Some of the most stupid people in this world are the most 'educated'.
There are genuinely millions of people who enter university with common sense and an ability to think logically and critically, who leave 3-6 years later with all of these skills obliterated.
All that's left is an ability to repeat scripted lines of indoctrination.
Compound that with smugness, arrogance, elitism, and a certainty that said 'higher education' makes them smarter (and better) than everybody else, and you're left with a stupid, but 'educated' person.
I genuinely believe the general population supporting the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 was the biggest sociopolitical blunder of my lifetime.
Our societies will be paying the cost of those for decades. In various ways.
And they didn't save lives. That's just a cope.
It's possible that the relationship between the government and the people has changed permanently now. In many, many countries.
Now that the concept of a 'lockdown' has been accepted and normalised, expect to see this again.
A line was crossed that never should have been.
On the surface, it may seem like things are 'back to normal' in most places.
But something has fundamentally changed. People aren't the same anymore and can't look at each other the same anymore. A LOT of damage was done. Much of it still invisible.
It's fun how men who 'identify as' women outrank actual women in the Woke Victimhood Hierarchy.
You can be a straight white man ('apex oppressor class') and switch into a 'protected class' just by saying magic words and putting 'She/Her' next to your name.
It's like a RPG. 🤣
If anyone takes issue, you just call them a 'TERF' or 'transphobe' and you automatically win, due to your newly acquired position in the Oppression Olympics.
I've been on Twitter since 2009. I never used to post about social issues nor politics.
I was pushed into the arena after a Student Union President at a UK university said, "People like Zuby are dangerous and should not be allowed on university campuses".
He awakened a monster.
That was in 2018... something snapped inside me and I realised with certainty that all this stuff was going way too far. Bad ideas were running unopposed and too many were silent and/or scared.
And here we are now. I didn't plan this... I just wanted to make music. 🤣
The weird thing about it is I never knew my voice was needed in this way.
I've thought the way I do for a long time, but I thought it was common sense. Not something rare nor interesting.
I still don't think much of what I should be super controversial. Stuff just got dumber.
'Wokeness' is only powerful BECAUSE most people are compassionate.
The ideology intentionally hijacks and weaponises human compassion. Both of its advocates and its targets.
And that is what's so repulsive about it.
It's manipulative. Not just incoherent and silly.
Most of us actually DON'T want to hurt other people - physically nor emotionally.
Woko Haram activists cleverly frame everything in 'safety' and 'kindness' language, so people drop their barriers and resistance to the complete idiocy they're promoting.
Next thing you know... you are calling men 'she' and women 'he'.
Because they convinced you it is the 'kind' and 'compassionate' thing to do. And that doing otherwise is 'unsafe' or 'will literally kill people!'
When you meet a new person, the first thing you should ask is their preferred pronouns, followed by their vaccination status and whether they consent to physical and/or eye contact.