"Über #Mali reden" - in 3 Tagen stimmt der BTag über das #MINUSMA-Mandat ab. Die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit liegt auf andere Themen, aber ein kleiner Teil der 🇩🇪 außenpolitischen Blase organisiert dieser Tage Veranstaltungen zum Thema. cc @ClaudMajor@MuellerNora👉fortlaufender🧵
In #Mali, #MINUSMA is increasingly exposed as Bko furthers its international isolation following dissolution of previous stabilization frameworks: 1) EUTM suspension 2) end of existing international & regional counterterror frameworks (Barkhane+G5).
🧵on events of last week(s)
2/ #Benin announcing its pulling out its troops from #MINUSMA at end of ‘22 & ‘23 respectively, as its facing an increasing insurgency on its own territory. This concerns 250 troops and +130 police units. reuters.com/world/africa/u…
3/ This follows news from March this year that Sweden would also pull out its approx. 200 troops earlier than envisioned already in ’23 reuters.com/world/africa/s…
Civilians in the #Sahel are increasingly threatened not only by radical armed actors and ethnic self-defence groups but similarly by national armed forces in the name of #counterterrorism. Thread on a few recent publications on #Mali#Niger#Burkina:
1/ This piece underlines recent summary executions and enforced disappearances by Sahelian National security forces in the name of counterterrorism. liberation.fr/planete/2020/0…
2/ As allies of #Barkhane – and trained by #EUTM#EUCAP, Sahelian national security forces thereby contribute to a dynamic that fuels recruitment of radical actors.
Ahead of #Mali s election at the end of this month - what do Malians think of the current situation ? Presentation of #Malimètre 2019 by @chk2310, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation Bamako. /Thread 👇
How do Malians perceive security situation in 2019? Deterioration across majority of regions, notably also in the south #Kayes, #Sikasso, #Koulikouru#Malimètre2019
Biggest challenges in #Mali according to respondents in the regional capitals: 1) insecurity; 2) youth unemployment; 3) poverty #malimètre