Hello @unclelukereal1. Apparently I’m late to this. Given what I do, it’s important to me that I not allow the cynicism and lack of information suggested by your question & that I suspect many in our communities share, to go unchallenged. Your question is an opportunity. THREAD
There are elections for thousands of offices happening this year at the local, state & federal lvl. When we fail to vote in these elections, we cede power. My mantra to voters in our communities is #LeaveNoPowerOnTheTable Your seem to be in Florida, so I’ll use it as an example.
In Florida, scores of school boards are electing members. As you may be aware schools boards are currently engaged in fights focused on keeping students from learning Black history. So-called “anti-CRT” bans. news4jax.com/news/local/202…
School boards also decide on textbooks, curriculum and whether children are required to wear masks during COVID outbreaks, decisions about the health & safety of our children. ocala.com/story/news/edu…
Circuit court and county court judges will be elected in Pinellas,Orange, Miami, Hillsborough and other counties.These are your basic trial court judges.They decide civil cases, criminal cases for felonies, as well as juvenile cases. We should care about who sits on these courts.
Circuit judges are also ruling on redistricting maps. Redistricting determines the balance of political power and the opportunity for meaningful representation for Black communities for the next decade. miamiherald.com/news/politics-…
Judges on Florida’s state Supreme Court - your highest court - are also up for election. These judges are the last word on interpreting Florida law. Their decisions will affect, for example, abortion rights. politico.com/news/2022/05/2…
There are County Commission races in several counties Florida this year. County Commissioners are basically the legislators for your County. They determine infrastructure needs and allocations and levy taxes. Black ppl shld care about the composition of any body that can tax us.
Florida has a race for the U.S. Senate on the ballot this year. The Senate is where judicial nominees are confirmed, where bills that could benefit us economically are decided. They have oversight of federal agencies. There is a 50-50 & often 48-52 split in the Senate right now.
Senators vote to confirm federal judges like the judges who ruled on your 1990 case which you ultimately won in the 11th Circuit.There is a vacant 11th Circuit seat now & 3 vacant seats on the federal district court.Your Senators will vote on who will be confirmed to those seats.
But the Senate is also where bills that potentially address poverty, housing and climate are decided. A Democratic critical bill that imagined an infusion of capitol for low income Black families died b/c of 2 votes in the Senate from. cbpp.org/research/feder…
Again, the child tax credit which we had for 1 yr was estimated to have lifted millions - millions of children out of poverty. It ended when one Senator from W.Va made clear he would not support extending it. The Senate matters. vox.com/the-highlight/…
Your current Senators voted against the Black woman jurist (&Miami native) Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court, the child tax credit, against the freedom to vote act, against the infrastructure bill. They voted against the bill to keep the federal govt going.
They voted against even having a debate on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and they voted against the bill to protect the right of Black women to decide whether to seek an abortion.
Your Governor is up for reelection this year. I think it would be of interest to Black voters that in the past 2 years he has: 1. Signed a voter suppression bill into law 2. Promoted & signed a bill targeting protesters & immunizing drivers who run down protesters.
Your Gov, your Senators and many of the candidates for the local offices I’ve mentioned & many more have opponents in both the primary & general elections.I don’t where you stand on these candidates or issues, but Black voters should ensure that their vote influences the outcome.
Our votes matter. Not just in Florida. But in every state we must get engaged and vote. We’re all frustrated. But we still have to keep pushing. Voting is not the only tool. But it’s an important one. Btw, Black people constitute 16% of the population of Florida. Flex!
Vote in every election. School board. D.A., local judge, Agriculture Commission, Governor, Senate. Make them feel it. Keep fighting.
Finally, for those saying “what about the 2nd question”, this thread took some time. Your welcome. But if you posted a cute meme last year abt how you would spend your #Stimmy, start there. Continue w a Black woman on the SCOTUS, your child tax credit for a year +
And to fulfill his promise to invest in violence prevention. It’s not perfect. We have many unsolved problems. But keep pushing folks. baltimoresun.com/politics/bs-md…
I don’t have a lot of words today, except to say that there is a concerted effort right now to convince you that “nothing can be done.” It is designed to make you give in to the exhaustion of this moment. Don’t believe it. It’s a lie. We have power if we mobilize it.
Start by ensuring that those elected leaders who are standing in the way of passing sensible gun laws that would regulate access to weapons designed to literally liquefy human beings & destroy mass targets hear from you. Tell them what you want to see. Call them at 202-224-3121.
Here’s a list of the Senators who voted for and against the bill that would have regulated assault weapons in 2013. All Republicans voted nay. Some Dems too. Check the list. If they’re still in ofc, call them. 202-224-3121. senate.gov/legislative/LI…
No @AmyEGardner. This is incorrect. Just as in 2012 and in 2020, organizers, voting rights advocates, & individual voters marshal grit & determination, work long hours, share information & tactics, and work to overcome every obstacle mounted by voter suppression laws.
This is like saying the COVID pandemic did not create obstacles to voting b/c we saw the highest turnout ever in a presidential election in 2020. Activists, organizers & attys recruited thousands of new poll workers, distributed masks & gloves to hundreds of thousands…
worked to expand absentee voting opportunities, drop boxes & even sued USPS to get ballots delivered. And voters themselves stood in line for hours. Ppl are working as we speak to overcome the new laws. And provisions that threaten the integrity of the count remain to be tested.
If you haven’t had a chance to see some of the testimony of Dr. Yashica Robinson @unbossedmd at today’s House hearing on abortion, it’s worth taking a look. Here are some clips assembled by @atrupar & @therecount.
So yes, let’s deal w/the insane access to weapons of war. But don’t say “it’s all about guns.” Because they used to hang us from trees in front of the courthouse.They have killed us w/swords in Manhattan, dragged us behind cars in Jasper, Tx. They have beaten us to death.
They have chased us into traffic in Howard Beach, and kneeled on our necks in Minneapolis. They’ve run us over with cars. The poison of white supremacy has been attached to every instrumentality of violence. And yes, guns are uniquely deadly, & we must address it urgently.
But so too is white supremacy. It is used to manipulate elections, to destroy public education, to deny disaster relief, to justify starving babies, to poison communities, to destroy empathy, to deny the truth, to steal land, & has the power to turn people into murderers.
Prince Edward’s County, VA closed the schools for five years rather than comply with Brown. Five. Years. 101 Members of Congress signed the Southern Manifesto vowing to resist Brown by all legal means. Perhaps I should start a thread showing that “public acceptance”…..
Here’s the public “accepting” Brown in Little Rock, Ark 3 years after the decision. Just white parents showing their acceptance by terrorizing a teenaged Elizabeth Eckford on her attempt to begin her first day of school at Central High School.
Here we are in 1960. White parents in Louisiana so “accepted” Brown that 6 year old Ruby Bridges needed to be escorted by federal officers to and from school.
In fact @DLeonhardt’s piece suffers from the same blindspot as much of the school closure convos. Yes, remote learning negatively affected learning for many children. But closures were also to protect teachers. Who are people. Many are vulnerable to COVID or live w/ppl who are.
So comparing COVID rates among students is only part of the story. You’d need have to data on COVID infection rates & deaths among Black & Brown communities in states w closures contrasted with those that opened. Children are one factor in the school ecosystem. Not the only.
As an explanation this fails and even mystifyingly avoids the obvious. It’s no surprise that unions would prioritize protecting their workers - teachers. The Dem/Rep analysis does little here except as a proxy for the more holistic considerations on closures compelled by unions.