🚨Zelensky party deputies propose new law to allow Ukrainian Armed Forces commanders to *kill* their soldiers in order to stop mass surrenders and flight from positions.
More Ukrainian soldiers lay down arms and refuse to fight as they plead for help amid the realities of being outgunned and under equipped.
This is the demoralized remnant of the 14th brigade of the UAF 4th, 5th and 6th companies (or rather, what’s left of them). #Ukraine
A collapse of the UAF 🇺🇦 is imminent.
Ukrainian soldiers of the 13th battalion of the 58th brigade publicly denounce Zelensky for using them as “cannon fodder” – many are conscripts who attest to never using a weapon prior to the current conflict. #Ukraine
Cont. Zelensky party deputies propose new law to allow UAF commanders to *kill* their soldiers in order to stop mass surrenders and flight from positions.
Bill: 7351
This is very real and found on the Parliament of #Ukraine website.
🚨 Donbass – #Ukraine's forces defeated at Krasnyi #Liman – a major Ukrainian stronghold.
"Footage of the clean-up of the city. The enemy fled from the 'O' group to the west and southwest... The capture of the city is confirmed by the brave participants of the assault." – Kots
Donbass – #Ukraine's forces defeated at Krasnyi Liman – northern Donetsk region, a major Ukrainian stronghold.
Russian forces entered #Liman May 23; the city was stormed and liberated in less than a week.
“…We have lost the city of Liman,” said Arestovich, in a livestream.
Donbass – May 26. Zelenksy advisor, Alexey Arestovich: “The situation at the front is awful for us. We are being taken out by long-range weapons. And we have nothing to counter the enemy.”
Donbass – May 26. "Russia has occupied 95 percent of the Lugansk territory," said Serhiy Gaidi, head of the Ukrainian military administration in the Donbass region.
Russia now has full control of Liman which improves the tactical situation near #Severodonetsk and Avdiivka.
Donbass – May 26. "We have lost momentum with respect to the Russian military. They accumulated reserves before us. We are lagging behind, which makes the situation extremely difficult."
Would your government carry out an elaborate false flag operation using provocateurs, crisis actors, and the media to advance its political goals? If your answer is no, you haven't been paying attention.
So... about the Halocaust: Per the Jewish World Almanac, the world pop. of Jews increased 1933-1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German gov't, under Adolf, murdered 6 million Jws those losses should be reflected in Jwish population numbers stated in the World Almanac.
A three-volume report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during WW2 (Geneva, 1948) gives a uniquely objective report of the conditions of Germany’s WW2 concentration camps. A comprehensive account from a neutral source.
ICRC applied 1929 Geneva Convention to gain access to civilian internees held in Central/Western Europe by Germany authorities. The report clarifies legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps as enemy aliens.
The Talmud claims 4 billion Jws were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar (Gittin 57b).
"the Emperor Vespasian who killed in the city of Bethar four hundred thousand myriads, or as some say, four thousand myriads."
Talmud Roman “Halocaust” Tales
The Talmud claims 64 million Jwish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans (Gittin 58a). "And when the enemy prevailed and caught them, they wrapped the children in their scrolls and lit them on fire."
“As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Chr!stianity... What is usually referred to as the J•wish-Chr!stian traditions exists only in Chr!stian or secularist fantasy.”
"There are many who believe that Jws and Chr!stians have at least the 'Old Testament' in common. This is a serious misunderstanding. The Jws have no 'Old Testament' ... This is not a matter of mere semantics."
"When Chr!stians use the term 'Judeo-Chr!stian,' 'Judeo' means something fundamentally different from what is Jwish for the Jw. Nor does Judaism have a common spiritual patrimony with Chr!stianity..."
Why have J•ws have been kicked out of 109 countries, 1030 times?
Long before the 1917 Balfour Declaration, Z!onist Theodor Herzl's Der Judenstaat (1896), or formation of Rothschild-funded Jwish colonies in Palest!ne (1880).
The Complete List of the 1030 J•wish Expulsions In Human History:
Anti-Sem!tism: The Causes and Effects of a Prejudice; An Analysis and Chronology of 1900 Years, by P.E. Grosser & E.G. Halperin, New York: Philosophical Library, 1978 tinyurl.com/Jws-1030-109
📌Countries is a broad term. Historically, during the Medieval Era there were independent or semi-autonomous petty kingdoms, city-states, provincial gov't, principalities and local municipalities, at times under rule of imperial monarchy before the rise of modern nation-states.
“Thanks to the terrible power of our Internat!onal Banks, we have forced the Christ!ans into wars without number. Wars have a special value for J!ws, since Chr!stians mas|sacre each other and make more room for us J!ws."
The J•wish hand in World Wars is a long-standing historical trend: one of J•wish activists/agitators incite turmoil and war whenever they stood to benefit. Wars provide financial profit and dramatic shifts in global power structures for the J•w and bloodshed for the Gentile.
In WW1, ✡️ financier Bernard Baruch ran the War Industries Board for Wilson, which gave him immense power to direct military spending. Baruch said to Congress, “I probably had more power than perhaps any other man did in the war; doubtless that is true.”