In #Mali, #MINUSMA is increasingly exposed as Bko furthers its international isolation following dissolution of previous stabilization frameworks: 1) EUTM suspension 2) end of existing international & regional counterterror frameworks (Barkhane+G5).
🧵on events of last week(s)
2/ #Benin announcing its pulling out its troops from #MINUSMA at end of ‘22 & ‘23 respectively, as its facing an increasing insurgency on its own territory. This concerns 250 troops and +130 police units.…
3/ This follows news from March this year that Sweden would also pull out its approx. 200 troops earlier than envisioned already in ’23…
6/ In the meantime, #MINUSMA is apparently prevented from accessing the town of #Djenne in central Mali to secure the weekly market…
7/ Add to this the expansion of the no-fly zone that has been established since mid-January and the resulting expanding territorial zones where #MINUSMA is effectively lacking access to carry out its mandate – as evident in Mourrah.…
8/ While incidents like the firing of Malian army on UK MINUSMA troops in April raised additional concerns about future of the mission in current setting…
9/ As #Barkhane retreats, the mission is dependent on additional air capacity - not only in Gao. As highlighted in recent debate on the German mandate extension for the mission, MINUSMA was not yet able to find capacity among troop contributing countries
10/ Weeks from the mandate discussions in NY, the Malian government has on their part most recently highlighted necessity to redefine the missions role, criticizing the fact that mission mandate does not include active fight against jihadist insurgents…
"Über #Mali reden" - in 3 Tagen stimmt der BTag über das #MINUSMA-Mandat ab. Die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit liegt auf andere Themen, aber ein kleiner Teil der 🇩🇪 außenpolitischen Blase organisiert dieser Tage Veranstaltungen zum Thema. cc @ClaudMajor@MuellerNora👉fortlaufender🧵
Civilians in the #Sahel are increasingly threatened not only by radical armed actors and ethnic self-defence groups but similarly by national armed forces in the name of #counterterrorism. Thread on a few recent publications on #Mali#Niger#Burkina:
1/ This piece underlines recent summary executions and enforced disappearances by Sahelian National security forces in the name of counterterrorism.…
2/ As allies of #Barkhane – and trained by #EUTM#EUCAP, Sahelian national security forces thereby contribute to a dynamic that fuels recruitment of radical actors.
Ahead of #Mali s election at the end of this month - what do Malians think of the current situation ? Presentation of #Malimètre 2019 by @chk2310, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation Bamako. /Thread 👇
How do Malians perceive security situation in 2019? Deterioration across majority of regions, notably also in the south #Kayes, #Sikasso, #Koulikouru#Malimètre2019
Biggest challenges in #Mali according to respondents in the regional capitals: 1) insecurity; 2) youth unemployment; 3) poverty #malimètre