Control is the very purpose of Intelligence Agencies and all the Intelligence Agencies join into International Operations for the One World Government aka the Empire.
The Intel (Intelligence) has always been run by the Vatican and Jesuits have definitively taken over the Vatican. Jesuits know how to educate Gentiles (in charge of the "Education", Lyon in France has always been a Central Jesuit Educative Hub and goes on with the WHO Academy)
The information was collected on papers so far (archives and the well-known "files"). Now they use the power of quantum computers, facilitating International Op. They strike coins for each new Op, hiding the Agency and a way to unite & federate their teams in a new dark project..
Bill Gates, Elon Musk, M. Zuckerberg ... are front men within the Tech and the Social Media. The CIA has been elected as Central/Universal Agency (centralization of Powers), it is also nicknamed "Catholics in Action" (Military crypto Jews in the Company of Jesus = The Jesuits).
In the 4th State, the Media, the most powerful Spies/Agents are given the title of "Mogul" : R. Maxwell has worked for the M16 from 1945 /Mossad from 1949 (Uk<=>Israel). They're all Jewish/Ashenazim being Khazars (or have become Zionist by allegiance to the Movement). 👇The NET
Guess then who is the Big Spider waiting behind... in the Dark.
Robert Maxwell was born Jan Hoch, an Ashkenaze from Ukraine. They changed names to hide : that is Art (Artcraft). Guess who are Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein, Fauci's wife...
And you easily understand the connection with the "Entertainment", porosity of information with the "International Operation" (the word"Nation"will disappear).
👇"Special Collection": That medal awards the Military "Special Op. Group" (SOG) in the SAC (previously named OSS)
[The SAC started in 1945 and replaced the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services. It is inside the Military Action of the CIA. The members of the SA are hired by the Navy Seals or Delta Force.]
The Information = the DATA are gathered in the centre/the core of the Web...
Yuval Noah Harari (an israelite Historian who wrote the Script for the WEF) told a few days ago that "The Masters of the Planet will be those who own the DATA and Humans are the final DATA with a Number, erasing their Humanity ...
since "their bodies, brains and minds will be engineered/Designed" from now.
When you are trapped in the center of the WEB, there is no longer any escape, you belong to the Monstruous Spider Organization.
=> Don't follow the Pied Pipers who lead you to the Abyss, delievering you to the "Spider" and be eaten 😈
=> Don't let them incube U in a mental Box (the different Clouds) for ever😈. Think of the Black Cube, your tomb...
The Christian Cross is an unfolded Cube where "the Body of Christ" was pinned : the first death ended the old Testament.
They are ready to close the cube (second death) if you don't understand the purpose of the New Testament and escape them 😈
=> Don't let them strip off your organic form (life) to become a Sci-Fi inorganic Designed body, brain and mind (death) 😈
🚨The COV ID hoax doesn't work ... He underestimated the IQ of humans, always thinking that they were the only ones with a brain and able to deal with complex problems. And Humans have something that Yuval, and all the "Adversary"will never have, Humans have Heart...
Their vanity and arrogance are part of their downfall : they could never consider the possibility of being dominated!
The time had not yet come for Humans who had to wait for the critical moment to manifest, letting the arrogant and proud global "Adversary" play their cards ...
one after the other... until they were short of them, letting the "Adversary" think they had won.
Humans, clean spirits, have never believed in that hoax and were really surprised by the reaction of "people" around them, thinking they were joking but they were not...
En mars 2016 , le Président de la Commission européenne Jean-Claude Juncker déclare que l'Ukraine ne sera pas membre de l'Union européenne, ni de l'OTAN, avant 20-25 ans MAIS...
Mais après la fausse offensive lancée par la Russie, KIEV a effectué une demande officielle d'adhésion en février 2022, demande suivie par la Moldavie et la Géorgie, d'où les "courbettes", des Juifs de Cour, d'E. Macron à la Moldavie que nous avons vues récemment 😈
Rappelons que les Rothschild ont commencé comme Juifs de Cour, c'est comme cela qu'ils ont pu s'infiltrer dans les Royautés européennes. (Pour info les Juifs de Cour aujourd'hui sont appelés Présidents (dans le sens "Chairman") dans les Corporations des Nations Etats...
Si l'OMS(WHO) était élue à Génève dans les locaux de l'ONU, car il y a un vote (= réponse coordonnée, unie et solidaire de tous les Etats membres), elle se placerait au-dessus de toutes les Constitutions (qui voleraient en éclats, de même...
que la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme. L'OMS imposerait son diktat au nom de la Sécurité Intérieure de toute la Terre (= universelle/catholique), en commençant par une vaccination obligatoire et un puçage de tous les Prisonniers ( = the People)...
"It is for your Safety" disait l'Allemagne Nazie dont le projet a été avorté, car c'est bien de cela dont il s'agit et pire, car c'est une Dictature Communiste, le slogan étant "Health for Peace and Peace for Health", à comprendre de différentes perspectives...
At certain levels, reactive oxygen species are not always harmful (Nox4), they can destroy bacteria and viruses and promote the elimination of unhealthy cells such as tumour cells. This is the subject of a team from the Goethe University in Frankfurt (Cont')
published in the American PNAS.
At VERY LOW CONCENTRATIONS, ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) are beneficial. They are naturally produced by the body to destroy bacteria by a small group of enzymes called Nox4 which continuously produces small amounts of hydrogen (H2O2) (Cont')
🚨Regardez le Booster du vaccin AstraZeneca du C19 !
Est ce là le lien qu'ils ont trouvé avec le "singe", vous faisant croire qu'il y a une maladie Africaine des forêts qui est arrivée en Europe et évidemment à la même période que les pics de la varicelle saisonnière? (Suite)
🚨La 33ème Assemblée Générale de la Santé (l'OMS) a déclaré l'éradication totale de la variole en 1980 ! Quelle claque pour l'OMS à l'époque et qui cherche aujourd'hui à prendre sa revanche. Mais le 333, puissant, écrasera définitivement le 33 !
Un SEUL cas avéré aux USA avec hospitalisation (mais qui peut vérifier si ce n'est pas simplement une varicelle contractée à l'âge adulte et dangereuse?) et LE PATIENT VA BIEN ...
Des cas au Congo (maladie n'affectant que les forêts d'Afrique centrale et de l'ouest, rare et qui peut vérifier?)
Savez-vous que les Autorités de Santé étaient furieuses de l'abandon de cette vaccination, montrant une méfiance des vaccins et une baisse de confiance ...