WOMEN are being removed from our Maternity Protection Act 1994 via the Work Life Balance Bill, with the "replacement of “woman” with “person". @SenatorKeogan spoke in the Seanad about the removal of Women and female. #WeWillBeHeard#SexNotGender
The law exists in a state of flux, as do the prevailing social opinions of the people it governs. These two aspects of our shared existence act upon each other — sometimes, changes in the law affect people’s opinions — more often, legislators and government wait to see which way
the wind is blowing before making a decision.
Where this balance fails is when government and legislators are beholden, not to the prevailing, widely held opinions of the public, but to the carefully curated and concentrated views of a vocal minority who have been given powerful
platforms as lobbyists. And yet this seems to have happened yet again in this country, in perhaps the most cynical manner yet.
To all the women and mothers of Ireland — did you know that the government is about to erase all mention of you from our legislation on maternity leave?
The proposition may sound ridiculous — indeed it is — but that’s the plan under the new deceptively named “Work Life Balance Bill”; after all, who could be against work life balance?
But hidden among the miscellaneous provision of the Bill are various amendments to the Maternity
Protection Act 1994 regarding both breastfeeding and maternity leave — amendments which remove all mention of the word “woman”, and which assert that men can breastfeed too.
We are told regularly that words matter, yet when women tell us that the words ‘mother’, ‘female’, and ‘woman’ matter to them they are dismissed as ‘unkind’ or ‘exclusionary’. The reality is that ‘maternity’ is undertaken by women and not by men.
To replace the word ‘mother’ or ‘woman’ with the word “person” is a retrograde step and strips women of a core part of their identity.
Women have wombs where our children are conceived and nourished during pregnancy. Women have breasts with which we feed our children.
These things need to be said, and they need to be said without fear of causing offence.
Who is insisting we deny that there are two sexes, and why? Sex is a protected characteristic in our Equal Status Act because women experience discrimination based on their biology.
Can’t we find a way to be inclusive without erasing women’s biology and women’s experiences from our legislation?
This country has spent years coming to terms with its treatment of women who became mothers outside of marriage — it is a journey we’re still making,
and I’m sure there are more apologies to the women of Ireland to come.
Are we, at the same time as those apologies, going to launch yet another attack on women in the very piece of legislation that was intended to protect them?
Perhaps it was thought that these changes wouldn’t be noticed, or that we wouldn’t care. Both of these assumptions are wrong, and if the government feels that it can quietly remove us from legislation, rest assured that the women of Ireland will not go gentle into that good night
Thank you once again Senator Keogan for standing up for children. Children are being indoctrinated in plain sight in this country. In their classrooms by their teachers who are unintentionally using harmful unvetted materials that breach Department guidelines on same. The speech.
"This Summer the Minister for Children launched a consultation seeking the public's view on a review of the equality acts-the deadline for submissions is 5pm tomorrow. Everyone should make their voice heard. There is significant concern among parents as to the presence of harmful
ideological beliefs being taught in schools, having been introduced by political lobby groups. The INTO LGBT teachers group has resources that introduce trans ideology to junior infants, children as young as four years old. The training video shows a teacher telling a class.....
The public consultation on our Equal Status Acts is closing in three days.
We want to note that neither the press release by @rodericogorman nor the @dcediy webpage mentions that the proposal includes an amendment to the ESA to include gender identity under the gender ground.1
How are the general public equipped to make a meaningful submission without this very important information on the proposed amendments?
In the Programme for Government it states that
Gender Identity should be included in our ESA,2
on pg 77 of a 128 pg document, that is not linked in the press release or the @dcediy webpage on the consultation.
A tweet by the Minister on the matter talked about gender identity yet the press release and webpage do not.3
This was an epoch-making, trailblazing speech. We were witnessing a moment in history. The moment our country starts to pull back from the brink of next level Self ID. #WeWillBeHeard
A dystopian nightmare whereby any man, at any time, can ID into any female only space and he will be protected by our equality laws should this amendment go through.
In this speech, @SenatorKeogan exposed the government in its blatant disregard for women and children. No risk assessment. No Impact assessment. A minister for children who does not grasp that the premise of safeguarding IS worst case scenario.
Listen to @SenatorKeogan in Seanad Éireann speaking about the proposed changes to our Equal Status Acts to include Gender Identity as a ground.
Time Stamp: 40 minutes.1/10
@SenatorKeogan highlighted significant concerns that many Irish people have about the proposed reforms to the Equality Acts.
"The issue, which needs to be carefully considered in any amendment to the law is that gender and sex are not the same and a lack of clarity as to 2/10
the definition of those terms has led to a position whereby obtaining a GRC to change your gender here in Ireland, results in someone even a man who has not had any surgery or hormones, does not intend to, being able to access all female only spaces as if they were a woman."3/10
Teachers ! 📣📣📣Please be aware that BeLong To are potentially leaving you open to liability with their advice to allow adolescent boys to use the female toilet, changing room & even dorm should they identify as the opposite sex, because this breaches safeguarding rules.
In addition, their advice to preclude parents from all knowledge, consent or consultation regarding their child’s social transition at school breaches the rights of those parents under the 1998 Education Act & as enshrined in An Bunreacht. Please feel empowered to address these
& any other concerns you may have at a local level with your school regarding the recent pledge packs or indeed the indoctrination of junior infants upwards into highly-contested, controversial and harmful gender identity ideology. You are not being old-fashioned, conservative
We have commissioned the the first-ever independent survey into attitudes to gender which has revealed widespread support among the Irish public for single-sex services and sports.1
RedC questioned a representative sample of 1,001 adults on a range of gender-related issues.
It comes amid calls for a public debate over gender and sex based rights in the light of controversial decisions such as plans to roll out mixed-sex toilets in Irish secondary schools.2
MORE than three-quarters of respondents (77%) agreed that people should have the right to request that intimate medical examinations are carried out by a person of the same birth sex.
62% said public buildings such as schools and banks should have to provide single-sex toilets.3