Imagine a team where everyone is focused on a single task in complete alignment!
You could get 2x output - or more!
What if I told you you could do that as a #solopreneur?
I've figured out ways to implement similar approaches while running
Here's how:
1. Work in sprints, days and blocks.
I split my month into 2 sprints of 2 weeks & plan all the stuff I need to get done.
I split my weeks into 2 meeting days, 1 thinking day & 2 doing days.
Each day is split into 3 blocks of 2 hours each so that I can bunch tasks together.
2. Productive procrastination.
If I get bored/frustrated with one task, I switch to another task - of the same brand. Context switching load is reduced and I'm still making progress.
Of course it's not always possible.
In that case, I switch to no-brainer tasks like admin.