politicians. If there was a full blown conspiracy it would be uncovered.
182. Republicans, led by Michael Gableman have been banging the drum about voter fraud in Wisconsin nursing homes, but much like Dinesh they haven't had any success proving a grand conspiracy.
183. Hans closes his interview by talking about a corrupt election for Mayor of Chicago in 1982. I found a very long article Hans wrote about this. Sorry Hans I don't have 37 minutes to devote to a 4 decades old crime. Image
184. Dinesh notices that the film isn't going to make 90 minutes yet so it's tine for an ESTABLISHING SHOT and our introduction to the final interview of the movie, Scott Walker. ImageImage
185. Scott's job in this film is to claim that Mark Zuckerberg was the money behind the Mule plan. He explains that Zuckerberg's gave seemingly non-partisan donations to states, but in reality it was totally partisan.
186. He says "Zuck Bucks" a couple times and explains that in order for a city to get a big donation they had to promise lots of drop boxes and vote by mail, foreign language ads. Walker says this was all pro-Democrat actions.
187. Either party could promote vote by mail or the use of drop boxes, either party could appear to people who don't speak English or are ESL. The fact that one party had a candidate who hated mail in voting is not the problem of the other party.
188. Finally at the 1 hour 18 minute mark the moment we've all be waiting for happens, somebody mentions George Soros. You really didn't think we were gonna escape a GOP conspiracy theory movie without a Soros reference did you?
189. Scott mentions a shadowy group known as "The Voter Registration Project" which is so mysterious and well hidden that if you type that into Google it pops right up.
190. A quick clip of Trump whining about how the election was going to be rigged and now we're hitting the wrap up stage. We get B-Roll of Dinesh walking around DC as he makes it clear the Democrats stole the election and that "We cannot be OK with this. We cannot move on."
191. Back to the Right Wing Bros for their final thoughts. Kirk hits the major notes ("People taking pictures...People taking gloves off") and again appeals to the idea that "Biden taking the lead overnight" was somehow suspect and not a thing designed by Republicans.
192. Kirk continues "I can see the headline now 'Trump pardoned ally comes out with questionable movie." Why exactly is it not fair? Why wouldn't somebody say "Look Dinesh, you got a good idea here, but maybe let somebody else run with the ball."
193. Gorka claims 2000 Mules will be accused of targeting minorities and voter intimidation. He says it'll be called "Jim Crow 2.0" Maybe only show video of white mules then? If you got all this video of all these Mules, why not show a bunch of white guys committing the crimes?
194. Larry Elder freaks out and says the evidence is overwhelming and nobody can deny it. Prager declares that if all of America saw this film it would have an impact, but The Left has an iron grip on their followers so they'll never be exposed to it.
195. Larry can't believe what Prager is saying, 2000 Mules is too power! Kirk says "Overton Window" because he's a robot programmed to spit out buzzwords.
196. Prager yells "They have ruined election day in America and that is enough for me to fight The Left with every fiber of my body." Good to see he wasn't fully committed until 2000 Mules made him decide to put his back into it.
197. Dinesh gives a speech to end the film declaring that "Never in American history has an election be corrupted by fraud" like the 2020 election. He whines a bit more and then urges everyone to keep voting, even if it's all rigged. Image
198. An 87 minute movie with a very small amount of actual video of the 'Mules' and none of it ever shows a Mule going to two different drop boxes. This is "Out of Shadows" for 2020 Election Truthers, only with better production values and more right wing grifters signed on.
199. Dinesh's target audience is Trump, MAGA, and QAnon. With Trump constantly promoting the film he's achieved his goal. This movie will only further poison the political discourse in America. It does nothing but lie to it's audience while swearing it's telling the truth.
200. If you want the audio version of this thread, me and my HellwQrld co-hosts will be breaking 2000 Mules down bit by bit in hopefully entertaining half hour chunks. The first one is free and the rest will be behind our mighty $5 monthly paywall.
201. Once again gotta shout out the people who helped me out so much with this thread.

@AngryFleas (Got a WaPo shout out today!)








202. Wearing a hoodie? Check. Looking around nervously? Check. Jacket large enough to hide ballots? Check. Dinesh should have used this video to accuse Shirley Manson of being a Mule. It's as believable as the rest of the film.

• • •

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Feb 12
I'll start with his guns. The Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was purchased by via mail order along with a .38 caliber handgun. Oswald also got a telescopic sight for his rifle. We know the mail order box the guns were shipped to and that Oswald obtained them using a fake name. Image
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Dec 18, 2024
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Aug 1, 2024
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Jul 30, 2024
We open with Outlaw reassuring his audience that the God Emperor isn’t scared of Harris, he will both engage her and defeat her when the time is right….but! 🧵 Image
Well there is some pesky belief that the Dem Elites are going to replace Harris at the DNC. This belief is “widespread and credible” according to him. Image
You might be shocked to hear that since all this talk about Hillary swooping in and being the nominee is only talked about in QAnon/Alex Jones level right wing grifter circles, but that’s where Outlaw lives and his friends wouldn’t lie to him, right?
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Jun 30, 2024
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The whole premise of "JFK" was that the government had to have killed Kennedy because the cover-up was so massive only the government could do it. Killing Oswald, the sham autopsy, the Warren Commission, ect ect. required resources that The Mob or Anti-Castro Cubans didn't have.
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Apr 22, 2024
There are three Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theories that have traction in America today. The Illuminati, QAnon, and what I call MAGAnon. I will explain How these theories are all similar and what makes them different in this thread.
The Illuminati is the belief that the world is run by a shadowy group of bad people and that we're all basically screwed. Maybe God will step in and save us, but we can't count on it. This is what the guy who set himself on fire at the Trump Trial believed in.
QAnon believes everything the Illuminati believes in, only it introduced protagonists to the story. Q, Donald Trump, and the Patriots became a countering force working to defeat the Illuminati, now rebranded as the Deep State, and save the world from them.
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