Democrats are an embarrassment to the country and they have tge same mental illness as these mass shooters. Mental health needs to be addressed and that starts with a clear
Definition of what is right and wrong; what is truth and a lie. Telling people things like they can just pick what sex they are, that men can get pregnant, placing tampons in boys bathrooms is the exact opposite of fixing mental health issues. These types of things along with
99 % of the lefts ideology is the root cause of these mental health problems. Saying it is ok to rig elections make up anything no matter how untrue and damaging it is and blasting it on the news, allowing muder of babies after they have come out of the womb and calling it
Abortion and a womans right to choose, sissyfying men and condemning male masculinity, allowing riots and countless burglaries during thise riots and saying its ok and not stooping them, teaching gender identity and critical race theory to little children, having cross dressers
Come in to read and speak to elementary school kids, and this list goes on and on and on,, is what is creating these mental health issues and then resulting in mass shooting. The crazy insanity has to STOP so our kids dont start out confused as children even as young adults
Seeing all these things, being taught all these things is destroying peoples minds and health and this country. The extremes have to stop. To accept people choosing to call themselves a woman or man or crossdressing or whatever their sexual preference is, is one thing. That is
Good because we should love and respect each other and their choices but to bring it in to elementary schools , i mean teaching gender identity to a kindergartener is sick and disgusting and starts them being confused and their little minds breaking down. To say a woman who may
Have been raped or whatever the reason within a month or two or maybe a little longer can have an abortion is one thing. To say after the child is born or almost born can be aborted is sick and is murder. To allow people to assemble and proteat over a cause is one thing. To allow
Riots and looting and our own so called president to support mass groups showing up to judges or anyones house making them and their kids feel threatened and terrified is sick and creates a mind believing everything is subject to whatever they want to do and what they feel is
Rifht and wrong and warps the mind. My goodness this list can go on forever . Wake up and stop allowing this demonic insanity. A man can say he is a woman or get pregnant. A jusge should be able to give a definition of what a woman is i mean seriously and we cant see where the
Maybe if the extreme deranged ideologies of the way to far left were not being pushed in schools and TV and through our own lunitic government maybe just maybe people wouldnt act so f-ing crazy and if it didnt cost so much to survive so parents could work less to be able to spend
More time with family and raising children then maybe just f-ing maybe we wouldnt have all these mass shootings.
The demonic far left democrats and their demonic ideologies being programmed into people first through music then tv and movies now in schools and through government
Are the exact cause of these shooting and evil deranged behaviors being displayed in America. Its not hard to see tgat when you not only support molesting children but basically force molesting children on children publicly in schools through the nasty gender ideology that