The character ZG & who ZG represents IRL, it took A lot of courage to go up against the beast—This fight was never anyones to win but God. God does things in A way that brings peace across the board for his people . Every attempt was was never considered “Failure”, it was GROWTH.
The Viper & Rattlesnake are the ones the people choose & in the very same breathe talk shit about not know who they’re really fighting for—I truly don’t care, they’ll be the ones replacing the evil bloodlines that have been ruling/enslaving the world & do
Good for the world ..
I was born In the gutter & put into A “cage” that
Never felt like A home since day 1 .✍️ Enslaved to the same corrupt system everyone else was enslaved too.
Because I come from where I do & what I have that’s needed within me, is the reason why everything
Was done “All For A Buck” as it has been …
All done to make sure the ones who has all the Keys within him was guided to exactly where everyone needed him to be.
This is why drugs/pain pills flood the streets & why evil did everything else that evil has in time, all the poisons