We have genuinely tried "living with covid" in highly vaxed pop & is proving unsustainable for health system & economy
Time to try "living w less covid?"
NOTHING in "vax only" strategy game changer in near term. Boosters marginal at pop level, better (mucosal) vax uncertain 🧵
Our strategy in face of unsustainable situation seems to be: 1. Doubling down on what's not working (vax, necessary but not sufficient) 2. Hoping better versions of (1) come soon & 3. Changing testing / reporting & a PR campaign to convince everyone that things are actually fine
Of course, things substantially better than pre vaccines. Refrigerated trucks, mass graves & lockdowns are a thing of the past
But we have settled into a state of chronic moderate levels of death which have made covid a/the leading cause of death in many places & imposed unsustainable loads on our health systems, economies (esp. those w social security) & personal lives
"Scale & persistence of drop in labour supply has been surprise to many forecasters, including us... suspect much of rise in inactivity due to long-term sickness...for example Long Covid & rise in NHS waiting lists"
We can debate whether was ever reasonable to proceed with vaccines only strategy but the fact is, we tried, & it is failing - not immediately catastrophically, but significantly & unsustainably
This strategy also offers no way out or forward given already mostly high vax rates
I wondered about this last year as we were getting vax rates up (necessary not sufficient)
Would we choose "high covid" state or "low covid" state afterwards? Deliberately avoided loaded / technical terms e.g. elimination
Currently we have "high covid / low protections" state
Is it time to shift course to "high protections / lower covid" state w:
- Public education
- Improved vax access for underdone groups e.g. kids
- #SafeIndoorAir
- Targeted mask use
"Vaccines only" #COVID19 strategy w removal of other protections makes perfect if you hold 6 beliefs
Each belief WAS reasonable in 2020, yet proved wrong w time. Now, to maintain the idea that things are OK, each of these 6 beliefs must be defended with ever more vigor 🧵
I am completely serious that each belief was reasonable to hold at the start of the pandemic, and I myself held most of them. As we have learned more, I have changed my view, however many people have not and each of these beliefs has become a frontline in its own right - why?
I believe that cognitive dissonance explains a lot
...It is hard for us to admit we were wrong because this causes dissonance in our minds "I am a good person vs. I caused harm / I was wrong"
It is cognitively easier to change facts than to resolve the cognitive dissonance
Big win thanks to amplification on Twitter & great journalism by @stephrrichards. @edu_sagov have corrected error in press release & announced that they will purchase 4000 filters
"Science has defanged Covid, time to get on with our lives"
This, by usually reasonable Devi Sridhar, is a huge worry because it is almost entirely disconnected from the current reality that the pandemic is far from over and buys into a HUGE fallacy
Fallacy is this - we should relax about #COVID19 b/c then we "treat...this virus like we do other infectious disease threats"
Reality is that if we treated covid like we do other threats and STOPPED NORMALISING CATASTROPHE we would do MORE, not less
We should do more to control #COVID19 for three main reasons, all major concerns in most countries: 1. Death 2. Health, happiness & productivity 3. Inclusion
The most dangerous idea in Australia right now is that, somehow, our #COVID19 experience could have / should have been much better
Objectively we have done better than almost anywhere w low deaths AND good economy yet we are about to throw it all away because it's really hard 🧵
It's done without any coherent strategic thought about where we're headed
New style is just to pick and choose bits we like from Western countries at certain times w/out seeing how their strategy fits together or how it unfolds. Eg Denmark looked awesome 3m ago let's be them!
And, side note, to completely ignore non Western countries and esp. Asian countries who have consistently and repeatedly outperformed Western countries
Honoured to appear at the Senate Select Committee on #COVID19 alongside Prof Raina MacIntyre on behalf of @RealOzSAGE - specifically discussing COVID and kids